Support Mon, 30 Oct 17 21:41:29 -0400 Support en-CA Named Query exclude NULLS Tue, 01 Feb 2011 05:38:31 -0500 Mees 640@/discussions Example: one of the fields is Product. The dataset contains 10 productvalues, but also records without a productvalue (the no values). My views only need records with a productvalue, so we use Named Queries. When creating the Query we deselect the 'no value' in the fieldfilter and save the Named Query.

Now we get new sourcedata and new productvalues are added to the dataset. The Named Query doesn't work as expected as it only contains the productvalues of the previous dataset where we expected it would leave out NULLS but include new products.

Please advice how to do this as we now have to clear the named query and populate it again after each new refresh.
Style tab in Bar view Fri, 28 Jan 2011 07:13:03 -0500 WKeith 634@/discussions

In 2.6 504, all I can control is this


Any plans to change this?

Incremental Append Mon, 31 Jan 2011 08:47:12 -0500 awillson 639@/discussions Links to multiple creative file types Fri, 14 Jan 2011 10:38:43 -0500 Louise.Peers 594@/discussions
Keeping the top 50 records Fri, 28 Jan 2011 05:32:11 -0500 SteveP 633@/discussions
If I select a single category, I might see 100 or 1000 records, depending on the category, but how can I just see the top 50 records for that category? In effect, I want to limit the view to a maximum of 50 records regardless of which category is selected.

Any ideas?

Source: Access data file update slow? Fri, 07 Jan 2011 17:01:35 -0500 filippobe 581@/discussions
I have two Access tables (each one with 200,000 rows), linked as sources to an Omniscope file.
Every time I open the file and I try to update the two blocks, Omniscope it's unable to connect with the database. It starts to work only after three or four attempts.Therefore, every time I want to update the blocks, all the process takes to me more than 5 minutes. I'm wasting a lot of time. Does anyone know why?
Thank you

DataManager: "Cannot Access File" error? Tue, 04 May 2010 09:44:36 -0400 SteveP 305@/discussions
If we run the procedure and publish to a brand new file, it works perfectly.

Once that file is there, and we try to re-run to publish to the same file, using the "Use target file view configuration" option, we get the following error -

"Publishing error
Cannot Access File
The file you are trying to access is currently locked by elsewhere inside Omniscope. Please try again.
Could not obtain lock within timeout 60000ms"

The target file is definitely not open anywhere.

Any ideas what the problem might be? We are currently using 2.6 b236

Thanks, Steve]]>
Use of functions on the Content View Thu, 27 Jan 2011 09:48:26 -0500 jforero 632@/discussions SUBSET_SINGLETON([Value],SUBSET3([Metric],[Month],[Year],"Visitors",[Month],[Year])) 
But I am receiving this message:
"Fields are not accessible in embedded formulas"
Please let know us if it have any constraints to use this type of formulas on the content view?]]>
Large Temp folder Thu, 27 Jan 2011 09:26:48 -0500 Alk 631@/discussions
I am importing 6 MS Excel files into my iok, totalling 60mb and one DoubleClick feed. Is a temp size this large by design or a bug? I have been using Omniscope alpha versions only since early January and Omniscope is installed under my user profile.

I am currently using a Windows XP x32 machine and Omniscope 2.6 build 491.]]>
Percentage Completion Turn off Thu, 27 Jan 2011 09:18:42 -0500 benjamin 629@/discussions
1.Is there any way to stop the percentage timer appearing every time you open a omniscope file..As this itself must take up quite a lot of computation power ??

2.In datamanager the Omniscope block always repeats every change that the developer has applied to the coloumns/file since the creation of the file.Is there any way to delete all changes (i.e prevent Omniscope from running through the changes) and just keep the current settings.Currently you can delet individual changes but this is a long and dubious process since you have to delet them individually.Is it possible to have checkboxes of whch ones you would like to see included or excluded.
Please see example below to make things clearer.

Suppose i have a new omniscope file and say have coloum1,coloumn 2 from a database and then create formulae fields say formul1,formulae2.Now say i delete formuale 2 and rename formuale 1 to formulae 11.Now say i changes formuale in formulae11 and rename the field formulae 12.

