Tagged with url_redirection - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/url_redirection/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 15:01:02 -0400 Tagged with url_redirection - Visokio Forums en-CA Web Server: HTTPS and URL Redirection http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2422/web-server-https-and-url-redirection Fri, 06 Dec 2013 10:42:51 -0500 antonio 2422@/discussions
These two different redirection rules are applied in the following order:
  1. URL Redirection: redirects incoming client requests to a different host/context
    This technique allows you to make a web address/context available under more than one URL address.
    It can be used for URL shortening, to prevent broken links, to allow multiple domain names to refer to a single Omniscope Mobile. (more info here)

    Host redirection
    For instance, the following configuration allows to redirect the client, that was navigating to "alpha.omniscope.me", to the different "https://omniscope.me" host.
    e.g. it redirects from "http://alpha.omniscope.me/folder/file.iok" to "https://omniscope.me/folder/file.iok"

    Context redirection
    Another example is to redirect requests to a particular context (e.g. link to a particular IOK file)
    Say that your server is serving at "http://server.domain" and you want to redirect "http://server.domain/dashboard" to the full link "http://server.domain/MyDefinitelyBeautifulDashboard.iok". The following configuration allow you to do so.
    e.g. it redirects from "http://server.domain/dashboard" to "http://server.domain/MyDefinitelyBeautifulDashboard.iok"

    Host and context redirection
    This example combines host and context redirection.
    Say that you server is serving at "http://alpha.omniscope.me" and you want to redirect the "/demo" context to a different host "https://demoserver/" and different context "/MyBeautifulDashboard.iok". Then use the following configuration
    It will redirect from "http://alpha.omniscope.me/demo" to "https://demoserver/MyBeautifulDashboard.iok".

    To redirect all incoming requests to a particular context regardless your server host/virtualhost name, then leave the VirtualHosts field empty.

    N.B. by specifying the Redirect from field you define which context has to be redirected.
    If you leave it blank then the URL redirection will be applied on all the incoming requests. In this case it is better if you perform redirection to a different host by specifying a full URL in the Redirect to field (e.g. "https://differentHost/pathTo/file.iok")
    Be aware that misconfiguration may create redirect loop error.

  2. Redirect HTTP to HTTPS: redirects all incoming HTTP requests to HTTPS.
    If the HTTPS protocol is enabled, this option will configure your server to serve the content only through the HTTPS secured channel.