Tagged with emails - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/emails/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 17:10:29 -0400 Tagged with emails - Visokio Forums en-CA Scheduler: E-mail action for address with "_" not being sent? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2863/scheduler-e-mail-action-for-address-with-_-not-being-sents Tue, 10 Mar 2015 06:59:08 -0400 benjamin 2863@/discussions
I am sending to an email address using the Omniscope Scheduler and XML Actions combination

I have created an email address with "_" in the name and when I use this in the email send action configuration it does not send to the address recipients?

However there is no error message when i test this using the Omniscope XML descriptor and it says "Sent Successfully" but the reciepients do not receive the email?

Thanks, Ben

Outputs: Text characters/format in emails? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2766/outputs-text-charactersformat-in-emailss Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:03:12 -0500 Mees 2766@/discussions
We sometimes use the email output block in DM. We have an issue with the text format. The email received contains symbols that do not exist in the dataset entering the email block.

Example: "€" comes out as "?"

Do you have any suggestion how we can adjust this?
