Tagged with Server_Edition - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/Server_Edition/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 11:36:53 -0400 Tagged with Server_Edition - Visokio Forums en-CA Memory management: 32-bit limit exceeded on 64 bit machine? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1650/memory-management-32-bit-limit-exceeded-on-64-bit-machines Fri, 13 Jul 2012 13:55:24 -0400 Alexander 1650@/discussions As it is in the command screen, and not in Omniscope itself, I cannot send an error report.

I attached a screenshot, if you need any additional info please let me know. Thanks!]]>
Server Problem - "No linked source configured" http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/3219/server-problem-no-linked-source-configured Wed, 08 Mar 2017 06:41:53 -0500 JohnMR 3219@/discussions turning to refresh data with a server license but I keep getting the error "No linked source configured".
What does that mean?
John. ]]>
Automatic Data refresh in the Free Viewer http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/3134/automatic-data-refresh-in-the-free-viewer Mon, 06 Jun 2016 05:18:39 -0400 carty4490 3134@/discussions
The data source is an excel file on sharepoint. They have all the access levels they need to get to the file in sharepoint.

Any help would be appreciated.

Scheduler: Refresh action skipping one of 3 sources? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/3077/scheduler-refresh-action-skipping-one-of-3-sourcess Thu, 14 Jan 2016 07:12:31 -0500 Alexander 3077@/discussions
I was wondering whether anyone has experienced a similar situation, and what a solution might be.
Last night our scheduler performed a chain action. One of the tasks is a file action, (refresh and publish).

The file action has 3 main sources, combined in joins and append operations. The output only contained data from 2 of the 3 sources. When executed again this morning, the result was as expected containing data from all 3 sources.

This situation create a feeling of unstable processes, a feeling we desperately want to avoid ourselves but especially at the client side. ]]>
Example: Scheduler Log files visualised (template attached) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/3057/example-scheduler-log-files-visualised-template-attached Wed, 09 Dec 2015 12:47:27 -0500 paola 3057@/discussions
Save the .iok file below and replace the sources with your own service_scheduler_task_event_log.csv, located in the Scheduler Log folder.
You can monitor total number of executed actions per day, or isolate the reports that need attention, because they generate warnings/errors.

Web Server: HTTPS and URL Redirection http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2422/web-server-https-and-url-redirection Fri, 06 Dec 2013 10:42:51 -0500 antonio 2422@/discussions
These two different redirection rules are applied in the following order:
  1. URL Redirection: redirects incoming client requests to a different host/context
    This technique allows you to make a web address/context available under more than one URL address.
    It can be used for URL shortening, to prevent broken links, to allow multiple domain names to refer to a single Omniscope Mobile. (more info here)

    Host redirection
    For instance, the following configuration allows to redirect the client, that was navigating to "alpha.omniscope.me", to the different "https://omniscope.me" host.
    e.g. it redirects from "http://alpha.omniscope.me/folder/file.iok" to "https://omniscope.me/folder/file.iok"

    Context redirection
    Another example is to redirect requests to a particular context (e.g. link to a particular IOK file)
    Say that your server is serving at "http://server.domain" and you want to redirect "http://server.domain/dashboard" to the full link "http://server.domain/MyDefinitelyBeautifulDashboard.iok". The following configuration allow you to do so.
    e.g. it redirects from "http://server.domain/dashboard" to "http://server.domain/MyDefinitelyBeautifulDashboard.iok"

    Host and context redirection
    This example combines host and context redirection.
    Say that you server is serving at "http://alpha.omniscope.me" and you want to redirect the "/demo" context to a different host "https://demoserver/" and different context "/MyBeautifulDashboard.iok". Then use the following configuration
    It will redirect from "http://alpha.omniscope.me/demo" to "https://demoserver/MyBeautifulDashboard.iok".

    To redirect all incoming requests to a particular context regardless your server host/virtualhost name, then leave the VirtualHosts field empty.

    N.B. by specifying the Redirect from field you define which context has to be redirected.
    If you leave it blank then the URL redirection will be applied on all the incoming requests. In this case it is better if you perform redirection to a different host by specifying a full URL in the Redirect to field (e.g. "https://differentHost/pathTo/file.iok")
    Be aware that misconfiguration may create redirect loop error.

