Support Mon, 30 Oct 17 21:41:18 -0400 Support en-CA Devices - Search Type - Regular Expression Mon, 04 Apr 2011 06:57:34 -0400 nevynb 698@/discussions I have a device type called 'Supplier name' which is an ordinary text field and I've set the 'Search Type' to Regular Expression.
So I have lots of business names in this column and for example if I use the following regex Acme|Starbucks|Tesco

then it returns all supplier names where name contains Acme, Starbucks or Tesco. This is great as it even finds these names if in the middle of a string etc. I however also get Acme Asset Managers which I specifically want to exclude but include everything else, that being Acme anything BUT Exclude Acme Asset Managers AND include Starbucks anything AND Tesco anything.
Does anybody know the 'Visokio' regex to exclude a particular word or string AND still pipe the other conditions together? I'm a regex newbie but the | and | and | is great when 'categories' are not an option and you don't by design want to script these exclusions into your underlying sql.
Any help would be appreciated.]]>
Pivot Headers Thu, 24 Mar 2011 13:03:40 -0400 chrisamott 689@/discussions Bar - Colour by measures Mon, 21 Mar 2011 05:41:39 -0400 ChloeWalton 684@/discussions Removing "(sum)" from x-axis label on bar-view Tue, 22 Mar 2011 09:06:35 -0400 Alk 686@/discussions
I have a bar view with the measures being the sum of Orders and Upgrades and split by Measures.
Is there any way of hiding the "(sum)" in the x-axis label?

The x-axis label starts to look messy when I pane by date so I am hoping to hide it.

An example of a file with the problem and a screenshot is attached.

I am currently using Omniscope 2.6 build 566.]]>
Images: Save Error Message? Sat, 19 Mar 2011 11:00:46 -0400 Paul 683@/discussions Connectors: DoubleClick/DFA long download times? Wed, 16 Mar 2011 10:14:54 -0400 Alk 680@/discussions
I thought of having one DoubleClick block with all the data downloaded once and an incremental block which downloads the month's data, appends the blocks and removes duplicates, but this can cause incorrect data to show so is not a solution.

I need to download the update every 3-10 days and the wait for it to download all the data is painful.
Download speed directly from DART goes at around 80kb/s, so this is likely to be why it takes so long, but I am looking for a solution which will make the download size less by limiting the number of dates I need to download and also retaining the old information in Omniscope.]]>
Oracle SQL in 2.6 Tue, 15 Mar 2011 06:35:07 -0400 awillson 678@/discussions
variable rc refcursor
exec sp_SLA_Extract('01 Mar 2011','Assignments',:rc)
print rc

This is via a direct Oracle db connection, connectivity all ok. This code has been testing in SQLPlus and execute an SP on the oracle DB with successful result.

Please advise how this is executed in Omniscope
Database table block - auto rename Mon, 14 Mar 2011 05:05:32 -0400 edtclarke 676@/discussions If I make any changes to the template I need to point it at our development database as Omniscope won't connect to our live server. When I do this, the block renames itself.

I can understand that when a block is first configured it 'suggests' a name for itself but if I have specified a name for a block it would seem reasonable that it should remain that name until I specify otherwise]]>
bar charts colours and labels Thu, 10 Mar 2011 07:03:48 -0500 du360 673@/discussions
Spend by location UK & Lux green is the same
Colour issue re green and brown - too similar.
Secondly - Truncated supplier names in a bar chart - can we give the bar labels more room - move the bars across so there is more label room - have fiddled with text size spacing etc but we need more space for the label]]>
Scheduler and watch folder Fri, 28 Jan 2011 13:19:42 -0500 mohamed 637@/discussions
Some tasks are being picked up by XML in a "watch folder" and some of our tasks are scheduled. If Omniscope is processing a "watch folder" task during the time of a scheduled task, it seems to forget about the scheduled task and not process at all. Is there no queuing system in place?]]>
Formulae: Ignoring Blank Cells When Calculating Averages Mon, 07 Mar 2011 04:08:33 -0500 Paul 670@/discussions
Could someone help me please with the best way to configure Omniscope to calculate an average which ignores or excludes the blank cells, such that it calculates the average of the 4 fields in the above example as 10, as Excel would do as standard using the AVERAGE function?

