Tagged with parameters - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/parameters/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 14:30:45 -0400 Tagged with parameters - Visokio Forums en-CA Idea: Parameter passing -Dynamic queries for user drilldowns? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2813/idea-parameter-passing-dynamic-queries-for-user-drilldownss Thu, 15 Jan 2015 09:41:22 -0500 acohen 2813@/discussions
However a user needs the functionality to be able to see further detail in some instances. If the user could trigger a parametrised SQL query to reload/refresh the data with one or more parameters set, it would enable an additional, more granular and personalised view of that data that would be ideal.

For instance, the user is looking at monthly data of some sort. Daily data would be unmanageable and unnecessary as the dataset would contain tens of millions of rows. The idea is the user can click on a particular record/set a parameter, say the month and then behind the scenes a dynamic query is done to bring up the daily data which can be viewed in a seperate view/file.]]>
Import: Parametric SQL 'WHERE' clause with Excel? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2693/import-parametric-sql-where-clause-with-excels Tue, 19 Aug 2014 06:47:37 -0400 DominicChan 2693@/discussions I would like to read an Excel file, say containing a field with 300 IDs, and use these 300 IDs as the SQL's 'Where' clause in conjunction with {{Parameter}} (or other ways?)
Is this possible?
Idea: Personalised User Data based on Field Filters http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2983/idea-personalised-user-data-based-on-field-filters Mon, 10 Aug 2015 08:30:22 -0400 OliverB 2983@/discussions
One of our clients is looking at the possibility of opening up access to Omniscope Mobile reports to a wider group of users. Their business is split into a number of different Business Areas, and every report has the ability to filter to just show data for a specified Business Area.

The current users are all authorised to view data for the entire business. However, the users that they want to open the reports up to will only be authorised to see the data for the business area that they belong to. All access is currently via the Liferay Omniscope portlet. Has anyone done anything similar before, and what would be the best way to go about implementing this?]]>
Import: SQL view as a parameter in DataManager? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2823/import-sql-view-as-a-parameter-in-datamanagers Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:04:24 -0500 carlosmartinmari 2823@/discussions
I'm trying to introduce a parameter, say "Sqlview" that is being used in the DataManager database source block to call a custom SQL view as follows:

select * from p = {{Sqlview}}

The problem we have is that when you give the variable type to the parameter and set it as text, in DM the variable is automatically written as:

select * from "my_table_name"

which returns an error because it should look like that:

select * from `my_table_name`

Introducing the correct symbols doesn't help (parameter enter as "`my_table_name`").

Is there any way to do that?

Thank you in advance,
Parameters: On-demand parametric data set delivery http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2783/parameters-on-demand-parametric-data-set-delivery Fri, 12 Dec 2014 06:55:27 -0500 Veaceslav 2783@/discussions Generate custom dashboards on demand


You have an Omniscope server (2.9 or higher) installed and publicly available at your-omniscope.your-domain.com

In addition, you have another web server (Apache, Jetty, etc) providing services or any useful information to your customers/users. For the purpose of this post I'll consider that you have an apache web server at your-apache.your-domain.com, even though you can achieve this with most web servers.

On a particular page on your Apache web server you have a list of links that you want to open different dashboards based on some particular parameter (e.g. user id)
A link might look like this: http://your-apache.your-domain.com/users?userid=5

Clicking that link the user should see a dashboard page having data that concerns him/her, the dashboard would be generated on the fly.

You have a dashboard/IOK file configured to load data from a particular SQL database.

You want to load data that matches a parameter for a particular user. E.g.
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[bigtable] WHERE [somefield]={{Userid}}


IOK File

1. Open the IOK file, DataManager tab and add a parameter. E.g. Name: Userid, Type: Fixed value, Data type: Integer, Value: 3

2. Open database source block and add your custom SQL query. E.g.
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[bigtable] WHERE [Liq Cat]={{Userid}}

3. Save your file


Your apache web server

1. Implement a request handler to deal with your special GET requests http://your-apache.your-domain.com/users?userid=5 and read user id value. The server will not send a response unless all next steps finish executing (either successfully or not)

2. Generate an action file (e.g. Action.xml) that:
  • Sets data manager parameter value (for Userid parameter)
  • Refreshes from source, this sub-action will execute the SQL query again and load records matching the new user id
  • Save IOK file to a new unique location in mobile folder. E.g. mobile/custom-dashboards/12345.iok

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schedulerFileAction source="/location-of-your-iok-file/file.iok" logTimings="false">
<schedulerFileActionSetDataManagerParameterValue parameterName="Userid">
<manualparambinding type="INTEGER" publishedPublicly="false">
<v type="java.lang.Long" value="5" />
<schedulerFileActionRefreshFromSource clearCacheBefore="true" clearCacheAfter="true" failOnError="false" />
<schedulerFileActionSaveIok location="/location-of-our-new-dashboard/12345.iok" />

