Tagged with datamanager2 - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/datamanager2/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 15:43:43 -0400 Tagged with datamanager2 - Visokio Forums en-CA Data Sources: New DoubleClick connector http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/3175/data-sources-new-doubleclick-connector Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:09:28 -0400 chris 3175@/discussions
At the moment this will be a straight port of the DFA DoubleClick connector in DataManager1. Please let us know if you would like us to add any additional features/reports in the new connector. Also, let us know if you would like a demonstration of the new connector once it is complete.