The above example is the first row in a dataset - subsequent rows have decimal values in all 4 fields and so the AVG function calculates the average 'correctly'

Thanks, Paul
"From" field in email output Mon, 28 Feb 2011 03:57:34 -0500 Mees 666@/discussions Should this value be shown to the receiver and replace the email address it was sent from?
Somehow we can't get it to work as the email address on the Connection tab is still shown.
Please advise. Thanks so much ]]>
Formula field: % of adjusted total Tue, 22 Feb 2011 06:42:56 -0500 filippobe 660@/discussions
I need your help with a formula.
I've a dataset of securities with two fields: Security ID and Pricing status (currently priced, matured, unpriced...).
I aggregated by the Pricing status and I created a formula field (N. of securites) to count how many Security ID there are for each pricing status category.
I created an other formula field to express the number of security for each pricing status category as % of the total: =(N. of securities/ALLRECORDCOUNT).
Now I selected only some pricing status categories with a query and I need to count all the record in this subset.
Which is the formula to count all the record in a subset (adjusted total or subtotal)?
After that, how can I express the number of securities for each pricing status category as % of this adjusted total?
Could anyone please help me?

Histogram display of date x-axis on Bar Charts Mon, 21 Feb 2011 07:31:50 -0500 Alk 659@/discussions
This can cause confusion as it is not clear which dates in particular the bar is referring to.

Is there any way to change the date labels so the dates do not overlap and it only displays what dates are inclusive in the bars, eg, showing "30-Jan-2011 to 5-Feb-2011" and "6-Feb-2011 to 13-Feb-2011" instead?]]>
Venn view demo file Tue, 22 Feb 2011 07:11:42 -0500 nevynb 661@/discussions
Anybody know where I can find a demo file with associated venn view.
I can kinda get it working but it's not doing quite what I need it to.
Numeric formats Fri, 11 Feb 2011 08:41:14 -0500 Mees 645@/discussions In Holland we use a komma for decimal and a dot as thousand seperator. This is also they way my pc is configured.
Our English clients however, expect the UK format which is the other way around (komma for thousand and dot for decimal). I can do this by changing my settings in Windows in the Configuration menu. As you will understand this is a bit annoying. Is there a way in Omniscope we can deal with this? The locale field doesn't do the job. One reason is that sometimes we create a numeric value out of a textvalue (e.g. uniquevaluecount) and then the locale is of no use.

Hope you can advice. Thanks, Arjan ]]>
Powerpoint Export - View changed after exporting Fri, 18 Feb 2011 10:35:43 -0500 brian.lau 657@/discussions
When I have finished exporting to Powerpoint (not via data manager, but just the usual export function in File), the view on my tab changed - my top menu bar, tab bar is gone, right side bar is gone (just like a powerpoint view), and it is not reverting back to the original view which i had?

Exporting to Excel Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:03:45 -0500 s_daffern 655@/discussions

Categories appearing in Contents View when changing tabs Fri, 18 Feb 2011 08:04:38 -0500 brian.lau 654@/discussions
I have a couple of contents view with just text in it, and it's all working fine but once I changed tabs and go back, some categories field colour (like those you have for bar charts when stacked with categories) appear in the contents view. If you try changing the tabs for a few more times, then they disappear - I am using build 527.

"Unknown" in text field registering as Null value Fri, 18 Feb 2011 07:08:07 -0500 si42 653@/discussions Format in dynamic content Tue, 15 Feb 2011 10:55:49 -0500 jforero 649@/discussions Do you have any plan to include this in the 2.6 version?]]> Java webstart buildnumber Mon, 29 Nov 2010 20:42:02 -0500 acm 527@/discussions The buildnumber was stable on 412 for a few weeks and now I just noticed it changed to 451.

