Tagged with version_2.7 - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/version_2.7/p1/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 17:41:15 -0400 Tagged with version_2.7 - Visokio Forums en-CA Date/Time: Crossing time zones in version 2.7? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1614/datetime-crossing-time-zones-in-version-2.7s Wed, 20 Jun 2012 01:38:51 -0400 rajeshbalu29 1614@/discussions There is a issue in a bar chart axis as attached 2 snapshots one from a licensed version which displays the months properly but if I send the same IOK file to the user who is having a free Viewer access with build 296, the month in axis starts with one month before. Please find the below attached snapshot and let me know icase of any updates on the same.

Regards, Rajesh B]]>
Mapping: Coordinate conversion-Lat/Long to British National Grid (2.7+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1102/mapping-coordinate-conversion-latlong-to-british-national-grid-2.7- Fri, 18 Nov 2011 10:20:16 -0500 chris 1102@/discussions
In tonights 2.7 release you will see we have added two new functions:


These allow you to convert a coordinate from GPS lat/long to British national grid. The provide the opposite behaviour to the existing functions:

Connector: Outlook PST files (2.7+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/886/connector-outlook-pst-files-2.7- Tue, 26 Jul 2011 03:35:17 -0400 steve 886@/discussions Web view: 32 & 64 bit Windows and Mac (2.7+) plus Zoom (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1173/web-view-32-64-bit-windows-and-mac-2.7-plus-zoom-2.8- Mon, 19 Dec 2011 05:56:19 -0500 antonio 1173@/discussions
Through the Tools menu, 4 features have been added:
  • Disable scrollbars : If enabled, the Web view will try to disable the embedded browser scrollbars when the web page has been completely loaded. The feature is not enabled by default.
  • Show statusbar : If enabled, the Web view will show the browser status bar. Not enabled by default.
  • Follow Highlight/Selection : If disabled, when the Web view is in Link or Web Service mode, it will not navigate to a different link/webservice ignoring the current highlight/selection. Enabled by default.
  • Provide 'omniscope' global object to scripts : If enabled, the WebView will pass the 'omniscope' global object to the scripts after the webpage has been loaded. Not enabled by default.
    Further information

We will use this discussion to post updates on the status and features of the WebView.

If you have feedback, please start a new discussion.
DataManager: "Data file" output (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1464/datamanager-data-file-output-2.8- Thu, 12 Apr 2012 11:56:32 -0400 chris 1464@/discussions Integration: Launching Omniscope from other applications (2.7+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1376/integration-launching-omniscope-from-other-applications-2.7- Fri, 09 Mar 2012 08:41:43 -0500 steve 1376@/discussions
6 new options have been added:
  • dmParamName - the name of a parameter to customise
  • dmParamValue - the value for that parameter
  • dmParam2Name - another parameter
  • dmParam2Value
  • dmParam3Name - another parameter
  • dmParam3Value

When opening a file via the command line, by supplying the path to the IOK file, the above options are used to customise DataManager parameters. If the file is configured to "Refresh from source: On open", the data in the file will open up reflecting those parameters. You can use this in combination with database blocks, for example, to customise server-side queries according to user choices in the originating 3rd-party desktop application.

For example, the attached file has two DataManager parameters, "Ticker" and "Limit". Both are used in Record Filter blocks to filter the data in different ways.

Download the attached file to your desktop, and execute the following command in a command window:

"C:\PATH\TO\INSTALLATION\Omniscope.exe" "C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\Desktop\Dm params test.iok" -dmParamName=Ticker -dmParamValue=abbey -dmParam2Name=Limit -dmParam2Value=5

This launches Omniscope and opens the file, with the first 5 Abbey records from the Bond Prices demo dataset loaded into the Omniscope interface.

The path to installation is typically one of:
- C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\Local\Visokio Omniscope app
- C:\Program Files\Visokio Omniscope
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Visokio Omniscope
Installation: Where can I find build of Omniscope 2.7 b425? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1809/installation-where-can-i-find-build-of-omniscope-2.7-b425s Thu, 04 Oct 2012 06:49:26 -0400 sved 1809@/discussions Connector: Facilitate Digital (2.7+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1289/connector-facilitate-digital-2.7- Thu, 09 Feb 2012 12:47:27 -0500 chris 1289@/discussions
For more information on Facilitate Digital please visit

The Connector is available in the latest release of Omniscope 2.7. At the moment we have classified it as an experimental features. To see the connector you will need to select "Settings>Advanced>Show experimental features".

The Connector is available in the Feeds section in DataManager, and by selecting "File>Open feed>Facilitate Digital".

At the moment the connector is fairly basic, and allows you to choose an Agency, Advertiser, Campaign, report template, title and date range. Please let us know if you have any additional requirements. For new requirements we may be able to implement them using the existing API, or we may need to speak to Facilitate about implementing the functionality with their API.

Also, please let us know if you encounter any problems using the connector or have any questions.

Content View: Custom scripting (2.7+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1072/content-view-custom-scripting-2.7- Fri, 28 Oct 2011 12:43:12 -0400 steve 1072@/discussions
For example, this allows you to repeat a section of your document for different subsets of the data.

