Support Mon, 30 Oct 17 18:37:24 -0400 Support en-CA Connectors: Google Analtyics - possible bug? Mon, 18 Oct 2010 14:17:23 -0400 marc_marc 451@/discussions Thanks!
Marc Heymann.]]>
How to have the graph veiw display the running total over time? Wed, 23 Jun 2010 22:02:21 -0400 nbrumleve 337@/discussions Add formula in DM Mon, 18 Oct 2010 10:08:27 -0400 Mees 450@/discussions
I am trying to add a formula field in DM, but field is not saved as such when block is collapsed.
Field is changing back to regular text field.

I have build 405, 64bit

Can you please have a look?
Many thanks]]>
Couple of Questions Thu, 14 Oct 2010 13:41:22 -0400 Jon 447@/discussions performance?

Q2 in the Bar View can you also have a calculated value in the bar ie Again i have Actual and Forecast and i want a % to show in the bar of how much Actual is behind Forecast? or Vice versa?

Thanks for you help.]]>
Parameter Passing Mon, 11 Oct 2010 17:06:46 -0400 bfromson 445@/discussions
It can sometimes be difficult to select a single record. If "show details" of a number of records from one of the charts then click to display a single record, that record is not selected. There is however a "Highlight" button at the top of the record - could there be a "publish" button as well?

Arranging views on an Omniscope page Sat, 09 Oct 2010 00:30:23 -0400 walsh 441@/discussions
The layout is 3 rows/2 columns. At the bottom I have two content views (empty, so that the footer I've loaded as a background image is visible in Reporting Mode) and immediately above each of these is a barchart. Because of length of the labels along the x-axis, the graphs themselves are misaligned. I want to line them up properly but I cannot resize, say, the left-hand content view; the right-hand content view moves in lockstep; the upper boundary of these two content views is a continuous line across the page. Is there a setting that controls this? I've looked everywhere I can think of. The two rows of views above the bottom row behave as I'd expect - I can manipulate left and right independently.

On a related matter, is it possible to configure the direction of the labels on the x-axis. I have adjacent barcharts and for some reason one displays the labels horizontally, the other vertically, making the misalignment even more apparent.

I'm using v2.5 b297.]]>
Geocode is putting a UK postcode on US Thu, 07 Oct 2010 10:14:40 -0400 brian.lau 439@/discussions Font size in graph Wed, 06 Oct 2010 09:55:50 -0400 Mees 438@/discussions
Trying to adjust the font size in a graph, but seems not to be an option.
In the bar view it is an option though and quite useful for presenting purposes in a big screen.
Am I missing a function somewhere?
Thanks, A]]>
Multiple value search in search field Mon, 23 Nov 2009 16:06:53 -0500 Mees 182@/discussions Question regarding a search field which cannot be changed to a category field due to the large number of unique values in the field. In my case the number of products a wholesaler has (over 10.000).
When my view shows e.g. customers per month, how can I search for customers that have both product A and/or product B. In other words I want to search on more than one value of this specific field.
Is this possible?

Thanks again!
SQL Server 2008 Thu, 01 Jul 2010 09:59:20 -0400 aknotts 344@/discussions
I'm running SQL Server 2008 R2 on a Windows 7 64-bit machine on which I have Omniscope 2.6 b300 installed. I also have MS Office Pro 2010 on this machine. I add a Database table to the pallette in datamanager I select SQL Server and then select SQL Server 2008. Then I complete the fields as required and try to connect and receive an error (see attached). I have tried with all SQL Server options and still cannot connect (jTDS etc). I have turned the firewall off on the machine, checked all the ports are still at their default of 1433 and still get an error. The only way I can connect to SQL Server is by downloading the SQL Server JDBC drivers using the JDBC (Advanced) option. The preferred route is obviously to use the SQL Server option rather than to install JDBC.

Can you confirm whether this is an issue or I need to change my config?


Is there a way to embed a Word Document in an iok file? Tue, 05 Oct 2010 15:31:56 -0400 indranildatta 435@/discussions
I am working on a client project to replicate their existing powerpoint presentations in Omniscope. One of the requirements is to be able to attach a MS Word document as it is done in one of the slides of the deck. Is there a way to replicate this in Omniscope?