  2. Redirect HTTP to HTTPS: redirects all incoming HTTP requests to HTTPS.
    If the HTTPS protocol is enabled, this option will configure your server to serve the content only through the HTTPS secured channel.
Deployment: How to publish HTML5 web browser versions? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2829/deployment-how-to-publish-html5-web-browser-versionss Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:56:11 -0500 StefanikI 2829@/discussions
I need your help and information about the topic Omniscope on web.

I want to show reports to our clients on web. What do I need to do first?
Can you write me process of this task?

Thank you for your help!]]>
Versions: 'Omniscope Web Server' part of Scheduler not visible? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2785/versions-omniscope-web-server-part-of-scheduler-not-visibles Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:41:34 -0500 stavro 2785@/discussions
I noticed on the site that Omniscope Scheduler 2.9 has an option called 'Omniscope Web Server'. We are running version 2.9, but we can't see it on our Scheduler. What is the problem?

I am using the version: 2.9-beta b1342]]>
Installation: Public-facing Omniscope (Mobile) Server setup http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2676/installation-public-facing-omniscope-mobile-server-setup Fri, 08 Aug 2014 05:05:32 -0400 steve 2676@/discussions
  • Omniscope - a native desktop app that opens and explores IOK files (the free Viewer). When activated, enables analysing and editing your own data, configuring and authoring IOKs, and also DataManager for importing, transforming and exporting data.
  • Omniscope Server - a native desktop app or background server process comprising the Scheduler (for automating IOK updates and publishing) and Mobile Server, a production grade http server for a web-based Omniscope Viewer.

  • Providing you have a Server Edition license you can host a public Omniscope server like ours: https://omniscope.me
    Note that Server Edition licenses are sold by number of concurrent web users supported, an individual user being a browser instance on either a desktop or mobile device.

    Hardware needed

    To experiment, or for smaller files, a reasonable desktop or laptop will do. We support Windows, Mac and common server-class Linux distributions. You can simply run the Server app from your start menu shortcut, after activating.

    For a production-grade system, you'd want it always-on, with a UPS, hardware redundancy, etc., probably hosted in a datacenter or IaaS cloud like Amazon EC2.

    Install configuration

    You'd also ideally want to install Omniscope to run as a service, i.e. in the background on startup, without a user desktop session logged in.

    Once you have the Server app open, you'll see the links to the default sharing folder and serving web address in the Omniscope Server window. Drop some IOKs in the sharing folder and start browsing locally.

    To make it publicly available:
    1. Configure security options as needed
    2. Enable port forwarding on your external network firewall
    3. Buy a domain name
    4. Configure the domain to point to your firewall's external IP address
    5. If using user logins, you should also buy an SSL certificate and configure HTTPS only access.

    You now have a public server available at http://www.your-domain-name.com/

    For more details see http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2610/announcing-omniscope-2.9-beta/p1]]>
    Installation: Mac OS X - Omniscope Server http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2529/installation-mac-os-x-omniscope-server Wed, 23 Apr 2014 10:51:42 -0400 donald 2529@/discussions
    Follow the instructions for installing Omniscope on Apple Mac OSX

    Start Omniscope and enter your license.
    Omniscope will prompt to restart once the license has been authorised.

    The Settings Server menu will only show menu items once a valid server license has been authorized.

    Select the Settings menu, select Server, select "Omniscope Server ..."

    A warning message will be displayed saying that the Omniscope Server will take over the current Omniscope Window, select "OK, start anyway"

    The Omniscope Server window will be displayed.
    Mobile Web server will display a network error as it cannot use port 80 unless run as root.
    Change the Mobile Web server ports for http to 8080 and https to 8443 by selecting Config.

    Omniscope Server is now running.
    Select Exit to exit the server.

    The following two command files will allow you to start Omniscope server directly, the first command file will run the server with the server control window GUI, the second command file will run the server without a control window.

