Support Mon, 30 Oct 17 14:59:47 -0400 Support en-CA Annotations with links to data Thu, 26 Mar 2009 16:46:23 -0400 PeterG 96@/discussions Want the ffigures in the sentences to update everytime the data is refreshed/ changed

Weekly total: xxxxx
Monthly total:xxxx
YTD total:xxxxx

You have $xxxxx left in your budget before running out.

How do i go about doing this?


Is the 2.4 viewer compatible with 2.5? Sat, 11 Jul 2009 14:34:21 -0400 steve 145@/discussions
"If I create an IOK file using Omniscope 2.5, can it be opened in Omniscope 2.4?"
"If I create an IOK file using Omniscope 2.3, how does it open in Omniscope 2.4?"]]>
Value Banding Fri, 03 Jul 2009 11:05:02 -0400 bfromson 140@/discussions
This can be solved inelegantly with a formula field and a lot of nested if functions. It would be useful to have some form of case statement/function that would make this more elegant.]]>
Multi-year summary/single year file Mon, 06 Jul 2009 20:40:06 -0400 swmcdonnell 144@/discussions Sorting a network view Fri, 03 Jul 2009 14:35:11 -0400 sdhayes 141@/discussions I can sort the data in table view, but want the network view to be sorted, so that all the green nodes are sequential, then the amber, followed by the red
I cannot see a way to sort the network view, other than pasting in the pre-sorted data from table view into a new file?]]>
Taxonomies Fri, 03 Jul 2009 15:38:18 -0400 steve 142@/discussions
Let's say you have several text fields containing free text which you want to search for a number of predefined keywords. You want a checkbox to appear in the filters for each keyword, as follows:

Data table:

1 | Some text including eggs
2 | Some other text including eggs and bacon
3 | Some text including bread

In this case, you might be interested in the keywords "Eggs", "Bacon" and "Bread".

Filter desired:

[tick] Eggs (2)
[tick] Bacon (1)
[tick] Bread (1)

Isolating "Eggs" will result in records 1 and 2, since they both contain those keywords.


In Omniscope 2.5, choose Data menu > Formulas > Add formula field.
Enter "Taxonomy" as the field name.
Copy and paste the following formula exactly, then carefully customise it (being careful not to miss out a comma) as needed to match your keywords:

IF( SEARCH("eggs", [Description]) > 0, "Eggs,", "")
IF( SEARCH("bacon", [Description]) > 0, "Bacon,", "")
IF( SEARCH("bread", [Description]) > 0, "Bread,", "")

If you have more than one field, change [Description] to [Field1]+[Field2].

Finally, open Data menu > Manage fields, and find Taxonomy. Ensure the data type is Category (if not, convert), and choose Options > Tokenized. You will be prompted for the token separator character; leave as a comma, unless you have customised it in the formula.
This should result in a filter as described.]]>
Formulas -formatting in content view Mon, 29 Jun 2009 12:26:48 -0400 TimS 135@/discussions
When I enter formulas in content view, the spaces that I insert between them are automatically deleted when the formula is evaluated. I would like to either have the formula result in the middle of a block of text, or would like to create a rough table of results from this - so either way it would be helpful to have the formulas evaluated in the formatting that they are in-putted with. Is this possible?



PS - on that note - are there any plans to incorporate some kind of table view -so that we could enter formulas into different cells, etc.?]]>
Scatter plot - 1 metric against another metric Tue, 23 Jun 2009 07:49:55 -0400 TimS 132@/discussions
I would like to plot one metric against another metric in a scatter plot. My problem is that my data is arranged as follows:

Region Brand Month(period) Metric Value
GB brand 1 jan-08 visits 200
FR brand 1 jan-08 visits 203
GB brand 1 jan-08 spend 500000

So if for instance, I would like to plot visits against spend, but because they are both metrics I can't. I seem to be only able to pick region, brand, month(period) metric or value to assign to each axis. I could restructure my table, but I don't really want to do that because then it will be difficult to recreate my other charts. Any recommendations?

