Support Mon, 30 Oct 17 18:37:37 -0400 Support en-CA Ordering of Categories Wed, 03 Nov 2010 16:39:36 -0400 benjamin 477@/discussions
I have created a field which is dependant upon a date time field .The created field i have passed a variable through which the user can change to alter the grouping and thus output of this field. Say between Monthly dates to quarterly datyes .By default the created field is specified as category .However when i plot a bar chart against this split the ordering of the bars for the quarters is ordered logically however the ordeing of the dates is not.I have changed the field to graded and ordered the outputs in search/values options however each time the user changes the inputted variables the ordering is not remembered.

How do i overcome this problem ?

How does omnisocpe order categories at the default level ?]]>
Sorting columns in "selection" table Tue, 09 Nov 2010 10:57:37 -0500 Guy_Cuthbert 488@/discussions show data on quarterly basis Thu, 11 Nov 2010 09:51:03 -0500 xuanzheng 496@/discussions I am thinking to show data on quarterly basis, so i create a column containing each quarter of the year e.g. Q1 2006, Q2 2006.. Q1 2007, Q2 2007. when I visualize these data, split by quarter. they are arrranged in the way like Q1 2006 Q1 2007, is there a way to show them in the right quarterly order?
I also noticed omniscope aggreage date in the way like Jan 2006-Mar 2006, Mar 2006 - May 2006, is it possible to aggregate date in the Jan 2006- Mar 2006, April 2006-Jun 2006?
Adding New Field in Omniscope adds it to every table Thu, 04 Nov 2010 09:17:56 -0400 benjamin 479@/discussions
I am aware that you can click hide field on Managed Fields to revert this problem.

But when you add a field it should by default NOT be added to any tabs you have already created in the report.]]>
User profiles citrix Wed, 10 Nov 2010 17:36:55 -0500 s_daffern 495@/discussions
Thanks Steve]]>
JDBC Connection on Windows 7x64 Tue, 09 Nov 2010 11:51:14 -0500 jond2000 490@/discussions
I am having issues with a JDBC Oracle Connection on Windows 7 x64, using same jdbc5.jar as Vista x64 located in C:\Oracle.

When setting up the database connection I enter the host, sid, username and password. I get the error message "Unable to connect to database the server took too long to respond".

I have TCP dump running on the server and the client does not even try to connect.

I don't think Omni is even trying the network as if I enter invalid details, say username and password, I get the same error.

Any ideas?]]>
Loss of focus in edit mode Mon, 08 Nov 2010 14:41:16 -0500 Jim_Ledger 487@/discussions
I'm having trouble when trying to edit text in pretty much everything (tab names, headers, footers, content).
As soon as it goes into edit mode, it almost immediately loses focus, and exits the edit mode.

I think this may be a bug.


Online Sources - Custom Feed Mon, 08 Nov 2010 11:28:54 -0500 Focus_Media 485@/discussions
I have a 'Online Source - Custom feed' configured with:

When refresh data, only shows last records in source.

How to Append data (from this source) to Omniscope?

Embedding viewer in webpage Mon, 08 Nov 2010 09:32:41 -0500 adcox01 484@/discussions Finding Maximum value over aggregated data Fri, 05 Nov 2010 11:55:07 -0400 indranildatta 483@/discussions Neutral viewer not loading when using deployment code Thu, 04 Nov 2010 15:47:37 -0400 adcox01 482@/discussions
Contents of jnlp

(I've replaced my deployment code with xxxx)

Local Data Company Ltd.

How to use DM 'parameters'? Tue, 28 Sep 2010 14:02:06 -0400 Guy_Cuthbert 422@/discussions
As I'm looking at it in DM 2.6 b379, I have 3 types of parameter I can configure:
  1. A fixed value, or a type of my choosing... this seems limited as a 'parameter', but I guess it does give me the ability to change settings manually inside DM and have different behaviours (useful for dev/test/live environments etc.)
  2. A value from my existing Omniscope model - I can see how this works (and can get it to work) but it seems to be of limited value at present... I guess I will think of uses in due course (so would be interested in how others are using this)
  3. A value derived from another Omniscope - this seems VERY useful, in that I can use one Omniscope DM to drive another, and another... offers LOTs of user/group/division/dept/category type customisation... BUT I can't select another Omniscope from the drop-down list presented

In the third option I had expected to see either a file browser (to find other IOK files to use as parameter value sources), or some form of Task Manager, so I can pick another Omniscope instance(?!) - but nothing appears.