    Save the files and rename the extension from .txt to .command

    Or use a texteditor and save the following command as OmniscopeEnterprise.command

    NOTE: change the memory to match your system, this is set to 6Gb -Xmx6144m for use on a system with 8Gb of RAM installed

    /Applications/Visokio\ Omniscope.app/Contents/Plugins/jre7/Contents/Home/jre/bin/java -Xmx6144m -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=50 -XX:NewRatio=8 -XX:+UseG1GC -Duser.dir=/Applications/Visokio\ Omniscope.app/Contents/Resources/Java -cp /Applications/Visokio\ Omniscope.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Main.jar:/Applications/Visokio\ Omniscope.app/Contents/Resources/Java/lib/mailapi.jar:/Applications/Visokio\ Omniscope.app/Contents/Resources/Java/lib/smtp.jar:/Applications/Visokio\ Omniscope.app/Contents/Resources/Java/lib/pop3.jar:/Applications/Visokio\ Omniscope.app/Contents/Resources/Java/lib/imap.jar:/Applications/Visokio\ Omniscope.app/Contents/Resources/Java/lib/dsn.jar:/Applications/Visokio\ Omniscope.app/Contents/Resources/Java/lib/activation.jar:/Applications/Visokio\ Omniscope.app/Contents/Resources/Java/plugins/bccrypto.jar com.visokio.ent.EntLaunch]]>
    Scheduler: Running multiple instances concurrently http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1469/scheduler-running-multiple-instances-concurrently Fri, 13 Apr 2012 11:12:26 -0400 michael 1469@/discussions
    In the text below:

    1) Change YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME for you correspondent account name.

    2.1) If you have User specific installation (not system-wide) replace OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR for:

    C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Visokio Omniscope app

    2.1) If you have system wide installation, replace OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR for:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Visokio Omniscope

    Make sure that the path exists.


    1) In your service directory


    Create 2..N folders s1..sN

    2) In each directory create config.xml file
    and set different/correspondent port and configurationFilePath:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <schedulerConfig configurationFilePath="OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\service\s1\config.xml" port="24680" forkScheduledExecution="false" logDebug="false" logDetail="false" watchFolder="watch" watchPollingInterval="40">


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <schedulerConfig configurationFilePath="OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\service\s2\config.xml" port="24682" forkScheduledExecution="false" logDebug="false" logDetail="false" watchFolder="watch" watchPollingInterval="40">

    and create executable file run_scheduler.bat (if you have x64 version, leave it as in the example below otherwise change for x86 )

    For Omniscope 2.7
    set CONF_DIR=%1
    "OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\x64\bin\java.exe" -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -DschedulerConfigLocation="OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\service\%CONF_DIR%\config.xml" -Xms64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=30 -XX:NewRatio=8 -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xmx6183M -Dvisokio.localappdata="C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local" -Dvisokio.winproxyenable="0" -Dvisokio.winproxyserver="" -cp "OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\Main.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\mail.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\activation.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\plugins\bccrypto.jar" com.visokio.ent.EntLaunch -scheduler

    From Omniscope 2.8
    set CONF_DIR=%1
    "OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\x64\bin\java.exe" -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -DschedulerConfigLocation="OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\service\%CONF_DIR%\config.xml" -Xms64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=30 -XX:NewRatio=8 -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xmx6183M -Dvisokio.localappdata="C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local" -Dvisokio.winproxyenable="0" -Dvisokio.winproxyserver="" -cp "OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\Main.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\mailapi.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\smtp.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\pop3.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\imap.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\dsn.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\activation.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\plugins\bccrypto.jar" com.visokio.ent.EntLaunch -server

    From Omniscope 3.0
    set CONF_DIR=%1
    "OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\OmniscopeEnterprise.exe" "/jvmarg=-DschedulerConfigLocation=OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\service\%CONF_DIR%\config.xml"

    4) Start schedulers using run_scheduler.bat and passing folder names s1, s2, ... sN as a parameter:

    run_scheduler.bat s1
    run_scheduler.bat s2
    run_scheduler.bat sN

    You can do it into two ways.

    a) You can create Shortcuts. Right-click on your Desktop->New->Shortcut.

    Specify the path to your run_scheduler.bat file and pass the parameter, for example on my computer it is:

    "C:\Users\michael\AppData\Local\Visokio Omniscope app\run_scheduler.bat" s1

    b) Alternatively you can run the command from Windows Console - cmd.exe

    5) In C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\scheduler\log.txt you should see log messages from all schedulers.

