Tagged with colouring - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/colouring/p1/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 14:11:08 -0400 Tagged with colouring - Visokio Forums en-CA Idea: Display-Fixed color palette for changing field values? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2811/idea-display-fixed-color-palette-for-changing-field-valuess Wed, 14 Jan 2015 10:38:18 -0500 alexandervolk 2811@/discussions
For example, I would like to use Stephen Few's recommended color palette for data visualization (http://www.mulinblog.com/a-color-palette-optimized-for-data-visualization/) for a pie chart that splits measures by field F. The different values of F being loaded into the dashboard change depending on the client and are impossible to anticipate.

I have managed to set these colors for every other view in my dashboard except the ones where colors apply to ever changing values. The settings available in Omniscope present a problem as neither continuous colors nor category colors offer a way of simply setting up a fixed palette.

My proposal/idea is to implement a "palette" setting with say, nine customizable colors and - when applied to a view - assign those colors in sequence from highest aggregated measure to lowest. Maybe even offer an option of assigning colors by sort (ascending, descending, alphabetical, etc.).

I feel like this is a crucial requirement for being able to recreate a client's or an agency's CI. ]]>
Styling: Colour words in Dashboard Style presets? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/3056/styling-colour-words-in-dashboard-style-presetss Wed, 09 Dec 2015 05:33:54 -0500 Phillipa 3056@/discussions
I have been working in the analysis mode and have yes/no/unknown fields in yellow blue and grey.

When I switch to my customised dashboard preset the colours for these fields change to very crass red, green and grey.

Is there any way to standardise these colours in my dashboard preset mode to be the same as in the analysis mode?
Or do I have to go into the individual fields and pick the colours?

Idea: Publishing-Open new file with 'Client X' styling applied? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2848/idea-publishing-open-new-file-with-client-x-styling-applieds Tue, 17 Feb 2015 12:42:01 -0500 CRead 2848@/discussions
I am aware of %AppData%\Local\Visokio\Omniscope\UserThemes\for saved tab themes.
I am also aware of being able to distribute ILF files to add to %AppData%\Local\Visokio\Omniscope\LayoutModes.xml

If you open a new Omniscope window, currently there are two 'new file' opening options - DataManager workspace and DataExplorer workspace, but it would be nice to have the option to open a new (Client 1) file. Perhaps in the space available next to Demos?

I would like a default Client 1file to open with:
- a default cover
- a style guide tab listing colours, fonts etc.
- a tab with some sample views showing the general design approach for that client
- a checklist tab specific to the client e.g. check at 1024*768 resolution
- CategoryDataColourPresets and ContinuousDataColourPresets presets reflecting the style guide
- adding a new tab would have other style compliant options for that client (not just blank/text only/ datamanager)
- the file would include some of the default images already loaded in (e.g. logos)

The benefit of this would be that the files which we deliver would be more consistent, and it would be much less effort per file to ensure that basic things like title sizes are acceptable to clients who have to work with smaller screens.

Ideally, the default Client 1 file would be hosted on our network share / intranet so that the master file could be kept up to date, and not installed per machine. Having a pointer in installconfig.properties might be a good way to manage the mapping.]]>
Styling: Setting Data Colours to match corporate standards http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2765/styling-setting-data-colours-to-match-corporate-standards Mon, 24 Nov 2014 10:38:03 -0500 StefanikovaI 2765@/discussions
I have a problem in Omniscope and question for you.
I need to set our corporate color in Omniscope.

Can you help me with this?
I need to have every color column in our color based on RGB. Not only one base colour.

Thank you very much for your advice.

GIS: Map View - Overlays (e.g. boundaries) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2647/gis-map-view-overlays-e.g.-boundaries Wed, 09 Jul 2014 08:33:42 -0400 richard 2647@/discussions
In this example we are going to analyse data relating to cities in the USA and add an overlay of USA state areas to improve the visualisation.

  • USA cities.zip - Contains an Esri Shapefile of USA city data, including latitude/longitude locations.
  • USA states.zip - Contains an Esri Shapefile of USA state areas.

