Support Mon, 30 Oct 17 21:40:20 -0400 Support en-CA To Count the records in each category Wed, 12 Jan 2011 11:34:22 -0500 filippobe 590@/discussions
I have a dataset with more than 100000 records. I have two field: Security ID and Portfolio ID.
Some securities appear more than one time in the database, as they are in more than one portfolios.
Therefore I forced the categorization of the Security ID field (more than 10000 different categories).
I grouped by Security ID.
Now I would like to add a field that tells me how many records I have for each Security ID (basically counts the records in each category) and after sorts the dataset for this field.
Is it possible? Should I use the recordcount formula? How?
Thank you

Tables in Content View Tue, 11 Jan 2011 19:03:41 -0500 benjamin 588@/discussions
On the content view if you add a table ..
1. sometimes the sides of the cell suddenly dissappear..How do i correct this ?
2.When you add a row, it seems to always add the extra row between the last and penultimate row instead of either adding it to the bottom of the tabl or adding it where you cursor is.

Any help would be much appreciated..

By default include/exclude new columns in side filter on refresh Tue, 11 Jan 2011 18:18:06 -0500 benjamin 587@/discussions
I hope you had a good new year .

1. In omniscope when I am filtering a tab by a certain column say Alphabet which has categories A,B,C,D and false. Say I only include A,B,C,D in tab. Then if when I update the file from database and say a new category is added to the column say E. By default the file excludes the E data from the tab. Is there any option which allows the developer of the file to define if a new category is added to the filter to either include it or exclude it by default .

2.When you add a new field to a file is there a way by default to have this field hidden from all tables, sidebars etc by default. I am aware that you can click hide field on the manage data tab.. however this is a nuisance to do for every new field which is added.

Any help would be much appreciated.]]>
Importing Pipe Delimited .txt Tue, 11 Jan 2011 13:37:04 -0500 chrisamott 585@/discussions de-duplicate: How to define the 'younger' entry to be kept / the older entry to be deleted? Tue, 14 Dec 2010 14:58:06 -0500 dvo_D 553@/discussions How can I tell the system to identify the 'old' data by entries in defined columns, so Omniscope will replace the complete row with a newer entry from another source? - 'Age' of data is to be identified by a column which is included in data from the 2nd source "corrections", but not in the 1st source "main data".
For better understanding, please take a look on attached xls file.

The data set to be kept is green,
to be deleted: orange,
Facts to identify the duplicate: light blue,
Facts to identify the younger entry: dark blue,

Source is the controlled circulation reporting (quarterly) of print titles and its correction (weekly updated) by "".]]>
Percentages and value displaying together on Bar view Mon, 10 Jan 2011 09:47:38 -0500 brian.lau 584@/discussions
We base a lot of our analysis using Bar view, with stacks of different categories onto the bar. However, currently I can't find a way to display both the numerical values and the percentages of total on the same bar; I have to resort to using one bar view for numeric values, then another one with 100% bars to get the percentages. This means using two views to display essentially the same information and is taking up quite a lot of space. I am just wodnering if there are any quick ways to display what I want, or if this is a feature that could be put in future release?

Clusters Thu, 06 Jan 2011 08:45:18 -0500 chrisamott 574@/discussions
I have a GROUP category and COUNTRY category. Rather than clustering by GROUP and COUNTRY, which create a single plot for each COUNTRY, clustered by GROUP, I would like to see two plots for each COUNTRY. Each plot for each COUNTRY would contain the data rows for that GROUP .]]>
Moving Licecne Fri, 07 Jan 2011 12:40:01 -0500 neilmerchant 580@/discussions Can you tell me how to move my licecne from one computer to another? I have a new laptop and want to transfer it?

Scaling limitations - dataset with more than 500 fields Thu, 06 Jan 2011 17:43:37 -0500 Ross.Moncur 578@/discussions Coming up against what I think is a "scaling" problem as Omniscope will only read in 500 columns.

Is there a setting I can change in Omniscope to enable it to read in more (unlimited???) columns?

Geographical Centre Wed, 29 Dec 2010 17:05:23 -0500 Andrew 570@/discussions
Ref No of orders x coordinate y coordinate
A 200 2.33 3.44
B 300 6.35 7.47
C 521 4.43 3.64

I saw in one of the product demonstrations for Visokio that Visokio can calculate a "geographical centre" for this data, so if the coordinates look like the below, (where A,B,C come from my data), Visokio can calculate X (taking into account the number of orders for each coordinate to give a weighted average central location).

Could you tell me how to do this in Visokio?

Thanks for your help.]]>
Disable data refresh? Tue, 04 Jan 2011 12:15:24 -0500 Jim_Ledger 573@/discussions
My main data source is a Doubleclick connector, that currently pulls in about 100k rows - this takes a long time.
It goes through several operations before it goes into Omniscope - but every time I hit 'load' from the last operation, it goes back and re-imports the raw data, then sends the data through all the operations all over again... which takes ages.

Is there a setting to stop the refresh of the raw data? I've already uncecked 'Enable Auto refresh' but it still happens.


Ranking categories Fri, 24 Dec 2010 19:36:14 -0500 walsh 568@/discussions
I have a data set that comprises several types of data, and the value ("Application") I want to rank is common to several of those types. I'm trying to get the rank order of the occurrence of each application where the type = "INC". When I first RANKed the name of the application, the rank order didn't go from 1,2,3... but that seemed OK ( it went, of course, from 1 to [count of most frequent]+1, but not easy to get the top 10 from that). So I aggregated the Application column and created a formula field that counted the occurrence of each category. I figured that RANK() would return a 1,2,3 value when applied to those numbers - but it simply returns the value I'm trying to order by rank. Can you put me out of my misery, and tell me what I'm doing wrong, please? I've attached the .iok I'm working on.