Any explanations on how parameters do/will work - with examples of how they can be utilised - would be VERY welcome... it seems to me it could be incredibly powerful, but I'm struggling to make the most of it right now...

Thanks in advance!]]>
A Couple of questions Wed, 03 Nov 2010 12:15:54 -0400 xuanzheng 475@/discussions I have a couple of questions related to the file I attched.
Starting from something general
1. Is it possible to change the size of the header of each chart?
2. Is it possible to get a "Y-axis" the bar chart view, like the "Y-axis" in the graph chart view. I need the Y-axis to show the units and the metric.
3. Is it possible to apply the specific legend to the related charts. For example, in the file attached, the correct legends of the graph chart view ( left above) are "modelled " and "registrations", while the correct legends of the bar chart view (right above) are individual driver contribution. When i switch on the color icon on the first chart, it is automatically applied to the second chart. Is there a way to get around this problem.
4. Is it possible to set up a link between two charts. In my files, I want to link the bar chart ( left below ) and the graph view charts (right below). For example, when i select the "seasonality" in the bar chart, the graph view will automatically switch to the "seasonality contribution"; when i select "Scrappage" in the bar, then scrappage contribution is automatically updated in the graph view.
5. In the graph view- "AvM" ( left above), is it possible to plot a vertical line, which is used to split/ distinguish the modelling period and forecasting period.
6. is there a way to cut the link when i select the metrics for different charts. For example, In bar chart (right above), I only want to show contribution, revenue, profit, ROI, while I only want to show scrappage , seasonality in the bar chart (left below). But when I made the first selection in the first chart, the option automatically comes up when i made the selection in the second charts. Any way to show the specific metrics for the related charts
It's a really lengthy input. Many thanks in advance for the help]]>
year on year growth rate Wed, 03 Nov 2010 12:45:42 -0400 xuanzheng 476@/discussions A problem comes up when I tried to show a year on year growth rate on omniscope.
For my case, the sales data of different products are on the monthly basis. I did subset_sum on the product and yearly level, which could produce accurate result when I only select one product. But if I select more than one, the result is the weighted average of each product's growth rate rather than growth rate of the sum of the product sales over the year.
For example. Product 1, year 1 sales : 5 million kgs, year 2 sales : 6 million kgs
Product 2, year 1 sales: 4 million kgs, year 2 sales : 7 million kgs
the correct growth rate should be : [( 6+7)-(5+4)]/(5+4)= 44.4%
What the omniscope did: [ (6-5)/5 + (7-4)/4 ]/2 = 47.5%
I tried to apply weight on when showing the growth rate, but it still gets the discrepencies.
Is there any way to get round this problem.
Many thanks for the help!]]>
Data Manager Thu, 04 Nov 2010 10:02:15 -0400 benjamin 480@/discussions
When using data manager and using field organiser is there a way to search for fields you would like to see added/deleted, much in the same manner you can search for fields in the Data >Manage Fields tab in Omniscope.

Content view formulas Fri, 22 Jan 2010 11:33:13 -0500 acm 205@/discussions client has content view that shows calculated sum of a variable.
Is it possible to have in one view the calculated sum based on the filtering and at the same time have the calculated sum which does not react on the filtering (sum of all data)?
next step is divide to two.

Date Conversion Failure: "Cannot parse. . ." Tue, 26 Oct 2010 19:42:01 -0400 shmccall 463@/discussions
I am trying to import a dataset from Excel, however the date/time fields are formatted as text. When I try to convert the field, I get an error saying: "Warning: Cannot parse . . ." It seems like I am only getting this error for values that include a time-stamp; I have other date only fields that convert with no problem. The time-stamp is important, I can not omit it so I was wondering if anybody has had this problem and/or found a solution. I've tried reformatting the original Excel data to various different versions of date/time with no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Formatting of headers in charts Wed, 03 Nov 2010 18:12:20 -0400 benjamin 478@/discussions
I would like to input a header for a chart. If the header is long , the end parts of the header do not show up in the graph.