Barracuda proxy server blocks Visokio DB connections Mon, 04 Oct 2010 14:24:54 -0400 lisa.miller 434@/discussions
Can anyone provide any assistance?]]>
Possible to auto-hide right-hand filters toolbar? Fri, 01 Oct 2010 21:02:50 -0400 walsh 433@/discussions Double read of database blocks Fri, 01 Oct 2010 15:13:12 -0400 Guy_Cuthbert 432@/discussions
1. Open a new DataManager
2. Add a Database block to the work area, next to the default Omniscope block
3. Configure the Database block to connect to my server (SQL Server, in this case) and define my query
4. Execute the query and load the data (takes 7-8 mins)

5. Link the Database block to the Omniscope block
6. Press Load... results in re-query and data load into Database block (another 7-8 mins) and then load the data into the Omniscope block (2-3 mins)

I can't see any reason for this?

Should I be limiting my access to the database by saving off a snapshot after step 4, adding an Input Switch and then using the snapshot until I want to hit the database again? Does this prevent a re-read?]]>
Atlas API connector Tue, 28 Sep 2010 16:16:24 -0400 Jim_Ledger 423@/discussions
I have a valid login for Atlas, with a valid developer token, with access granted to ReportExecutionService... but I am having trouble using the Atlas connector in DataManager.
I get a 'Connection successful' status, but the Agency field comes through with 'Unable to update...' (see screenshot attached). Are there any special privileges I need, or any settings I need to change in my Atlas profile to take advantage of this connector?


Web views not working in free viewer Fri, 24 Sep 2010 11:40:17 -0400 Jim_Ledger 421@/discussions
Web page views that I have set up in my Data Manager version (v 2.6 b379) don't work in the Free Viewer (v 2.6 b 379).
Is this a known issue, or do I need to adjust some setting?


"Output Block - daily updates Thu, 16 Sep 2010 21:55:47 -0400 KRIN 420@/discussions Connectors: Google Analytics in 2.6 368 Tue, 14 Sep 2010 13:22:07 -0400 WKeith 416@/discussions Oracle connection i. 2.6 250/252 Wed, 25 Aug 2010 15:29:19 -0400 WKeith 389@/discussions
Have reverted to 240 and the same connection works

Have sent an error rert earlier in the day.

Running 2.6 Scheduler (not at same time) on PC with 2.5 scheduler installed Tue, 07 Sep 2010 15:33:50 -0400 WKeith 412@/discussions
proxy settings for scheduler Fri, 03 Sep 2010 14:46:21 -0400 WKeith 409@/discussions
User report

I am having a problem getting the scheduler to refresh data from an Oracle database. To enable the Omniscope to refresh, I disable our proxy server - otherwise the JDBC connection tries to use the proxy, and the connection fails.
This does not carry through to the scheduler. I have activated the ADDITIONAL_JVM_ARGS= -Dvisokio.disableCustomProxySelector=true -Dvisokio.disableSystemProxies=true -DenableProxyDebug=true
If I load the iok file in Visokio on this pc it refreshes ok

Because I have the proxy disabled, I cant do the automated error report, but I saved it, and attached it as a csv as it wouldnt let me upload html]]>
Installation: Dual versions of Omniscope Thu, 02 Sep 2010 18:04:46 -0400 Pascal 406@/discussions I installed several versions of Omniscope 2.6, the latest one being b358.
However, when I double-click on an IOK file, it opens using version b332.
To be able to have it in b358, I have to open Omniscope b358 and then open the IOK file from within Omniscope.
Is there a way that every time I install a new build all the files would open using the new build?
Thank you.]]>
Date Format - Field Organiser Tue, 31 Aug 2010 12:48:32 -0400 aknotts 404@/discussions
I have a CSV data source and have loaded it in using Data Manager. I have a date field and the format is dMMyyyy ie the dates can be 31082010 or 3092010 (data manager see ths original type as integer). I cannot set this as a date field in Field organiser with a format of dMMyyyy as it will not parse the shorter dates so I have created a formula which prepends a zero to the front of the date field so they are all 10 characters long. If I set this formula to be a Date/time I cannot alter the Date format (input) to map the format of my data therefore I have to use string manipulation functions to set it to the format dd-MMM-yyyy. Is there any better way to do this or do I have to do it long-hand using formulas?