    You can use attached files as templates replacing (here it is text in bold) with your current file paths
    and then renaming
    config_xml_tempalte.txt => config.xml
    run_scheduler_bat_template.txt => run_scheduler.bat]]>
    Installation: Omniscope Server on Amazon EC2 (Linux) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2379/installation-omniscope-server-on-amazon-ec2-linux Wed, 16 Oct 2013 05:11:46 -0400 istvan 2379@/discussions Setting up an Omniscope Server on an EC 2 instance on Amazon

    1. Register an account at http://aws.amazon.com/ it will ask for email address, contact address and credit card details

    2. Got to http://aws.amazon.com/ and select My Account/Console -> AWS Management Console and click "EC2"

    3. Click the "Launch Instance" button

    4. Select "Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 LTS" (or whatever is the latest LTS release) 64 bit version

    5. Select at least an m1.large instance type(Memory optimized image highly recommended)

    6. Under "Configure Security Group" ensure that SSH and HTTP are added, if not present please add them.

    7. After everything is configured properly click "Launch" and select "Create a new key pair", give it a name and click "Download Key Pair" (usage: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-key-pairs.html)

      Secure the ".pem" file, because that will be required for logging into the server and click "Launch Instances"

    8. The Instance should be available under the menu "Instances" in the "EC2 Dashboard"

    9. Click on the instance click the "Connect" button from the top, it will show the full ssh command to connect to the machine (ssh -i yourkey.pem ubuntu@yourpublicdns). A Java SSH client is also available from Amazon that can be used directly from the browser. We also recommend Putty for Windows.

    10. Install Omniscope server:
      After logging in with SSH, you can manually install Omniscope, see http://www.visokio.com/kb/linux-installs

    11. Deploy some IOK files to the HTML5 browser version “sharing folder” (webroot) typically at [home]/omniscope-server/mobile/

      To access the file system of the server under Windows you can use WinSCP, see: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/putty.html#Transfer_WinSCP

      We also recommend using Beyond Compare for Windows which natively supports SCP URLs such as scp://ubuntu@yourpublicdns/

    12. Configuration changes must be made manually in the XML, typically by configuring a separate Windows installation (you’ll need another test key for Omniscope Server) and deploying “C:/Users/username/omniscope-server/config.xml” to the Linux server.

      For example, you can configure usernames and passwords, and can enable web-based “file management” (upload, delete etc.).

      You can additionally create “folder.xml” files within different sub-folders of the “sharing folder” for folder-specific users and permissions. See “folder.xml.default” automatically created on first start in the sharing folder.

    Server usage report: Monitoring using Admin Web Server (2.9+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2371/server-usage-report-monitoring-using-admin-web-server-2.9- Thu, 10 Oct 2013 13:02:24 -0400 antonio 2371@/discussions Admin Web Server


    It serves a web application that allows users to admin Omniscope Server and provides:
    • Logs management: where users can visualise and download server logs
    • Health monitoring: where users can monitor the health status of the server, download the error reports and delete them.image

    By default it runs on localhost to allow only local machine access. It is recommended that you make sure you configure the Admin Web Server to use HTTPS.


    The web application requires authentication, and at first run it will ask the user to register the admin account.


    In future it will allow users to fully manage Omniscope Server and services configuration simply from a web browser, without having to start the Omniscope Server application UI. ]]>
    Versions: 2.9 early Alpha available for private testing http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2266/versions-2.9-early-alpha-available-for-private-testing Mon, 29 Jul 2013 04:50:47 -0400 chris 2266@/discussions
    We are pleased to announce that Omniscope 2.9 Alpha is now available for alpha-partners to download.

    In this release our main focus is on Omniscope Mobile, which will be enabled for alpha-partners shortly. There will also be a number of other features/improvements, in addition to ongoing performance improvements. We're only a little into the development cycle, so there is much more to come.

    Please check the Alpha blog for the latest updates.

    You can download Omniscope 2.9 from:


    Please be aware that all experimental and in-development features in 2.9 Alpha are subject to change and may not work correctly. Files created with features marked as such may not retain their configuration in future versions.]]>
    Server: Hosting HTML5 browser versions (2.9+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2311/server-hosting-html5-browser-versions-2.9- Fri, 06 Sep 2013 07:51:57 -0400 steve 2311@/discussions
    To try Mobile in Omniscope 2.9, you can use your Desktop license and use "Desktop sharing" to one external device or browser. If you have a Server license, you can also use the Server app for production hosting of web-based reports.

    After upgrading to 2.9, refresh your license from "Help > Licensing & activation" after installing 2.9, to be sure you have access. If you need help or a separate trial license of Server, for example, please email support@visokio.com.

    What’s Omniscope Mobile?