  1. Download and unzip "USA cities.zip" and "USA states.zip".
  2. Create a new file in Omniscope and go to DataManager.
  3. First we need to load the USA cities data into Omniscope. Drag "USA_cities.shp" on to the DataManager workspace.
  4. Expand the block and next to "Overlay identifier", select "CITY". This means that Omniscope will use the city name to uniquely identify every record.
  5. Next to "Metadata fields included", select all fields. This will load all meta-data from the Esri Shapefile.
  6. Execute the block and load it into Omniscope.


  7. Now that the city data is loaded we can begin exploring it. Go to the 'DataExplorer' tab.
  8. Change the Bar/line View to a Map View, which will display the location of each city.
  9. The cities are now visible on the map but we can add an overlay of the USA state areas to summarise the data. Drag the "USA_states.shp" onto the Map View and select 'Open as a map overlay'.
  10. The next dialog allows you to customise how the data will be imported. This contains the same options you saw in the DataManager block earlier. Next to "Overlay identifier", select "STATENAME" to use USA state names as unique identifiers for each area in the file. Next to "Metadata fields included", select all fields. This will load all meta-data from the Esri Shapefile. Click "OK".


  11. Now we need to change the colour of the states. In the Map View toolbar, go to the "Overlay" menu and select the downward pointing arrow next to "USA_state.shp". This will display a panel containing advanced options for your overlay layer.


  12. Under "Outline", change "Colour mode" to "Fixed" and then choose a new colour from the new drop-down. This will update the outline colours of all USA state areas. More information on colour modes is available at the end of these instructions.
  13. Under "Fill", change "Colour by (overlay dataset)" to "Subregion". This uses the "Subregion" field in your overlay dataset (USA_state.shp) to generate category colours for each area.



  14. You can also use data from your currently loaded dataset (USA_cities.shp) to colour the USA state areas. To do this use the same overlay configuration menu and under "Fill", change "Colour mode" to "By current dataset".
  15. You'll notice there is a message 'No "Linked data" field selected for the current dataset.'. For Omniscope to link these two datasets together we need a common field with values found in both datasets. Our sample SHP files both contain state names with common values so select "State" next to the "Join on (current dataset)" control to configure the link. We now have a basic relationship configured between the USA_cities dataset and the USA_state dataset.
  16. You might have noticed that some states, e.g. Wyoming, have disappeared from the map. By default after you have created this link between 2 datasets, Omniscope will not display any overlay areas which do not have related data in your currently loaded dataset. To disable this behaviour uncheck "Filter overlay data on join".
  17. The overlay is now configured to display state areas coloured by the number of linked records in the cities dataset. You can colour by a field in the current dataset by selecting from the drop-down next to "Colour by (current dataset)". Select "Pop2007" to use the population statistics for 2007. You can choose a function to summarise all the population statistics by selecting from the "Function" drop-down but we will leave this as "Sum".
  18. Your map is now displaying each USA state coloured by the total population across all cities within its area. Notice how California, Texas and New York all have same colour yet they have total populations of ~17.2m, ~10.5m and ~9.1m respectively. This is because we are using the original colour range from the "Pop2007" field which ranged from ~100k to ~8.3m. Any values above or below these limits will generate the same colour, which is misleading for our example. We can dynamically generate new colour limits by going back to the overlay "Fill" options and enabling '"Fit to data" colour range'.



In the Map View overlay functionality you will come across terms like "Overlay ID", "Overlay identifier", "Data type". Below are explanations for each of these terms and how they are used by Omnsicope. If you are using KML or Shapefile sources then most of these fields will be configured automatically.

Data types
  • Point - A dataset containing pairs of latitude/longitude coordinates, e.g. a shop location.
  • Line - A dataset containing connected, and unfilled/unclosed, chains of points, e.g. a hurricane path or road.
  • Area - A dataset containing connected, and filled/closed, chains of points, e.g. a post code area or country border.

Colour modes
  • Fixed - Choose a single colour which will be applied to all data.
  • By current dataset - Generate colours using a field from the currently loaded Omniscope dataset.
  • By overlay dataset - Generate colours using a field from the embedded overlay dataset.