Scroll down for an example IOK file.

Requires 2.7 b96 or later. You must use "View Source" mode (the "<>" button in the Content View toolbar).

Existing syntax for dynamic content - {{ }}

The existing dynamic content syntax is as follows. You might not use this, but if you have inserted dynamic content using the "f" button in the Content View, this is what happens in "view source" mode:

<p><b>Total:</b> {{ SUBSET_SUM("Coupon") }}</p>

This example inserts the dynamic result of the sum of the "Coupon" field according to whatever data results after applying your filters.

New syntax for scripting - <# #> and <#= #>

  if (x==5) {
    y = 3;
  } else {
    y = 2;
  out.println("Write some text into the document, programmatically");
  var array = subset_uniquesList("Category");
  for (var i in array) {
    <b>Some text and HTML with <#=array[i]#> (inserted values)</b>

This example demonstrates some JavaScript then uses a loop over unique values (after applying filters) in a field to repeat a section containing both static content and inserted script expressions.

See the attached file for a larger example including comments.

Functions available in script blocks

formula("IF(RAND<0.5, true, false)")
Dynamically evaluates an arbitrary formula using normal Excel-like formula syntax (not script)

recordCount() or recordCount(subset)
See http://www.visokio.com/kb/functions-guide#RECORDCOUNT

subset("Field name", "Field value") or subset("Field name", "Field value", "Operator")
See http://www.visokio.com/kb/functions-guide#SUBSET

subset_sum("Field name") or subset_sum("Field name", subset)
See http://www.visokio.com/kb/functions-guide#SUBSET_SUM
Note that all SUBSET_? functions are supported in JavaScript. The SUBSET_UNIQUESLIST function is slightly different in that subset_uniquesList() returns a JavaScript array rather than a single String containing a comma-separated list.

textvalue(value) or textvalue(value, pattern)
See http://www.visokio.com/kb/functions-guide#TEXTVALUE

More to come.

Example IOK file

Open the attached file in 2.7 b96 or later. This shows a table whose rows come and go as you filter. Try filtering by the Category field. Also try dragging the date sliders to see the numbers update and the rows disappear.

Expand the toolbars (or choose Toolbars > View toolbars), then click the "<>" icon to view source. The source is well-commented and shows different ways of working with scripting.
Batch Output: Could we put timestamp? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1310/batch-output-could-we-put-timestamps Wed, 15 Feb 2012 23:53:55 -0500 naruemon 1310@/discussions Version 2.7: now the Stable Release http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1311/version-2.7-now-the-stable-release Thu, 16 Feb 2012 04:20:18 -0500 steve 1311@/discussions

Please continue to report any errors from within Omniscope, and any feedback on these forums.]]>
Bar/Line view: status (2.7+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1077/barline-view-status-2.7- Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:57:31 -0400 steve 1077@/discussions
Please don't post comments here if you have feedback; start a new discussion instead.

Follow this by clicking the star at the top-right.]]>
Batch Publishing: Adding Password protection? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1175/batch-publishing-adding-password-protections Tue, 20 Dec 2011 04:58:22 -0500 Kiddo29 1175@/discussions
I'm creating multiple IOK's from a batch file which I need password protected and domain locked.
For some reason, even when I specify the IOK templates password in the batch file I get the message:
"The password is not available".

Could you let me know where I'm going wrong?

Am i missing a column out in the batch file or is it just the password column needed? I checked that i had the correct password so that's not the problem. Also if I domain lock the template IOK's will that then filter down into the batch output iok's?

Date/Time: Weekly buckets not Spanish locale? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1158/datetime-weekly-buckets-not-spanish-locales Mon, 12 Dec 2011 05:19:48 -0500 jraich 1158@/discussions
Thanks in advance, Jordi.]]>
Web Start: Another data viewer problem? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1152/web-start-another-data-viewer-problems Wed, 07 Dec 2011 12:25:24 -0500 Kiddo29 1152@/discussions
I've got a dashboard hosted on our server and it's linked to by a jnlp file. Now for the majority of people accessing the dashboard there isn't a problem but a view are getting the attached "file is corrupted" error message. The dashboard is password protected and domain locked so would this have anything to do with it?

I've recently saved the dashboard through the 2.7 version of Omniscope so could this be an issue?
Unfortunately the error message is very vague...
Menus: formula and aggregation/grouping interaction (2.7+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1088/menus-formula-and-aggregationgrouping-interaction-2.7- Wed, 09 Nov 2011 06:12:14 -0500 steve 1088@/discussions
These ideas would not affect pre-configured IOK files; they would only change default settings, and hide inactive unusual choices.

  1. In the function picker, only show functions which have the same resulting data type (in the same "logical value domain") as the field they are applied to.

    Visible choices (depending on field data type):
    • Sum
    • Mean
    • Median
    • Mode
    • Minimum
    • Maximum
    • Singleton value
    • First value
    • Last value
    • (Formula result)

    Power-user hidden choices:
    • Record count
    • Empty count
    • Non-empty count
    • Unique value count
    • Unique values list
    • Range
    • Standard deviation

    You would still be able to get at the power-user hidden choices easily but would not see these by default.