In omniscope it will run all these changes sequencitally every time you open the file.Is there any way just to keep the current coloumns/formulae field changes .
I.e Coloumn 1, Delete column 2,formulae12

As currently i would have to delete each operation seperately in the omniscope block.But for files which go under a lot of development this is not ideal to do as it takes a lot of time.

I.e So either it would be good to have a tickbox to delet include changes in the omniscope block or just have a button which says keep changes to create current field/coloumn settings.

Any help/Advice would be appreciated.

Many Thanks

Fixate Omniscope Viewer online build Wed, 26 Jan 2011 15:39:05 -0500 Mees 626@/discussions
Batch Append (2.6 Datamanager) Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:35:51 -0500 awillson 628@/discussions
Can I use Enteprise to do the import/append action for me?]]>
Tables pdf No Border on Tables /Iterations/Recalculation Formulaes Fri, 21 Jan 2011 14:24:14 -0500 benjamin 605@/discussions
1.When i export a tab to pdf, currently the permiter line (border) of the table does not show up.The border for the inner cells shows up but not the outer border of the table.Why is this ?

2.I would like to do an iteration (loop) on a calculated column, but currently omniscope says it does not allow circular references.Will this be possible in the future ?


Say i have Column1 with Colours RED/GREEN/YELLOW and each row is a different date Say March,April,May,June etc .I would like to count for each date how many consecutive dates (Start at 1 for Current Date) previously have that same colour.I would like to calculate the column "output" using a loop

Eg Assume Data set

Date Column 1 Output
Row 1 Jan RED 1
Row 2 Feb RED 2
Row 3 Mar RED 3
Row 4 Jun GREEN 1
Row 5 Jul YELLOW 1
Row 6 Aug YELLOW 2
Row 7 Sept GREEN 1
Row 8 Oct RED 1
Row 9 Nov RED 2

I have found a way around this by introducing IsGreen,IsRed adn IsYellow coloumns (1 if it si colour and 0 if not )and then doing a subset max of Dates over all records with IsColour=0, and Dates]]>
Pivoting by Date Thu, 27 Jan 2011 04:53:33 -0500 benjamin 627@/discussions
I would like to pivot by StatementDate and another field in omniscope.Currently StatementDate does not appear in the piviot list since it is a date/time . (I.e i would like a table with Statemdate as column headers and a category split as rows E.g The number of people by Martial Status split by StatementDate ) If i convert this to category then this alters all other time/series graphs i have in omniscope.Also the ordering is not in the natural time series manner when converting to category.With lots of StatementDate it is inconceiveable for me to order this manually or link to a ordering source.I have thought about aggrregating in table view however i would have to create a seperate field for each of the second pivot item which waste space.

1.Can pivot tables allow pivoting with StatementDates . (and other number categories such as intergers)
2.Can a column have a differenrt data type for just one tab.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Parameterised Queries Mon, 15 Nov 2010 19:14:51 -0500 benjamin 504@/discussions
I have developed a Omniscope file which use a parameterised query which runs off a outputed parameter from another omniscope file.

Now this is all fine , except the "refresh" button only pops up if you have a licence and not on the free viewers (i assume this is since parameteriesed queries refresh file from the database using the parameterised query ) and so users of my report (some whom have free viewers) are unable to use this functunality.

Is there a way around this ?

My inital idea is to create a file which is refreshed daily on the server and then let the parameterised query, query this file instead of the database but i am having some difficulty in using the parameter to query the file .

Is it possible to let free viewers refresh using a parameterised query ??]]>
Data Player 2 Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:19:47 -0400 kmatrix999 368@/discussions
Odd behaviour when I export to PowerPoint. Inital Export works fine, but when I go back to open the file I get a blank page.

Have tried v 2003 and v 2007. Have tried ppt, pps and ppsx and all export fine but will not display when closed and then opened?

Any Ideas]]>
Mapping: Using Google Maps with Omniscope? Fri, 22 Oct 2010 16:49:39 -0400 indranildatta 460@/discussions Cumulatives in graph Fri, 19 Nov 2010 15:02:26 -0500 acm 514@/discussions Data is volume per product per week. I need the cumulative volume per product over all weeks that have past.