    Omniscope Mobile is effectively a new version of Omniscope built from scratch upon HTML5 standards. You need to host a server, then can view and explore reports with full interactivity on modern desktop browsers, ipads and other tablets, without any end-user installation or data-related memory requirements.


    See https://omniscope.me/public for a simple demo server. Better still, use your own data on your own server...

    Installing and activating Omniscope

    Download and install the latest 2.9 from http://www.visokio.com/zan and refresh or activate your installation using your Omniscope licence key (see above). If installing on a Linux server, be sure to customise with sufficient memory, automatic on other platforms.

    Omniscope 2.9 is currently in Beta. It’s feature-complete, and suitable for production use subject to your own external testing. Please report any errors or instability using the top-right "3 dots" menu > "Report error".

    “Desktop Sharing”, "New interface mode" and “Server”

    Your licence key gives you access to two distinct ‘views’ of Omniscope Mobile: "Desktop Sharing" (and the "New" interface mode), and "Server".

    Desktop Sharing

    Available in Desktop licenses (not in the free Viewer). To get started:
    1. Open an IOK file in the desktop Omniscope app.
    2. Click Settings menu > Web sharing > Viewing link (If you have a slightly older version of 2.9, Main toolbar > Mobile > Viewing link)
    3. This will open a Mobile version of your file in a browser.
    4. Use Settings menu > Web sharing to enable sharing with another device on your network or the internet.

    Omniscope Desktop now bundles a lightweight web server for short-term use, such as previewing in your own web browser (e.g. so you can refine your IOK file for Mobile restricted functionality), or demoing to a colleague or client similar to screen-sharing. It is included from the Desktop edition of Omniscope, and limited to 1 remote client, so cannot be used as a production server.

    New interface mode

    If you are publishing by distributing IOK files to the free Viewer, you can now choose the "New" Mobile interface mode within the same desktop app in 2.9, browser-based via a bundled embedded browser. This improves performance and responsiveness, and reduces memory requirements. To try this:
    1. Open an IOK file in the desktop Omniscope app.
    2. Click Settings menu > Interface mode > New (If you have a slightly older version of 2.9, Main toolbar > Mobile > Slide from Desktop to Mobile)
    3. Omniscope will change to the new mode, supporting navigating tabs, selecting and filtering and changing data titles such as "Split" and "Pane".
    4. Use File menu > Save to make the file open like this when opened by your target audience (providing they've upgraded to 2.9).


    To get started:
    1. Launch the Omniscope Server shortcut.
    2. In the server app UI, you’ll see an additional “Omniscope Web Server” service in addition to “Scheduler”. In this section...
    3. If not running, click “Config” and tick “Enable server”, then click “Start”.
    4. Click the “Sharing folder” link, and drop some IOK files here.
    5. Click the “Serving at” link and explore Mobile versions of your IOK files.
    6. Use the “Config” button to configure permissions, users, web-based uploads, bind address/port, etc.
    7. Create “folder.xml” files (a default is provided) to customise permissions per folder. Edit these using Settings > Server > Edit folder.xml configuration (Desktop app) or Settings > Edit folder.xml configuration (Server app).

    Omniscope Web Server is a simple and robust production web server which reflects a configurable sharing folder of IOK files. This can be local, or a network share, and is effectively an IOK-only “webroot” folder.

    It includes HTTPS support, and works out of the box with a self-signed certificate. This means you will be able to test/demo with all exchanged data between client and server fully encrypted and secure, although you'll get a warning in the browser about the server certificate - in other words, the browser won't be able to confirm the server's identity. You can then buy and install a HTTPS SSL certificate verified by a well-known certificate authority (CA), to remove this browser warning. Read here on how to configure the SSL Mobile Web Server section. Public sites without user authentication can skip this and use HTTP instead of HTTPS, but if you need to authenticate with usernames and passwords, you should use HTTPS.

    There's no direct database connectivity. To provide this, you'll need to use Scheduler (on the same or different server) to keep IOK files in the sharing folder up to date. Or manually add/replace IOK files in the sharing folder. See Client-side auto-refresh for details on configuring how the client handles updates to the server IOK.

    If using linux, configurations must currently be made at a desktop login session on a Windows or Mac, and transferred across via the config.xml file. For now, it’s advisable to test and explore Mobile using Windows or Mac. Web-based admin will be included in the next version.