    This is necessary for (3), to avoid aggregation/grouping from changing the data structure and preventing formulas from working. Formulas are defined to operate over underlying raw data, and if your aggregation changes a text field into a numeric through the use of "Empty count", the formula will most likely fail.

    This change would occur in grouping and aggregation, but perhaps also elsewhere for consistency and to remove choices which are confusing - e.g. a value labelled "Sales volume" but showing "Range" is incorrect.

  2. In the Table view, we provide a "Formula result" option for each field alongside sum/mean/etc., just like with aggregation, instead of the "calculate formulas over grouped results" precedence setting.

  3. In aggregation and grouping, we make "(Formula result)" the default for any formula field. This would include the Table view grouping, in-view aggregation, and the Aggregation operation in the Data menu and in DataManager.

    Note: While the bar view aggregates automatically, we couldn't allow choosing "Formula result", since Omniscope couldn't tell whether to sum/mean/whatever in any fields referenced by formulas. Instead, you would use the new "Formula" measure in 2.7, which allows you to write your own field-independent formula where you are required to use SUBSET_SUM/MEAN as appropriate.

This would mean that, if you have formulas configured in the underlying data, and you are rolling up a view to show the total sales per region, your formulas would re-execute by default.

However, due to the power and complexity of formulas, we would like to get feedback from our power users as to whether this would be a net-positive change. Would it reduce the incidence of incorrect configuration, for common models? ]]>
Publishing to Excel template (2.7+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1096/publishing-to-excel-template-2.7- Wed, 16 Nov 2011 12:38:33 -0500 chris 1096@/discussions
You can choose from:

- Replace worksheet. This will delete the worksheet and replace it with a new worksheet every time you publish the data.

- Replace data, keep formatting. This will not delete the worksheet, but will instead delete all of the data inside the worksheet and replace it with the data you're publishing.

- Overwrite data, keep formatting. This will not delete the worksheet or the data, but will instead overwrite the data with the data your publishing. Any data outside of the published data range will be retained.

We have also added the ability to specify whether you want to write the headers and the position of the data (the top-left column/row).

The Replace data/overwrite data options allow you to create an Excel "template" file that contains the formatting (colours, fonts etc.) for the data you want to publish. When you publish to this worksheet the formatting will be retained after your data has been inserted.]]>
Scripting with JavaScript http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/889/scripting-with-javascript Tue, 26 Jul 2011 04:00:08 -0400 steve 889@/discussions
- from JavaScript in a formula, the ability to access arbitrary cells and metadata in the data, and the ability to execute nested formulas

- in DataManager, a JavaScript operation block, which provides access to the input datasets and their cells & metadata, and create an arbitrary output dataset. ]]>
Layout: Floating scrollbars (2.7) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1066/layout-floating-scrollbars-2.7 Mon, 24 Oct 2011 05:36:16 -0400 steve 1066@/discussions
They no longer take up any space on-screen and instead "float" where needed. This removes visual clutter from the display, since they only appear when you move your mouse over the relevant area.

You can go back to "classic scrollbars" via Settings > Advanced > Miscellaneous]]>
DataManager: Translating text (2.7) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1056/datamanager-translating-text-2.7 Mon, 17 Oct 2011 13:27:16 -0400 chris 1056@/discussions
As you may or may not be aware we have recently removed the Google Translate operation (although it will appear if you are already using it in a DataManager workflow). This is because from the 1st December Google translate will cease to be a free service, and Google will begin charging for it.

From tomorrow's 2.7 release we have added a new operation: "Translate text". This should be used in place of the old Google translate operation wherever possible. The translate text operation now uses the Microsoft BING translation service. This is free to use (at the moment). We have also created this operation so that we can add additional translation services in the future, for example we may add the Google translate paid service as an additional option.

The Microsoft BING translation service appears to work well, however we haven't had the opportunity to test it with large amounts of data or spend much time verifying the translation results. One useful piece of functionality that we have included is the ability to auto-detect the source language, meaning you can simply point the translate text operation at a text field without having to specify the language of the data. This would be particularly useful when you have data made up of several languages (for example the results of a twitter search).

Please let us know if you encounter any problems using the translate text operation. Also let us know if you know of any other translation services (free or paid) that we could include.

Omniscope 2.7 Alpha now available for private testing http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/914/omniscope-2.7-alpha-now-available-for-private-testing Mon, 08 Aug 2011 08:25:53 -0400 steve 914@/discussions
This allows us to stabilise 2.6 in a short and guaranteed time-frame, without affecting the availability to alpha partners of new feature development now in 2.7.

2.6 has already become "Beta" and will transition to "Release Candidate" and then "Stable" by end September. It now has only non-experimental functionality included. To continue using experimental and in-development features, you must upgrade to 2.7 Alpha.

The alpha partner download page for 2.7 is at http://www.visokio.com/gala

Please be aware that all experimental and in-development features in 2.7 Alpha are subject to change and may not work correctly. Files created with these features may not retain their configuration in future versions.]]>