Bar values in swapped barchart Tue, 31 Aug 2010 10:59:54 -0400 Mees 403@/discussions
when creating a barchart, with horizontal pane and split on measures, I can see a value per bar.
However, when swapping the pane from horizontal to vertical and I also flip the barchart, the values per bar disappear.
Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for your help
'Pause' button for DataManager Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:59:05 -0400 Guy_Cuthbert 381@/discussions
Could we have a "pause" button in the DataManager view (or across Omniscope if possible, although I know I have floated that idea before!) - with 'pause' depressed the calculation engine would sleep, allowing a number of changes to be made, before re-engaging normal Omniscope behaviour.

On large/complex models this would save many hours of processor time and twiddling of thumbs / making coffees :)


Refresh in DM Tue, 24 Aug 2010 20:21:08 -0400 Mees 386@/discussions
Question reg DM. When updating Omniscope in DM, sometimes upstream Merge/Join blocks and input files are refreshed. Can't exactly define when this happens and when it doesn't.
With large datasets, this is not something you want as it takes too much time to load. Can you please let me know whether or not this feature can be turned off somewhere? I have automatic refresh turned off already in Data/Automatic refresh.

Thanks, A]]>
Running under windows 7 Mon, 18 Jan 2010 09:47:54 -0500 WKeith 201@/discussions Merging data and null values Mon, 16 Aug 2010 12:19:10 -0400 aknotts 374@/discussions
I have a file with a lot of repeating values in. I create a table and aggregate to get a unique set of data across say 6 fields. Some of the fields may be blank but there will be at least one column with data in. I then export this unique to a new IOK file and add some additional fields to this data. I then want to merge the exported (aggregated) IOK back into the original file to bring this additional data in. How does the merge handle where there are fields with nulls in? An example of the data could be:

Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field 4, Field 5, Field 6
15, Park Road,,London, SW1W 8HY, UK
The House, Effingham Road, Lower Thames Side,,London,

When the data merges if Field 3 is null will that match with Fields 3 in the full data set?


Mapping: Geo-coding - Multiple Sources for geo-coding? Mon, 23 Aug 2010 09:05:17 -0400 Mees 384@/discussions
We have used the LAT and LON functions in Omniscope, but are experiencing some issues relating the datasources.
Omniscope is working perfectly fine with these functions, especially in DM. However, the sources are very questionable. We are geocoding a massive database for the UK market and have tested results with approx 50.000 records.

- Yahoo is okay but has a lot of incorrect coordinates. Very obvious ones, e.g. UK locations plotted in US.
- Cloudmade is worse, too often that coordinates are just incorrect.

We have also used the Google source and that is working far better.

What are the possibilities to include the Google source in the GEO functions in Omniscope?
Adding this source, would add much value to the functions as correcting results will be far less.]]>
Geocoding in 2.6 Tue, 10 Aug 2010 14:58:20 -0400 Mees 370@/discussions
With the geofunctions in 2.6 we are trying to get geocodes for our database.
As we presume the number of queries is limited to 1000, we have to execute the operations multiple times.
No problem, but we are trying to limit the manual work as much as possible.

We noticed that Data Manager drops existing data output (Omniscope table, csv file etc) and recreates a new one when refreshing. In other words, it does not append records to already existing records (existing records for which we have already retrieved the geocodes), unless we use the Append operation. However, using the Append operation means we have to duplicate manually the Filter operation (that limits the number of records for us). As we need a lot of geocodes, we need to duplicate a lot and therefore must find a more efficient way for doing this.
Can you help? Can we configure DM so that it limits the number of records and adds new records to existing Omniscope output?

As an explample I have attached an iok file that represents our process with example data.

Many thanks]]>