    Unavailable functionality

    In 2.9, we are only supporting a (large) subset of Omniscope Viewer functionality. An IOK file with unsupported settings will generate warnings in the Warnings menu in the browser. You need to remove these unsupported configurations from your IOK file to remove the warnings from your published report.
    Notable unsupported features:
    • Custom styling (Only two presets, Analysis and Paper Report supported)
    • Chart, Devices, Venn, Portal, Radar views

    Platform support

    Omniscope Mobile is actively supported on the following client devices and browsers:
    • Windows - IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, inc. Windows 8 tablets
    • Mac - Safari, Chrome
    • iPad - Mobile Safari
    • Android 4.x+ tablets - Chrome

    Omniscope Mobile will not work on Internet Explorer 8 or lower.
    Other browsers (for example, Opera), and devices (for example, early Android tablets) are not actively supported as of yet - the application may work, however.
    Small-screen devices (phones) will work on recent iOS or Android 4.x versions, but the IOK file will need reconfiguring to make best use of the small screen estate.
    Omniscope Mobile's architecture is designed to perform well on good 3G connections or better.]]>
    Scheduler: Running from Linux Command-line? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2235/scheduler-running-from-linux-command-lines Tue, 09 Jul 2013 07:19:11 -0400 tamax 2235@/discussions
    I would like to know if it is possible to install Visokio Scheduler on a Linux Server (without graphical interface) in order to have more CPU power for iok publishing.

    Let me explain our situation:

    - We have Omniscope Server Plus installed on a Windows server, with only 7.5GB of RAM.
    - For some (very) big iok files the publishing task fails because of RAM limitation
    - My idea is to use a bigger Linux server that would be in charge of iok publishing, but ideally the Scheduler would remain on the windows server, for ease of use.

    Is it possible to do something like this? I am asking because Linux servers are much cheaper than windows, but I don't want to migrate the whole installation on Linux, just to use its CPU power.

    Thanks, Maxime]]>
    Refresh: Refreshing files created in Desktop Edition? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1926/refresh-refreshing-files-created-in-desktop-editions Thu, 29 Nov 2012 05:39:23 -0500 ZhouNan 1926@/discussions From my understanding, even if the data source blocks in DataManager are scheduled to refresh every night, these updates will not refresh from the database if the file is open in the free Viewer.

    If this is correct, is it any auto process I can implement rather than manually configure it everyday...Many thanks!
    Idea: Scheduler-Improving Log/Error tracking? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1943/idea-scheduler-improving-logerror-trackings Tue, 11 Dec 2012 09:51:05 -0500 earheart 1943@/discussions Scheduler: Install Scheduler on a different server machine? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1953/scheduler-install-scheduler-on-a-different-server-machines Mon, 17 Dec 2012 06:08:15 -0500 tamax 1953@/discussions
    Their idea is that the Scheduler should not run on the same machine as the file configuration interface, i.e. the client part (the Omniscope editor?).

    Thanks a lot - Maxime]]>
    Outputs: Automatic daily PDF export using Server Edition? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1946/outputs-automatic-daily-pdf-export-using-server-editions Wed, 12 Dec 2012 07:16:08 -0500 enrico68 1946@/discussions
    We would like to know if using Server Edition it is possible to automate the production of a PDF using a batch procedure?

    If it is the case, is it also possible to set the values of filters, variables and parameters in the same automatic batch procedure for PDF production?

    For example, if we have to produce a PDF with daily information, is it possible to change automatically the filtering reference date?

    Editions: License key for the Omniscope Server with Scheduler? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1937/editions-license-key-for-the-omniscope-server-with-schedulers Wed, 05 Dec 2012 05:05:03 -0500 fstaayen 1937@/discussions
    Thanks for answer]]>
    Licensing: ServerPlus Export to .csv options? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1856/licensing-serverplus-export-to-.csv-optionss Tue, 23 Oct 2012 15:48:22 -0400 bgrovens 1856@/discussions
    I have recently upgraded to the ServerPlus eddition of the software. Our end users have wanted to output data to .csv file's. However when you go to File > Export on the end users free Viewer, they are not allowed to change the filter. I'm a bit baffled ...by default the "All" selection is not set and the user can't change it. Can you verify the functionality for me? If this is accurate please, describe why it would be a problem to enable this feature? Thanks for the help.