I assumed our weblinks wouldn't work anymore due to this change, but they still do work!

Can you explain how this works?

When should we change this? If we do, is it possible to get a signal before, in order for us to have some time to change our settings?]]>
Tab Display Error Tue, 15 Feb 2011 07:40:13 -0500 Ollie 648@/discussions
This is similar to an earlier fault I noticed which appears to have been rectified in more recent builds.

If I create multiple tabs for a program file with the same graph in each tab, when switching from tab to tab, either the last tab's information is still displayed, or the tab displays 'Empty'. This is re corrected if I either go to a later tab and return, or re define the filters (not changing them).

The graphs I use are over time appended weekly files of the same type. This obviously increases the file's size (approx 30mb). Is this causing the issue?

(This is similar to an earlier issue when moving from tab to tab, the previous tab's info was still displayed in text boxes (both formulae and titles). This appears to have been resolved as I have not experienced this for some time).

2 faults I have experienced with this are:

1- The graph, and list, displays 'empty'
2 - The graph only displays 1 value over time

Has this been raised before?


Missing "file/print" in iok-file, opened from free viewer Mon, 08 Nov 2010 11:59:14 -0500 dvo_D 486@/discussions our client opens the iok file from the free viewer (build 425).
Unfortunately there is no "print"-option in there for printing the whole tab or all tabs.
From capture view (the single views) there is a print option.
-> Why not for the whole current tab, as available in full version? - Do we have to enable printing somewhere?

On the 2.6 download page (edited) there's build 412 available, seems to be an elder version than last week. -> What about b 425?

Thanks for help
Facebook connector Thu, 10 Feb 2011 04:26:16 -0500 swallace 643@/discussions
The Facebook connector seems to have been removed from the application - are there any plans to reinstate this? It would be useful to be able to connect to fan pages and pull down the various stats accessible via the API.....


Graph View: Dynamic ranking/filtering of time series? Tue, 18 Jan 2011 18:34:20 -0500 jforero 600@/discussions
In other words, if i have a list of 25 series, I wanted to be available to choice only the first 10 series, for example, using the stat average? Is it currently this possible?]]>
Maximum Date field Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:02:11 -0500 Mees 621@/discussions Not a problem using the functions. However, the result contains also a time value whilst the timevalue does not exist in the table. Seems a bit strange. ]]> 2.6 and Viewer - automatic number abbreviations Thu, 05 Aug 2010 09:39:17 -0400 Mees 365@/discussions
In 2.6 we have the possibility to turn off automatic number abbreviations in bar views.
When loading the iok in a Viewer this setting is not taken over.
Is this expected behaviour? Is that something that can be changed? Would be great as it is a very helpful feature.

Thanks, Arjan]]>
Formats & settings lost in viewer Tue, 10 Aug 2010 15:10:54 -0400 Jim_Ledger 371@/discussions
When I open my IOK file in the free viewer (2.5 b314), it loses some of the formatting (colours change), but more importantly it loses many of the settings in graphs and charts:
- Hidden items in the data and splits selection menus reappear (graphs, charts & maps)
- Trend line formulas are displayed when they should be hidden
- The data manager tab is visible when it should be hidden

Have I missed out a step before publishing?

Many thanks]]>
Could not open file error Mon, 09 Aug 2010 21:19:15 -0400 ctkent 369@/discussions
An error occurred opening the file "?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?g?l?o?b?a?l?-?u?a?t?.xxx?.?c?o?m?/?e?r?i?c?t?e?s?t?/?D?o?c?u?m?e?n?t?s?/?O?m?n?i?s?c?o?p?e Config files/Digital_campaigns.iok":
Network error
Error writing to server. The server has terminated the connection. You may not have permission to access the selected resource.
Error writing to server

What permissions are needed to make this work?