Automatically selecting latest month in Reports when adding new data Fri, 26 Jun 2009 09:16:53 -0400 Steve_Randall 134@/discussions Thanks
Basic stats for numerical columns Tue, 23 Jun 2009 16:07:43 -0400 sdhayes 133@/discussions for a many column set of data?
charts + forcing axis labels Mon, 22 Jun 2009 17:55:32 -0400 TimS 131@/discussions
I have looked on the forum and support pages and can't find an explanation of this. If I set up a chart [with a time series as the x axis], can I force the axis, so that reducing the time period reduces that amount of bars or points rather than changing the periodicity of the axis?


content view - functions Tue, 16 Jun 2009 16:12:48 -0400 TimS 129@/discussions
If I want to enter a formula into the comment field, so that I can say x metric is % vs. last period. How would I go about entering this formula? I have one column in my dataset that contains all my values -so I thought I could filter this column to contain only the values I want to sum over, and then look at the difference between this period and another period. My problem is that I can't find any information about how to structure these formulas (i.e. include subtraction and division), and what options are available.

restricting categories within filter Thu, 11 Jun 2009 11:35:39 -0400 TimS 127@/discussions
I have set up a chart, and I ultimately want the user to be able to select what variable the data displayed is, but not all variables (in this filter) apply to this chart -so I wondered if it is possible to 'hide' some metrics in a set filter?

Many thanks]]>
Filtering data starting from Named Queries Wed, 10 Jun 2009 11:25:20 -0400 TimS 126@/discussions
This obviously works fine if I am just using the Sidebar to filter the data, but can't make it work in conjunction with queries.

I Would be grateful for any advice on this! - Tim]]>
How do I force a colour to a field value? Mon, 08 Jun 2009 12:31:58 -0400 sbruneau 125@/discussions
However, I have a particular chart I'm building with 6 brands, and 3 of them share almost identical colours/shades, which makes it difficult to distinguish them on the screen. Is there a way to "force" a specific colour to one of the brands?

Many thanks]]>
Maps with inserts dont work Mon, 18 May 2009 01:02:00 -0400 Phil 116@/discussions Modal Average Function Sat, 16 May 2009 18:40:22 -0400 Steve_Randall 115@/discussions Thanks
Removing file headers Tue, 28 Apr 2009 09:54:52 -0400 sdhayes 106@/discussions When I import the data, Visokio treats everything as freetext and does not create text from otherwise tab-delimited data, which is would if the garbage was not there.

How do I remove the garbage. 5/6 rows appearing roughly every 60 rows.

How do I geocode? Mon, 20 Apr 2009 14:04:55 -0400 sdhayes 103@/discussions How do I assign coordinates to the city field eg Paris, Oslo and plot on the map?]]> Currency symbols - where are they? Fri, 10 Apr 2009 14:57:12 -0400 checkyourfuel 102@/discussions
Does Omniscope support currency symbols? If so, how can I report on a data set via a pie or bar chart, for example, AND show currencies in addition to absolute values e.g. £25,600 for a product category X revenue in month Y and region Z.]]>
Improvements to formula editor Sun, 01 Mar 2009 11:46:25 -0500 Guy_Cuthbert 91@/discussions
* Resizable window - increasing the width of the editor would make longer formulae easier to read
* Comments - please can we have some kind of comment ability e.g. start a line with ' or // or similar
* Customisable TAB indent - I use TAB to indent content and make more complex formulae easier to read, but the dfualt spacing moves text too far - I would like 2-8 spaces (user configurable)

... and nothing to do with the editor BUT... can we please have a SELECT CASE type formula - nested IFs are SO messy and hard to read/teach/explain!!]]>
tracing dependents... Mon, 09 Mar 2009 11:50:52 -0400 edthomp 94@/discussions
The problem - I have a model and need to ascertain whether or not certain columns of data are being used elsewhere in the model, or are superfluous. In Excel this could be achieved by use of 'trace dependent' arrows - what is the best way to do this in Omniscope?]]>
Combining dates for period comparisons Thu, 05 Mar 2009 11:07:51 -0500 jbsmab 92@/discussions Internal IDs for Salesforce? Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:59:32 -0500 anon 79@/discussions Salesforce, Group Edition Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:58:41 -0500 anon 78@/discussions Reuters? Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:58:04 -0500 anon 77@/discussions Bloomberg Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:57:23 -0500 anon 76@/discussions Bundling/integration Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:54:45 -0500 anon 75@/discussions Dynamically produced IOK files Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:54:10 -0500 anon 74@/discussions IOK files sourced by other IOK files Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:53:15 -0500 anon 73@/discussions