    Installation: Need Excel installed on Server machine? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1857/installation-need-excel-installed-on-server-machines Tue, 23 Oct 2012 15:50:49 -0400 cgamolo 1857@/discussions
    Thanks, Catherine]]>
    Free Viewer: Export data from free Viewer? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1837/free-viewer-export-data-from-free-viewers Tue, 16 Oct 2012 13:31:12 -0400 kikorw 1837@/discussions
    Summary: I share an .IOK file with end users with a free Viewer only license, how could they export data from the .IOK?]]>
    Free Viewer: Export to Excel from free Viewer? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1797/free-viewer-export-to-excel-from-free-viewers Fri, 28 Sep 2012 07:28:45 -0400 p_parry 1797@/discussions
    I CAN export this by using my Desktop Edition by selecting File->Export->Create Excel Spreadsheet and then chosing the option to export selected data. Please can I ask if firstly if I am missing something and this functionality is available in the free Viewer but I'm unable to find it? and secondly if I'm not missing anything, would it not be far more useful to have this function in the free Viewer from a data visibility point of view? N.B. I am currently operating on version 2.7 b734]]>
    Server: Auto-refreshing data in free Viewer? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1768/server-auto-refreshing-data-in-free-viewers Tue, 18 Sep 2012 09:56:37 -0400 DominicChan 1768@/discussions
    The data source is entirely loaded from SQL servers, I have selected from the "Database Table" blocks the 'Update Option' of "Scheduled. Update every: 10 minutes" (note: all these blocks are connected to the servers with username and password, not user authentication). And have selected "Enable auto_refresh" + "Retrieve new data, notify and apply immediately" from the main menu the Data>Automatic Refresh.

    If I use our ServerPlus licensed server to save and distribute these files, will my end users be able to leave the report open on their computers using free Viewer, and the report will refresh itself from the database every 10 minutes?

    What are the restrictions if any? Thanks a lot.... Dom ]]>
    Free Viewer: Export to Excel from free Viewer? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1665/free-viewer-export-to-excel-from-free-viewers Mon, 23 Jul 2012 06:27:18 -0400 OmarKhan 1665@/discussions ServerPlus Edition: Max Number of Users? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1550/serverplus-edition-max-number-of-userss Tue, 15 May 2012 06:30:07 -0400 Kefsid 1550@/discussions
    We have ServerPlus license and I was wondering how many users can use Omniscope on our server at the same time?

    Omnicsope 2.7 server installation and link to R. http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1476/omnicsope-2.7-server-installation-and-link-to-r. Tue, 17 Apr 2012 10:49:44 -0400 eco_dash 1476@/discussions we are trying to add R to an existing Omniscope server installation.
    Unfortunately, Omniscope (2.7) isn't able to get an link to the Rscript.exe-file.
    We are using R 2.15 and tried installation as user ord admin both failed to run an R script within Omniscope.
    Any ideas?


    Hendrik ]]>
    Outputs: Custom Executable JAR (2.6) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1030/outputs-custom-executable-jar-2.6 Fri, 30 Sep 2011 12:50:58 -0400 steve 1030@/discussions
    This deployment option allows you to create a standalone free Viewer JAR file with bundled data file, and optionally your own branding in the Viewer (licensing permitting). You can host this JAR file on any web server and provide a link to it. Users will click the link to download it, then open/run the downloaded file. Omniscope will launch and open the bundled file automatically, avoiding any authentication issues which may arise with Web Start/JNLP.

    1. If you wish to re-brand, ensure you have a ServerPlus license and a recent build of 2.6+
    2. Choose Settings > Advanced > Miscellaneous > Create custom JAR
    3. Specify the full path to the IOK file
    4. Optionally, specify the full path to the JAR file. Leave blank for the latest version.
    5. Optionally, provide re-branding customisations. See http://www.visokio.com/kb/rebranding
    6. Specify the full path to the output directory, e.g. your C:\Users\YourName\Desktop
    7. Click OK
    8. Wait for the progress dialogue to complete
    9. Test by double-clicking the JAR. Omniscope Viewer should launch and display the bundled IOK file.

    The deployed free Viewer will be identical to Web Start in terms of functionality and you may not be able to rely on whether the operating system chooses to launch Java in 32-bit or 64-bit mode, so be sure to test on your target platforms, especially for larger data files.

    Please post back any feedback here.]]>