3. Execute the new action
E.g. On windows (same parameters on Linux -executeAction /some-path/Action.xml)
OmniscopeEnterprise.exe -executeAction "some-path\Action.xml"

4. Once the scheduler action is executed successfully, your Apache web server will return a redirect response to the client

The client/browser will be redirected to your-omniscope.your-domain.com/custom-dashboards/12345.iok

You may want to set up a proper back-end configuration, hardware load balancer + software load balancer, caching requests, etc. Also, you may want to make sure your paths are randomly generated, to prevent other users from viewing other dashboards.
Integration: Central list of Parameters in a file? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2763/integration-central-list-of-parameters-in-a-files Thu, 20 Nov 2014 10:43:17 -0500 bfromson1 2763@/discussions
Specific application is to have a list of server names in one place, then individual reports can use this list to open database connections. If server is ever changed then only one change in one file would be required.]]>
Sources: FTP with changing file names? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2483/sources-ftp-with-changing-file-namess Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:01:21 -0500 ChristianGroupM 2483@/discussions
I would like to use the FTP Data Source block to import my reports to Omniscope, but what to do when the target data file name is post-pended every day with a changing date?

For example:

How can I parameterise the source connection block so that I import only the newest version of the report into Omniscope automatically?

Best Regards, Christian]]>
Idea: Passing Parameters/Variables inside URLs? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2375/idea-passing-parametersvariables-inside-urlss Mon, 14 Oct 2013 06:40:54 -0400 bfromson1 2375@/discussions
At the moment we have implemented our first web report with a link to Microsoft SQL reporting services - we use the Omniscope report for top level view of a group of accounts then a linked field on the user account number to allow direct access to the SRSS report which shows all transactions on the account going back up to 10 years. Embedding report parameters in the URL effectively makes all data linkable within the scope of the designers imagination!]]>
Workflow: Passing values between tabs/files? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2674/workflow-passing-values-between-tabsfiless Thu, 07 Aug 2014 06:39:18 -0400 tagarw 2674@/discussions
Can two Omniscope tabs communicate with each other? For example in Tab 1 we are selecting some value and we want to retrieve that value in Tab 2. Can we do that? If yes... how?? Please confirm.

Formulae: parameter/variable accessible to end user? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2472/formulae-parametervariable-accessible-to-end-users Tue, 18 Feb 2014 14:32:59 -0500 earheart 2472@/discussions
So I need a way to use a parameter in the formula field or prompt a user to change a variable. Any ideas?]]>
Parameters: Passing values between files http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/529/parameters-passing-values-between-files Tue, 30 Nov 2010 11:17:07 -0500 aknotts 529@/discussions
I have an IOK file with aggregated data in it (due to file size/RAM limits). I have created a local link to another Omniscope IOK file which contains the details that I might need to see. Is there a way to configure the local link to pass a query to the other Omniscope file e.g. [Vendor Name] = 'Boots'

If this isn't possible on the link is there a way to do it?

Am interested to know the answer for both v2.5 and also v2.6 (as most of my customers are on 2.5 at the moment).

Many thanks

Sources: Dynamic Data Source names? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2034/sources-dynamic-data-source-namess Mon, 04 Mar 2013 02:32:11 -0500 jshedley 2034@/discussions
Thanks, Jamie]]>
Idea: Sources - Variable first row data location? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2041/idea-sources-variable-first-row-data-locations Thu, 07 Mar 2013 07:05:30 -0500 Master_Chief 2041@/discussions
Rather than edit the source block each time I add a new one, is there a way to search the file and locate where the data starts based on a cell marker (a cell value which remains constant throughout all of the files) and use this as the new data table.

Previously I have used Excel macros to loop through columns to locate where data starts, but the aim is to move all of the VBA code into an Omniscope trial to be completely automated. ]]>
Idea: Parameter to be used in formulas in DataManager? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2018/idea-parameter-to-be-used-in-formulas-in-datamanagers Fri, 15 Feb 2013 04:57:43 -0500 bfromson1 2018@/discussions
Example - I have defined a parameter in DataManager which is used in a record filter as part of the data loading process. In one of my tabs, I want to display the value of this parameter as part of the narrative in a Content View, so I need to add a formula which just takes this parameter value...]]>
Idea: Database authentication details as parameters? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1938/idea-database-authentication-details-as-parameterss Wed, 05 Dec 2012 07:14:33 -0500 bfromson1 1938@/discussions
Could this be extended to include the Username and Password for SQL Server authentication - so a single copy of Username and Password could be kept in one file and updated from there if a change is required?