  • Overlay identifier - Field containing unique identifiers for each point, line or area in the input dataset, e.g. a field containing country names or postal area codes.
  • Overlay sub-path identifier - This is used internally within Omniscope to identify nested geometries within each shape. For example a shape for the United Kingdom could not be drawn with one continuous line. We use this field to breakdown the records into numerous islands which make up the country.
  • Longitude - Field containing WGS84 longitude values.
  • Latitude - Field containing WGS84 latitude values.
Network View: Node colouring? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2563/network-view-node-colourings Wed, 21 May 2014 11:04:20 -0400 mattyh 2563@/discussions
I have a Network view, where the nodes are coloured by Node field. I can't see any way to edit those colours (per node field) or even add a colour key?

Does anyone know if this is possible at all?

Thank you in advance for any help

Content View: Scripting - Array of colours? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2494/content-view-scripting-array-of-colourss Thu, 13 Mar 2014 08:50:22 -0400 Bart 2494@/discussions
Is there a way to get all colours assigned to the field into array inside content view?

Bar/Line view: 1 field/ 2 measures, colour by measure http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2440/barline-view-1-field-2-measures-colour-by-measure Tue, 14 Jan 2014 13:36:46 -0500 ksluder 2440@/discussions
I can't get any of the 'color' options to perform the coloring the so that the mean portion and the maximum portion have different colors.

Thanks for any suggestions. I am on day one of using Visokio.]]>
Table View: Fading of colours? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1495/table-view-fading-of-colourss Tue, 24 Apr 2012 09:47:23 -0400 bgrovens 1495@/discussions
I searched the forms based on the table view coloring and this is all I could find was an idea:

It appears that you can color code the view based on a given field. That works fine, the probelm is that Visokio automatically changes the color. For example you set the color to amber view the options menu CTRL-f. Turn the color key on via the toolbar/styles menu. You will see the color key is darker and the actual table is lighter. It looks as if Visokio is automatically making the color ligher. This process is almost always making the color look terrible. Is there an option to turn this process off?

Please refer to my attached picture below. Notice the color key shade and what actually populates on the page. I would want the colors to be the same.


Thanks for the help,
Bar/Line View: Conditional colouring - overriding for layered measures? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2402/barline-view-conditional-colouring-overriding-for-layered-measuress Wed, 13 Nov 2013 10:04:36 -0500 TomRiggs 2402@/discussions Idea: Colouring - Interpreting colour values in data set? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2100/idea-colouring-interpreting-colour-values-in-data-sets Fri, 19 Apr 2013 07:47:13 -0400 daniel 2100@/discussions
Where if I enter into a cell "200,50,100" then it will know how to interpret that for colouring rather then assigning it automatically or with colour picking. I found it quite handy in other code-based visualisation programs to control colour in a way that can be mathematically-orientated.]]>
Colouring: Table View - variations to colours selected? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2096/colouring-table-view-variations-to-colours-selecteds Wed, 17 Apr 2013 10:49:23 -0400 Mees 2096@/discussions
We are trying to color the rows in a table based on a value. Nothing special and it works.
However, Omniscope is not showing the colors we defined.

In the picture attached there is an example. The colored record numbers are the colors we need. We can't find the setting that provides what we need.

What we do not want is the Variation function under the Coloring button as it variates within a color as well.

Hope you can help
Idea: Pivot View - Colouring of cells by formula measures? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2015/idea-pivot-view-colouring-of-cells-by-formula-measuress Tue, 12 Feb 2013 16:22:34 -0500 jonacostes 2015@/discussions
I also created the calculated field in the Tables View but when selecting in the Pivot view, the formula just aggreated the calculation.