Many thanks, in advance,

Languages: Which European languages available? Wed, 29 Dec 2010 10:07:03 -0500 acm 569@/discussions
In which European languages is Omniscope available at the moment?

Limit on the number of categories in bar chart Fri, 24 Dec 2010 19:00:41 -0500 walsh 567@/discussions

Disable "Get details for all..." Mon, 20 Dec 2010 16:13:08 -0500 walsh 563@/discussions
Watch Folder Wed, 22 Dec 2010 10:43:45 -0500 neilmerchant 565@/discussions Is it possible to move the "watch folder" as it stands its on a system drive that we don't want to give people access to.
Also is it possible to have multiple watch folders?
Stopping Auto Publish on data error? Mon, 20 Dec 2010 12:52:52 -0500 neilmerchant 562@/discussions Is there a way to stop auto-publish if a given value is found or if a merge does not match 100% of the values etc?
Basically if either of these things happens theres a problem with my input data and I need to stop it being sent out to people.
Showing zero values in line graph Tue, 30 Nov 2010 22:26:12 -0500 walsh 530@/discussions

Colour Coding Data Points on a Map Mon, 20 Dec 2010 10:14:45 -0500 Calli 561@/discussions
I am looking to enter in mortgage data which is graded by risk categories. When I use map view, all the points are in the same colour. I would like the Colour to be different for different risk categories such that managment can see geographical areas of higher and lower risk.

Any help would be much appreciated]]>
Label orientation in graphs Fri, 17 Dec 2010 23:21:03 -0500 walsh 560@/discussions UTF8 & double byte character sets Fri, 17 Dec 2010 16:13:01 -0500 aknotts 559@/discussions
Ver: 2.6 b465

I have several multi language data sets (Chinese, Russian and Greek to name 3) that I am merging and need to output to either a text file or ideally import into SQL Server 2008 R2. If I create a text file output what encoding / locale combination should I use to preserve the double byte characters? Also, how can I output the data to SQL Server and still preserve the double byte characters? Attached is a spreadsheet with a small example data set in.


ODBC Connection - Windows 7 64bit Fri, 17 Dec 2010 12:04:08 -0500 awillson 557@/discussions
When I set up the connection in Data Source Admin using the odbcad32.exe and test it the connection is successful. Details are:

Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver Version 06.01.7600

Data Source Name: SLA DB
Data Source Description: SLA DB
Server: Removed for privacy
Database: (Default)
Language: (Default)
Translate Character Data: Yes
Log Long Running Queries: No
Log Driver Statistics: No
Use Regional Settings: No
Prepared Statements Option: Drop temporary procedures on disconnect
Use Failover Server: No
Use ANSI Quoted Identifiers: Yes
Use ANSI Null, Paddings and Warnings: Yes
Data Encryption: No]]>
Help writing a fomula Mon, 22 Nov 2010 15:21:10 -0500 samconvergex 516@/discussions
I'd like to do one of the following--

Formula 1: IF([field A] like 'xyz', 250, 0)]]>
SMTP Mon, 13 Dec 2010 14:20:08 -0500 neilmerchant 552@/discussions
We are waiting on our Enterprise licence. In the mean time can someone send me a screen shot of the SMTP settings so I can forward it onto our IT team?

Availabilty Rel. 2.6 Mon, 13 Dec 2010 10:22:26 -0500 achim_roeder 550@/discussions Can youu let me know when Rel. 2.6 is ready , i canĀ“t find it on the HomePage for download.


Floating right sidebar Thu, 09 Dec 2010 10:39:10 -0500 acm 549@/discussions
There seems to be some strange behaviour:
- on my pc the sidebar is transparant and on client pc sidebar is white
- when I open a field values are shown as expected and when collapsing the field values are gone. On client pc, field is collapsed but values are still visible behind all fields. When moving mouse over certain area on sidebar, values disappear. Not sure where to hover mouse over.

Can you please find out what this might be? Not a very urgent issue, but it is better not to have this]]>
Import Excel formulae Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:33:21 -0500 anon 59@/discussions Persistent filter selection across tabs Wed, 08 Dec 2010 17:35:15 -0500 dgarbarino 546@/discussions
I'm trying to make the filter selection persistent across tabs, e.g. if you have a country filter and select UK in one tab, you will see the same country selected in any other tab.
I'm currently using v.459 and can't find a way to do this.
Export Fri, 12 Nov 2010 16:56:59 -0500 benjamin 498@/discussions I have a collection of omniscope files (reports).

I would like to create a new omnisope file which contains only a few selected files from each of the reports.

I would like this omniscope file to be able to recognise when the files which they where selected from are updated and refresh accordingly.

Say i have six different reports regarding measuring specific sale characteristics ( say Car,food,mens clothers,womens clothers,child clothers and Insurance )

Now say i would like to produce a management report, i would only select the most important tabs from these six files.Each month say I would like the management report to refresh based on the changes in the other six files.

Is this possible ?

If so how do i do this ?

Any help would be much appreciated.


Import hour field from Excel file to Date/Time in Omniscope Fri, 26 Nov 2010 12:14:00 -0500 Focus_Media 522@/discussions
I have an Excel file with Hour Field, and I can't import correctly in Omniscope.

Attach .xls file and .iok file with attempts to import hour field to date/time in Omniscope.