The Product-Week combination is unique.

Does anyone know how to calculate the cumulative column dynamically in Data Manager?]]>
Define a field as a Category in Field Organiser block Wed, 26 Jan 2011 05:14:36 -0500 edtclarke 623@/discussions
We would really love the ability to force a field to a category in the field organiser block in DM. We have had some mixed results trying to force the data into an explorer/omniscope block and changing to a category there.

Sort numerics without NULLs Wed, 26 Jan 2011 03:29:02 -0500 Mees 622@/discussions Can I change this somewhere in the settings, so that null values are sorted at the end?
Thanks ]]>
Compare current row with value from the next Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:00:13 -0400 patebr 453@/discussions I'm trying to write a formula that will add a duration to a datetime and then evaluate if the datetime of the next row is equal or bigger than my calculated value, how do I tell the formula to look at the datetime field of next row?

Images as Links Wed, 12 Jan 2011 12:45:14 -0500 Jon 592@/discussions
How easy is this?]]>
SQL Server Connection Problem Running Scheduler on Windows 2008 Server R2 Mon, 17 Jan 2011 11:02:08 -0500 bfromson 597@/discussions
The new server is running Windows 2008 Server R2 Standard - other scheduler tasks we have run have been on Windows 2003 server or Windows 7 desktop.

The error is in connecting to one of our SQL servers from the Win 2008 based machine - connections from 2003 and win 7 work just fine. The error message from the SQL server end is " Length specified in network packet payload did not match number of bytes read; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library. [CLIENT:]". The connection is then terminated and we can't access any data - unfortunately this is our main data source.

Any ideas ???]]>
Colour of table Headings of Formulaes always in Blue Mon, 24 Jan 2011 14:06:26 -0500 benjamin 616@/discussions Is there any way to chnage the colour of the font of formulae fields shown in tables.

Currently they are blue and the non formulae columns are shown as Black.

This does not make the table look nice.

Any help .. much appreciated.

Select Totals in Pivot View Mon, 24 Jan 2011 06:33:55 -0500 Focus_Media 613@/discussions Hi:

When I select cell in Pivot view its marked as selected, and other views shows selected data.

When I double-click cell in a Pivot view, shows me a form with all rows contained.

But, when i do the same in row or columns totals, dont do nothing, i think i will be like a select all row/column.


Two graphs in an unique view Tue, 31 Aug 2010 09:42:37 -0400 marc_marc 402@/discussions Thanks in advance,
Publish to email address without file attached Mon, 17 Jan 2011 20:14:29 -0500 acm 598@/discussions It is useful to send out an email to various addresses, by hitting just one button.]]> Subset "All Data" and "Filtered Data" in DM 2.6 Alpha 475, bug? Mon, 03 Jan 2011 15:38:42 -0500 Focus_Media 571@/discussions
I installed today this build of Visokio (DataManager 2.6 Okavango - build 475).

In a tab with 2 bar views, one with Subset "All Data" and other with SubSet "Filtered Data", both shows the same information: the filtered records.

View with Subset "All Data" doesn't works well, it would show all data, independent of filtered fields ( i supose )

Attach example file iok.

Date format 'week' order Mon, 17 Jan 2011 09:57:20 -0500 GPC 595@/discussions
Date is dd/mm/yyyy, week is 'w' (i.e. 1:52), sales is a value in $$.

I want to do a bar view of sales split by week. I make sure the data is sorted by Date so it is oldest to newest. Here's the issue. The data spans the end of 2010 and the first few weeks of 2011. So the data sorts fine, but then when I plot using the week field the chart sorts the week field as 1-52. So my data on the x axis is something like 1,2,3, 49, 50, 51, 52 instead of 49, 50, 51, 52, 1, 2, 3 (because that is the 49:52nd weeks of 2010 and the 1:3rd weeks of 2011).

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

Extract best fit line data ? Thu, 13 Jan 2011 12:44:04 -0500 hannah.dadds 593@/discussions
Is it possible to extract the best fit line data from graphs to a visokio or excel file? To clarify which data I mean I have included a screenshot.