Integration: Launching Omniscope from other applications (2.7+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1376/integration-launching-omniscope-from-other-applications-2.7- Fri, 09 Mar 2012 08:41:43 -0500 steve 1376@/discussions
6 new options have been added:
  • dmParamName - the name of a parameter to customise
  • dmParamValue - the value for that parameter
  • dmParam2Name - another parameter
  • dmParam2Value
  • dmParam3Name - another parameter
  • dmParam3Value

When opening a file via the command line, by supplying the path to the IOK file, the above options are used to customise DataManager parameters. If the file is configured to "Refresh from source: On open", the data in the file will open up reflecting those parameters. You can use this in combination with database blocks, for example, to customise server-side queries according to user choices in the originating 3rd-party desktop application.

For example, the attached file has two DataManager parameters, "Ticker" and "Limit". Both are used in Record Filter blocks to filter the data in different ways.

Download the attached file to your desktop, and execute the following command in a command window:

"C:\PATH\TO\INSTALLATION\Omniscope.exe" "C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\Desktop\Dm params test.iok" -dmParamName=Ticker -dmParamValue=abbey -dmParam2Name=Limit -dmParam2Value=5

This launches Omniscope and opens the file, with the first 5 Abbey records from the Bond Prices demo dataset loaded into the Omniscope interface.

The path to installation is typically one of:
- C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\Local\Visokio Omniscope app
- C:\Program Files\Visokio Omniscope
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Visokio Omniscope
Idea: Integration - Calculated parameter values? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1899/idea-integration-calculated-parameter-valuess Thu, 15 Nov 2012 05:51:04 -0500 bfromson1 1899@/discussions
1) To retrieve data from today and a previous date - have a single parameter that is "Current date" and a second parameter that is a function of the Current date parameter to get the historic date. This could be worked round in the SQL or other query, but is more effeicient to be able to have the query just select data from the two dates and the calculation done elsewhere

2) Embed the parameter in a filename to open a file - date or sequence number embedded in the filename or path. Just have the simple number as a parameter but be able to build it up into the full filepath and name for usage]]>
Automation: Passing calculated parameters? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1847/automation-passing-calculated-parameterss Fri, 19 Oct 2012 16:53:24 -0400 dnordhielm 1847@/discussions
As an example, suppose I have two tables, one where I have a list of people's names and genders. The name of the person that I'm interested in is stored in a parameter, but I'd like to be able to easily access that person's gender elsewhere in my workflow. Is there an easy way to do this? I included an example in the attachment with block notes describing my problem. Thanks!]]>
Filtering: Record Filters using (variable) dates? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1317/filtering-record-filters-using-variable-datess Thu, 16 Feb 2012 14:39:43 -0500 earheart 1317@/discussions Integration: ILF link files with parameter overrides (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1402/integration-ilf-link-files-with-parameter-overrides-2.8- Mon, 19 Mar 2012 12:51:04 -0400 steve 1402@/discussions

We have now extended this concept to ILF link files.

(An ILF file is like a shortcut, which doesn't contain any real data. Instead it instructs Omniscope to open a file from a URL written inside the ILF file. You would use ILF files typically if you want to force Omniscope to open an IOK file directly from the IOK file's URL, rather than allow a web browser upon click to download the IOK file to a temporary folder first. This would allow you to use domain locking, for example.)

Use the new Server Edition XML action "Create Link File" to create ILF files which customise DataManager parameters. As with command-line parameters from the above linked post, you can specify the name of DataManager parameters and the value to use, which overrides the current value in the file. Using this method, you can override an unlimited number of parameters.

For example, the attached two ILF files instruct Omniscope to open the IOK file attachment from the above linked post.
- The first overrides the parameters to show the first 5 "abbey" tickers.
- The second overrides the parameters to show the first 3 "hbos" tickers.]]>
Filtering: Import with parametric custom SQL queries? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1318/filtering-import-with-parametric-custom-sql-queriess Fri, 17 Feb 2012 00:21:06 -0500 farboud 1318@/discussions
However, I am not certain what is the best way to provide the parameter values that can change dynamically from, say, within the DataExplorer. Otherwise I will have to import millions of data rows which is not practical. What is the best way to handle this situation? Are parameters useful here? Can parameters be seen from the DataExplorer?

Thanks, Kaveh]]>
DataManager: New launch parameters (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1594/datamanager-new-launch-parameters-2.8- Tue, 12 Jun 2012 07:34:19 -0400 steve 1594@/discussions
  • File source: location path (2.8+)
  • URL source: URL address (2.8+)
  • Database block: database/instance/table names and host/port (2.8+); server-side filtering; within custom SQL
  • Access database: file path (2.8+)
  • Field organiser: default value, replace value
  • Record/field filters: match value
  • Input switch: input selection (accepts text, boolean, number)
  • Search/replace: search & replace values
  • List of values: the list itself

This means you can use a variety of mechanisms to dynamically update these form fields:
Parameters: Passing in external query parameters inside the link URL? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2744/parameters-passing-in-external-query-parameters-inside-the-link-urls Tue, 14 Oct 2014 09:53:52 -0400 TomRiggs 2744@/discussions