Support Mon, 30 Oct 17 18:30:06 -0400 Support en-CA Refresh: Variables in file losing default opening value? Tue, 16 Apr 2013 13:21:45 -0400 Alfonso 2093@/discussions
In the refresh data model process, sometimes the variables loose the default or minimum value, however a message like I've attached is shown. Is there any mode to avoid this issue?

Thanks in advance,

Exception report: Calculation file crashing? Fri, 10 May 2013 09:03:33 -0400 davedunckley 2129@/discussions
We have a file that performs a number of averages, however it is crashing every time. Any ideas?

Scheduler: Set a task to repeat X times after X hours? Thu, 02 May 2013 16:58:25 -0400 cgamolo 2119@/discussions Printing: Font size when exporting to PowerPoint? Tue, 05 Mar 2013 02:43:14 -0500 William 2035@/discussions
Validation: Formulae to validate incoming value format in a field? Tue, 07 May 2013 07:11:51 -0400 Barcl 2126@/discussions byte 1 should be alphabetic
bytes 2-5 should be numeric
byte 6 should be alphabetic
bytes 7-10 should be numeric

In order to verify that format I created a new field with the following formula:

IF ([Codice Monitoraggio]=null,null,
LEN([Codice Monitoraggio])!=10,"lunghezza errata",
(LEFT([Codice Monitoraggio],1))<"A","Formato errato",<br /> (LEFT([Codice Monitoraggio],1))>"Z","Formato errato",
(MID([Codice Monitoraggio], 2, 4))<"0000","Formato errato",<br /> (MID([Codice Monitoraggio], 2, 4))>"9999","Formato errato",
(MID([Codice Monitoraggio], 6,1))<"A","Formato errato",<br /> (MID([Codice Monitoraggio], 6,1))>"Z","Formato errato",
(MID([Codice Monitoraggio], 7, 4))<"0000","Formato errato",<br /> (MID([Codice Monitoraggio], 7, 4))>"9999","Formato errato",

I was wandering if I can find a better way to verify those values.

Do you believe it is possible to use a JavaScript based on Regular Expressions (RegEx) with the match function? I'm not a Javascript expert... I was trying to find a PHP ereg equivalent in Java?

Automation: File processing via Batch input/output? Mon, 06 May 2013 16:01:02 -0400 cmollo 2125@/discussions
For example, I have 10 files in a directory: file01.csv, file02.csv, ... file10.csv. These files all have the same columns (fields): field1, field2, field3. For each file I want to create a fourth field, field4, that is the sum of field2 and field3. This will create 10 new files, file01_new.csv, file02_new,csv, ... file10_new.csv in either the same directory or some other directory (doesn't matter). How do I do this?

Is there a way to run Ominscope in "batch mode," i.e. from a command line?

I looked at the Batch Append Files block... it is kind of what I am looking (in that it inputs a bunch of files from a directory) but I do not want to append the files together.

I also looked at the Batch Output block, but that did not look like what I need.

Database table source block not updating Fri, 03 May 2013 06:29:08 -0400 martingurner 2121@/discussions The block had been working previously, and spotted when the output suddenly dropped rows after a recent update all run on the iok file.

2.8-alpha b773 (09-Apr-2013 23:24:55) r80319]]>
Table View: Sort by grouped totals? Mon, 29 Apr 2013 11:30:13 -0400 Mees 2113@/discussions Sorting a column in a grouped table works not as expected... it sorts the underlying records (I assume).
We would want sorting the values you see in front of you, the totals...?

Thanks, A]]>
Filtering: Group unique IDs, find conflicting attributes? Mon, 22 Apr 2013 12:57:27 -0400 williampod 2104@/discussions
I have a set of data with a "Unique ID(1)". This "Unique ID(1)" can have multiple Customers assigned to it and all attributes for the Customers under the unique ID(1) should all be aligned.

One of the attributes assigned to the Customer, is another "Unique ID(2)". I would like to filter where we have conflicting "Unique ID(2)" values under "Unique ID(1)".

So Unique ID(2) <> Unique ID(2)
This could be where the ID is populated and not equal or one is null and the other is not.

I would not like "Unique ID(1)" to be present in the report if its count is just one. In addutuib the "Unique ID(2)" is not a mandatory field, so if it is null, again I do not wish to see this.

I am able to present data where conflicting and null, but this does not meet the criteria above.]]>
Content View: Scripting - Alert and confirm windows? Tue, 23 Apr 2013 05:55:18 -0400 Bart 2106@/discussions
I can get prompt window in Content View, why I can't get any alert or confirm windows? ]]>
Sources: Excel- Omniscope does not respond? Wed, 24 Apr 2013 02:22:41 -0400 misakch 2107@/discussions
I've got serious problem. When loading the data from Excel spreadsheet, Omniscope stops working when only 50% is finished and have to be terminated. It's the matter of last few days because I was used to upload the files of the same size without problem. I've already installed the latest available build, still the problem remains.