Is it possible to add an option for headers which allows the creator to specify the header to be displayed over two or more rows.Much in the same way as you have the option in tables .I.e Coloumn Options >Column header height

Many Thanks]]>
Sources: OLAP cube connections? Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:52:26 -0400 matt.mec 366@/discussions Matt]]> USA Map Lat Long missing Tue, 02 Nov 2010 14:25:48 -0400 bmorris 473@/discussions
May be doing something completely wrong; if so let me know. Thank you!

Lexington United States of America US USA 842 -71.22 42.45
Lexington United States of America US USA 842 -80.26 35.81
Lexington United States of America US USA 842 -81.23 33.98
Lexington United States of America US USA 842 -99.74 40.78]]>
Sort by Frequency Filter on Side Tabs Mon, 01 Nov 2010 17:58:55 -0400 benjamin 471@/discussions I am trying to sort filter categories included in tabs on the RHS of a omniscope screen so that the catgories are shown in descending order (by number of records) where the highest is shown first .

I have Right clicked on the RHS filter tab of the filter i wish to have shown in descending order and clicked on sort filters by frequency.

However it does not appear to sort the categories by number of records as i would expect.

This is evident by some categories with more records , shown below categories with less records.Where number of records in each category is indictated by the number in the brackets to the right of the category.

Why is this ?

Many Thanks]]>
Map colours in 2.6 Mon, 01 Nov 2010 09:41:34 -0400 WKeith 470@/discussions Locale and encoding: Load + display Chinese/Korean/Japanese characters in Omniscope Fri, 29 Oct 2010 19:36:45 -0400 Pascal 469@/discussions In previous version, I think we could select locale (still the case) but also encoding, like UTF-8.
Here the encoding option is not showing up.
How can I get visokio to read the asian characters correctly?
Thank you.]]>
Turn on/off a table view Fri, 29 Oct 2010 12:12:46 -0400 xuanzheng 468@/discussions Many thanks
Import: Embedding a PDF as image? Fri, 29 Oct 2010 11:48:14 -0400 xuanzheng 467@/discussions Xuan]]> Incrementing dates with formula Thu, 28 Oct 2010 17:29:40 -0400 Louise.Peers 465@/discussions
Field Organiser after .txt source Mon, 25 Oct 2010 21:25:57 -0400 Mees 461@/discussions
In DM (64bit b414), the Field Organiser that is set after a .txt source does not save adjusted fieldnames after refreshing the source at opening file.
Could it be a bug, is it a configuration?

User manuals in 2.6 Wed, 30 Jun 2010 09:17:24 -0400 Pascal 342@/discussions
When do you plan to have user manuals and training guides in 2.6 available for:
- Free viewers
- Pro users
- DM users
- Enterprise users

The only current documentation I can find is a pdf file on 2.5 ( which is a "pdf-ized" version of the website and a training guide which is more a check list and ( is also a 2.5 version.

Thank you,
Customise import behaviour Thu, 21 Oct 2010 16:12:46 -0400 sdhayes 459@/discussions When opening into an omniscope I can customise the import behaviour to handle this.
However, I can't appear to set this in a datamanager flow as the initial step
ie the first thing I need to do is import with the þ parameter, and then go on to some more advanced functions]]>
Join and Case sensitive Tue, 19 Oct 2010 20:34:13 -0400 Mees 454@/discussions
My join in DM joins two fields whereby values are equal, except for the fact that in one file it is all lower caps and in the other it is both small caps and caps.
Example: "Omniscope" should join with "omniscope" and "omniScope"
I assumed I should use the functions Accent sensitive and Case sensitive in the Merge/Join block, but unfortunately this doesn't work like this.

Can you please advise?