Tagged with histograms - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/histograms/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 17:29:15 -0400 Tagged with histograms - Visokio Forums en-CA Formulae: Creating custom interval sizes? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2463/formulae-creating-custom-interval-sizess Thu, 06 Feb 2014 01:27:24 -0500 DBuzacott 2463@/discussions
We have a number of views that are split by value (decimal numbers). Currently we split this by a fixed interval It would be useful to be able to customise interval ranges to accommodate large value ranges. For example, we may want to split by value ranges such as 0-100, 100-1k, 1k-100k etcetera. FYI, in general we measure a sum (aggregation) of a cost field for a given category (i.e. number of categories with a total spend in a given range).

We can do this a little with formula fields (IFs and SUBSETs), but this is limited when applying filters. For example, if we set up a calculation for total spend, this requires us to fix in the calculation the fields over which it is calculated. So we may set the calculation over subset([Site]), but then if we filter the view by another field (e.g. [Year]) then it doesn't update the calculation field accordingly.

Ideally, we would be able to set this up in the view, rather than with a calculation field. The simplest method that I can think of is to allow custom interval ranges (i.e. not fixed-width) in the "Split" menu.
Is this a possible addition?

Thanks, Daniel]]>
Error in Time Fields http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/983/error-in-time-fields Mon, 12 Sep 2011 06:03:22 -0400 Wayne 983@/discussions Date/Time: Aggregate on date using histograms? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/946/datetime-aggregate-on-date-using-histogramss Mon, 22 Aug 2011 11:21:36 -0400 adam_varney 946@/discussions
Not sure if this is a bug or me using the histogram feature incorrectly any advice on this situation would be greatly appreciated.The end result of using the aggregate function should show me only a few months and the totals for each of them as they have not been aggregated but Summed. Regards Adam]]>
Histogram display of date x-axis on Bar Charts http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/659/histogram-display-of-date-x-axis-on-bar-charts Mon, 21 Feb 2011 07:31:50 -0500 Alk 659@/discussions
This can cause confusion as it is not clear which dates in particular the bar is referring to.

Is there any way to change the date labels so the dates do not overlap and it only displays what dates are inclusive in the bars, eg, showing "30-Jan-2011 to 5-Feb-2011" and "6-Feb-2011 to 13-Feb-2011" instead?]]>