Tagged with ESRI - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/ESRI/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 14:36:59 -0400 Tagged with ESRI - Visokio Forums en-CA GIS: Importing from Esri ArcGIS Online http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2637/gis-importing-from-esri-arcgis-online Mon, 07 Jul 2014 11:11:18 -0400 richard 2637@/discussions
The following example assumes that you already have an ArcGIS Online account with at least one feature layer configured. You can sign up for an account by clicking on "Esri account help" in the DataManager block noted below and following the link.

  1. Create a new file in Omniscope and go to DataManager.
  2. Under "Feeds", drag on a new 'ArcGIS feature layers' block.
  3. Enter your ArcGIS Online username and password then click connect
  4. Configure the search criteria then click 'Search' to find relevant Feature Services.

  5. Choose one or more Feature Services then select the layers you would like to import into Omniscope.

  6. Load the data into Omniscope then drag a Map View into Omniscope to see the postcode areas.
GIS: Geocoding (ESRI) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2636/gis-geocoding-esri Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:57:03 -0400 richard 2636@/discussions
  • Esri (batch) - Returns the highest ranking match per location. More efficient for large datasets than using Esri multi-match.
  • Esri (multi-match) - Can return multiple matches per specific place name, e.g. a place called "Aberdeen" exists in Scotland, Hong Kong etc.
  • Yahoo - Yahoo BOSS PlaceFinder.

Each of these services requires an account with the relevant service provider. Links to the provider's sign-up page are included in the Geocode block.

  1. Create a new file in Omniscope and go to DataManager.
  2. Add a 'List of values' block to the DataManager workspace and insert some values (to test the feature) or use a dataset that already has a location field.

  3. Connect a Geocode block to your workflow, select the field "Values" (containing your place names) and choose a geocoding service:

    • Esri (batch)

      1. After signing up for an account, enter your username and password then click 'Connect'.
      2. Select the fields you want the geocoding service to return.
      3. Click "Restrict to country" if all of your place names exist within a single country. This can improve the accuracy of geocoded results.
      4. Click "Execute" to begin geocoding.

      NB: "Geocode Service URL" is an advanced option for overriding which Esri geocoding service Omniscope will use to generate results.

    • Esri (multi-match)

      1. After signing up for an account, enter your username and password then click 'Connect'.
      2. Select the fields you want the geocoding service to return.
      3. Click "Restrict to country" if all of your place names exist within a single country. This can improve the accuracy of geocoded results.
      4. Configure "Max matches" to select how many results you would like returned for each input place name.
      5. Click "Execute" to begin geocoding.

      NB: "Geocode service URL" is an advanced option for overriding which Esri geocoding service Omniscope will use to generate results.

    • Yahoo

      1. After signing up for an account, enter your OAuth consumer key and secret then click 'Connect'.
      2. Select the fields you want the geocoding service to return.
      3. Configure "Count" to select how many results you would like returned for each input place name.
      4. Click "Execute" to begin geocoding.

  4. Load the data into Omniscope to see the geocoded place names and visualise the data in the Map View.

GIS: Importing an ESRI Shapefile http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2635/gis-importing-an-esri-shapefile Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:00:00 -0400 richard 2635@/discussions
  • "postcode areas.shp" (inside ZIP) Contains geometries for each feature (shape) in the Esri Shapefile
  • "postcode areas.dbf" (inside ZIP) Contains meta-data for each feature (shape) in the Esri Shapefile
  • "postcode areas.prj" (inside ZIP) Contains the coordinates' projection, e.g. UTM, WGS84.

  1. Download the attached ".zip" file and extract the ".shp", ".dbf" and ".prj" files into the same folder.
  2. Create a new file in Omniscope and go to DataManager.
  3. Drag the "postcode areas.shp" file onto the DataManager workspace (or drag a "Data file" block onto the workspace and browse to the "postcode areas.shp" file). The ".dbf" and ".prj" files will be automatically detected.
  4. The Esri Shapefile DataManager block contains 2 configurable options
    • "Overlay identifier" - The field which contains unique identifiers for each feature (shape) in the file. In our Shapefile this would be the names of the postal areas, e.g. AB for Aberdeen, SW6 for South West London. If your data does not include such a field then selecting "Create new field" will allow Omniscope to generate internal unique identifiers using a field named "Overlay ID".
    • "Meta data fields included" - The names of all fields which will be loaded from the Esri Shapefile into the block.
  5. Load the data into Omniscope then drag a Map View into Omniscope to see the postcode areas.



You will notice a field has also been created named "Overlay sub-path ID". This is used internally within Omniscope to identify nested geometries within each shape. For example a shape for the United Kingdom could not be drawn with one continuous line. We use this field to breakdown the records into numerous islands which make up the country.]]>
Mapping: ESRI geocoding added (2.9+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2285/mapping-esri-geocoding-added-2.9- Tue, 13 Aug 2013 12:44:01 -0400 chris 2285@/discussions
In the latest version of Omniscope 2.9 (b341) we have added two ESRI geocoding services. These are available in the "Geocode" operation.

  • Esri (batch). This will geocode locations in batches. Only one result (the best match) will be returned per location. This is useful when you want to geocode a large number of locations.
  • Esri (multi match). This will return a configurable number of matches per location. You can use the "Max matches" option to specify the maximum number of locations to return per location value.

Both of these services require an ArcGIS account. You can choose to use the ArcGIS online server or a custom server location (for example your own ArcGIS deployment).

Please let us know if you have any further questions.]]>
Mapping: ESRI ArcGIS Feature Layers (2.9+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2276/mapping-esri-arcgis-feature-layers-2.9- Thu, 08 Aug 2013 11:19:51 -0400 richard 2276@/discussions
This feed allows you to connect an ArcGIS Server (or ArcGIS Online) and browse/select Feature Layers. After selecting one or more layers you can download this data as an Omniscope dataset. You can then visualise this data in a Map View.

Searches can be filtered on keywords or access levels and the results can be sorted on various fields.

In the screenshot below we have connected to ArcGIS Online and loaded United State boundaries which are shown on the Map View.


If you already have an ArcGIS Online account then you can use this functionality straight away. If you don't have an account then you can sign up at https://www.arcgis.com/home/signin.html.

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this functionality or if you would like a demonstration.]]>
Map View: Importing Overlays/Map Boundaries http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/583/map-view-importing-overlaysmap-boundaries Mon, 10 Jan 2011 09:18:34 -0500 Daniel_Lam 583@/discussions
The boundaries I am looking for are from the NUTS regional classifications in Europe such as the ones given here:

http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/gisco/geodata/reference by selecting the "Administrative units/Statistical units"

The idea is to be able to use these map boundaries in conjunction with heat mapping so that defined areas can be coloured for a set of numerical variables.

An Example I would like to be able to emulate:

Mapping: Geocoding? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2050/mapping-geocodings Fri, 15 Mar 2013 08:48:57 -0400 grahamb 2050@/discussions Map View: Overlays - Importing ESRI shapefiles? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1699/map-view-overlays-importing-esri-shapefiless Sat, 11 Aug 2012 18:04:48 -0400 stein 1699@/discussions