Hope you can help me. Best regards,]]>
Idea: Sidebar - Disabling Colour Option on Filter Devices? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2027/idea-sidebar-disabling-colour-option-on-filter-devicess Mon, 25 Feb 2013 08:22:31 -0500 p_parry 2027@/discussions Idea: Bar/Line View - Solid colouring below the lines? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1781/idea-barline-view-solid-colouring-below-the-liness Mon, 24 Sep 2012 04:06:03 -0400 benjamin 1781@/discussions
Thanks - Ben
Colouring: Behaviour when changing colour styles? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1723/colouring-behaviour-when-changing-colour-styless Wed, 22 Aug 2012 10:12:37 -0400 WKeith 1723@/discussions Preserve category-colours from changing http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1519/preserve-category-colours-from-changing Wed, 02 May 2012 09:57:32 -0400 Julia_OIS 1519@/discussions Pie & Bar Views: Color differences? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1674/pie-bar-views-color-differencess Thu, 26 Jul 2012 03:34:47 -0400 rajeshbalu29 1674@/discussions
Can you please help me to fix this problem? Regards, Rajesh B]]>
Bar View: Configure colour of "include total/summary value "All" http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1433/bar-view-configure-colour-of-include-totalsummary-value-all- Wed, 28 Mar 2012 11:38:50 -0400 Phillipa 1433@/discussions Idea: Sparklines- colouring by single row? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1630/idea-sparklines-colouring-by-single-rows Fri, 29 Jun 2012 08:56:39 -0400 dszl136154 1630@/discussions Pie Chart Colors http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1558/pie-chart-colors Mon, 21 May 2012 15:41:08 -0400 TomRiggs 1558@/discussions Color Key http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1554/color-key Fri, 18 May 2012 13:50:32 -0400 bgrovens 1554@/discussions
I have turned color keys on a standard "Graph" view. At the bottom of the chart you will see 4 boxes, however there are 5 lines. Please refer to the picture attached.

When I turn on the "key" option it will open a pop up with the color key. You will see 5 bars now. Please refer to the picture below:

I would like the 5 bars to show in the standard color key at the bottom. I am not sure why there is a difference. In this instance some of the data is no value, but I want end users to know that the line is no value. As you can see in the picture it would be easy to confuse with end users what this line represents as it is not labled.

Thanks for the help,
Outputs: Preserving category colours in 'published' file http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1536/outputs-preserving-category-colours-in-published-file Tue, 08 May 2012 10:27:36 -0400 ChloeWalton 1536@/discussions
I have created an IOK file with defined category colours throughout using

Data > Manage fields > Options> Value colouring

However, when I publish this file in DataManager via an output block to another IOK file, using 'current configuration', all the colours return to default?

No data is changing, I am just user-locking the file.

How do I preserve the colour settings - any help would be great thanks

Prevent Category-Colors from changing http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1498/prevent-category-colors-from-changing Wed, 25 Apr 2012 04:22:30 -0400 Patricia 1498@/discussions
I made some changes to the category-colours for my category-field by editing the colours in the menu:

Data > Manage fields > Options > Value order, colour

Now, by editing the category-name later, the colours are changing again. Also by simple refreshings for the data, all of my colouring work is gone and the colours changed again.

Is there a way to "save" my edited colour-settings for the categories?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Best Regards
Ideas: Manage Fields - Import/Export/Share custom category colour palettes? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1215/ideas-manage-fields-importexportshare-custom-category-colour-palettess Mon, 16 Jan 2012 09:22:46 -0500 indranildatta 1215@/discussions
Is there a way to create a custom colour palette with specific colours? Right now, we can only specify one or more colour families in the custom palette section in "Data Colours" and Omniscope generates a palette. What if I know the exact RGB values of the colours I want in the palette?

Ability to Colour Tokenised data http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1112/ability-to-colour-tokenised-data Thu, 24 Nov 2011 12:18:40 -0500 daniel 1112@/discussions ]]> Stronger colours in a table view needed http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1045/stronger-colours-in-a-table-view-needed Wed, 12 Oct 2011 06:37:26 -0400 p_parry 1045@/discussions colour in 2.6 http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/973/colour-in-2.6 Tue, 06 Sep 2011 19:45:31 -0400 davy 973@/discussions
I've recently installed ominscope 2.6.

I've noticed that colours aren't appearing as they do on 2.5 (eg table view white, bar view with same colours).

Is there any way of making colours appear as a default everytime I open a new file (like a permanent setting)?

Field Organiser: Defining value colours, shapes? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/888/field-organiser-defining-value-colours-shapess Tue, 26 Jul 2011 03:51:53 -0400 steve 888@/discussions
Currently you can only do this after loading data into the DataExplorer side of Omniscope and accessing:

Data > Manage Fields > Options]]>
Bar Color Changes in Read-Only http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/766/bar-color-changes-in-read-only Fri, 13 May 2011 11:22:54 -0400 hgross 766@/discussions