Tagged with merge - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/merge/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 15:56:28 -0400 Tagged with merge - Visokio Forums en-CA DataManager: Merging using 'OR' function http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/3000/datamanager-merging-using-or-function Fri, 04 Sep 2015 06:44:17 -0400 ALC 3000@/discussions
I am wanting to merge two files based on an ID. In the first file the ID's are all found with in the same column however in the second file the ID could be in one of 14 different columns. Is it possible to do all this in one merge block? The merge blocks enable you to add more than one criteria but this doesn't work as it is then trying to match the ID to two different columns. I could create 14 merge blocks, each with an equal and then append but this looks very messy
thanks, Anna]]>
Merge/Join: nulls on BOTH sides http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1631/mergejoin-nulls-on-both-sides Fri, 29 Jun 2012 09:12:45 -0400 davedunckley 1631@/discussions
Looks like when I merge two numbers in 2.7-rc b369 it turns the output to null. Any one else seeing this?

Sources: Adding a unique numbering ID column http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1337/sources-adding-a-unique-numbering-id-column Fri, 24 Feb 2012 10:30:00 -0500 dszl136154 1337@/discussions Cartesian product - Merge many-to-many http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1491/cartesian-product-merge-many-to-many Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:02:07 -0400 sara_llamasoft 1491@/discussions
I'm using 2.7-beta b323 and want to do a cartesian product/many-to-many merge but can't get it to work. As an example, I have a table [Product] with 5 records, representing 5 products, and another table [Sites] with 20 records, representing store locations. What I'm looking for is each combination of product x site, 100 records. Later, I want to insert them into a database table.

I have a merge/join block with these two tables as input and I can see where there's "allow many:many" check box. I tried removing the join criteria and I get an error that I need a join criteria (however, it does indicate that I'd get 100 records). I also tried to merge on arbitrary fields like Productname and Sitename, which I know will be different, but that results in zero records.

Sorry in advance if I missed this on the knowledge base somewhere. I looked but did not see anything. Thanks!