Thanks for your suggestions, Michal]]>
Table View: Grouping value functions options? Fri, 19 Apr 2013 04:39:56 -0400 enrico68 2099@/discussions
Please, for details consider the example in the attached file.

Colouring: Table View - variations to colours selected? Wed, 17 Apr 2013 10:49:23 -0400 Mees 2096@/discussions
We are trying to color the rows in a table based on a value. Nothing special and it works.
However, Omniscope is not showing the colors we defined.

In the picture attached there is an example. The colored record numbers are the colors we need. We can't find the setting that provides what we need.

What we do not want is the Variation function under the Coloring button as it variates within a color as well.

Hope you can help
Pie View: panes not oriented the same Thu, 11 Apr 2013 04:52:07 -0400 martins2 2090@/discussions
Anyone know how I can fix this?

Sources: OLAP cubes - Essbase access? Tue, 12 Jun 2012 09:59:47 -0400 bfromson1 1595@/discussions
Latest Omniscope build is now showing more detailed diagnostic:

Using Essbase version 9.3.1]]>
Export: Output/Publish 'Use target file' colour settings? Tue, 09 Apr 2013 14:30:45 -0400 Mirloo 2088@/discussions
So, whenever I update/refresh the data in Omniscope, my colour view settings are changed in each tab?. How can I fix my configuration of Manage Fields and views of my tabs?

Thanks in advace.]]>
Sources-Downloading Email attachments Fri, 05 Apr 2013 06:39:46 -0400 Arunraj 2083@/discussions Outputs: Database Tables - field lengths? Thu, 18 Oct 2012 05:56:40 -0400 aknotts 1843@/discussions Outputs: Batch control file PDF insert behaviour? Wed, 03 Apr 2013 08:59:48 -0400 dougmuller 2080@/discussions
'End' should work, but it isn't working for me (error message below).

Batch output warning: One or more files could not be published and were skipped:
  • Row 1:
    Invalid insert behaviour "end".
Outputs: Screenshot exports...dimensions are not respected? Wed, 06 Mar 2013 11:23:12 -0500 tamax 2040@/discussions
We are using Omniscope Server version 2.7 build 461 x64

Thanks, Maxime]]>
Scheduler: Time out is always 300 seconds? Tue, 26 Mar 2013 01:47:25 -0400 naruemon 2070@/discussions Layout: Portrait Document versus Landscape presentation? Wed, 27 Mar 2013 16:03:00 -0400 username 2074@/discussions Analysis: Site Reach report visualisation with Venn View Wed, 20 Mar 2013 08:57:25 -0400 JfJf 2067@/discussions
Please find a dummy data file attached in case someone would like to try. ]]>
Labelling: Re-position & wrap data labels? Mon, 18 Mar 2013 11:24:52 -0400 nitiwan 2061@/discussions
Are there any ways that we can move the data labels to the position we want e.g. left/right/below/above the graph? and can we make the labels showing in two lines in case the word is very long.

Thank you.]]>
Map View: Connecting salespeople and customers? Fri, 15 Mar 2013 15:27:48 -0400 grahamb 2053@/discussions 1. Salespeople with IDs and lat/long coordinates
2. Customers with Name, Salesperson ID and lat. long. coordinates

I want plot both customers and sales people locations on the same map, then draw a star map where lines are drawn between each customer and their allocated sales rep...How do I do this please?

I started by loading both files and merging on the ID. This created a file with two sets of latitude longitudes but I can only select one pair of coordinate columns for mapping?. So right now I either get a map with sales reps, or one with customers, depending on which coordinate fields I point the Map View to.

I presume that I should perhaps keep files separate but if so, is their a way to select these from the DataManager and apply to layers in some way. Or how should I do this please? Thanks
Sidebar: Show/hide filter device title bar? Mon, 18 Mar 2013 09:17:23 -0400 grahamb 2059@/discussions
b) you will also see in the image three categories - Producer, Prospect, Rep
I have added REP to the main data file to overcome the missing functionality in layer manager, but how can I sort so on the map the REP markers sit on top of the Producer and Prospect records?]]>
DataManager: Replacing data value? Mon, 18 Mar 2013 06:42:01 -0400 grahamb 2056@/discussions Pivot View: Suppressing blank values in Pivot View 2? Fri, 15 Mar 2013 10:11:12 -0400 grahamb 2051@/discussions Date/Time: Reformatting dates imported as integer numbers? Wed, 13 Mar 2013 12:53:00 -0400 grahamb 2048@/discussions Bar/Line View: X-axis Split and Pane labels for multiple measures? Tue, 12 Mar 2013 18:32:05 -0400 bmuller 2046@/discussions
