Ideas Mon, 30 Oct 17 15:29:42 -0400 Ideas en-CA Idea: Overview of filters/exclusions applied by view? Mon, 30 Apr 2012 05:51:54 -0400 andy_white 1511@/discussions
Have a way in Content view of listing all exclusions/filters made in that tab?
Have a specific view that lists this (ala Portal view)?

It's often hard to know what you've done without looking at the Sidebar (and even then not easy) this is also very pertinent in printed reports etc. - Andy]]>
Idea: Sidebar/variable devices as a view or moveable? Thu, 30 Aug 2012 07:36:01 -0400 s_daffern 1739@/discussions
I haven't seen a way of doing this but I thought it would be quite useful if you could add the variable inputs to a view or somewhere else on screen so that you can position them as and how you like. It may well be that you could have an input device within a view that is linked to a variable perhaps.]]>
File Security: Save selections in free Viewer? Wed, 22 Aug 2012 05:52:56 -0400 Mees 1722@/discussions I remember a post in this forum that might be related. It had something to do with adding text to a content view and save it in the Viewer. Thanks A]]> Pivot View: Colouring and Opacity of Backgrounds Fri, 14 Oct 2011 12:57:51 -0400 walsh 1051@/discussions Sources: Executing commands from a database connector? Thu, 23 Aug 2012 06:41:13 -0400 CRead 1725@/discussions CALL refresh_active_sites(@rc);
SELECT * FROM active_sites;

Is this prevented for security reasons, or should I be using a different approach?
Similarly, if I could do this, I could pass instructions to not lock tables along, because at the moment I cannot do this.]]>
Preserve category-colours from changing Wed, 02 May 2012 09:57:32 -0400 Julia_OIS 1519@/discussions Scheduler, execute once Mon, 20 Aug 2012 10:00:56 -0400 Alexander 1716@/discussions
We use the scheduler to perform a chain of actions. There are also chains that we do not use one a certain frequency.
Therefore it would be usefull to have a button, that executes the action once.

Now we do this by opening the action, clicking on "OK" and test the action. The disadvantage is that these "Test" activities are not logged in the log.txt.

Pivot View - Total row Tue, 21 Aug 2012 05:25:11 -0400 dszl136154 1717@/discussions Is it possible to have a formula in the Total Row instead of Sum?
It would be very useful as I have many metrics (CPC, CTR, RR) to present in the Pivot View which cannot be summed up to a total value.

Connector: Affiliate Future anyone? Fri, 17 Aug 2012 04:46:19 -0400 alec_webliquid 1713@/discussions
Connector: Commission Junction? Fri, 17 Aug 2012 04:44:00 -0400 alec_webliquid 1712@/discussions
Applying Formatting across Tabs Wed, 01 Jul 2009 12:33:28 -0400 acohen 138@/discussions
The same applies to a particular view format. If you want to change the bar format on all bar views you need to manually go through each view in the report and change it. There is a setting that allows you to apply view settings to all other views but the problem is that it also applies the value settings!! so you lose your configured values!!
Would love to see this flexibility added!
Many Thanks, - Ariel]]>
Outlook Calender File Mon, 12 Dec 2011 07:01:45 -0500 OmarKhan 1159@/discussions
Is there an option to open a .ics file(Outlook Calender file) format on omniscope. This would be helpful for creating a dashbaord. It could lay out Past and Future Meeting on PIE VIEW.
You can figure out time spend on each project.
Analysis on where time has been spend.
Helpful for performance reviews.
People who have access to others calender can also use this as an analytical tool.
Just an idea.]]>
Filters and colour keys Tue, 14 Aug 2012 12:10:08 -0400 Phillipa 1702@/discussions
I have a graph which represents 3 types of cancer (indications) and am using a filter to remove one indication which is no longer of interest. However, when I remove the indication in the filter the colour key still shows it in the graph.

Is there any way of removing it from the colour key?

Automatic tab numbering? Wed, 20 Jun 2012 09:25:22 -0400 Phillipa 1615@/discussions
Is it possible or do I have to enter the tab numbers manually. We have over 100 dashboards and in 4 files and often move the order.

Thanks, Phillipa]]>
X axis independent on filters Fri, 27 Jul 2012 03:59:16 -0400 misakch 1676@/discussions
I have such an idea. Is there any option, how to create x-axis labels (in both graph and bar/line view) independent on filters? In such a view resulting axis would be still showing all unique values from whole dataset, but values only from filtered subset. In case when in filtered subset are no values for certain labels, these would be empty or null. I spent lot of time trying to reach this behavior of view but nothing helps. In my personal opinion would be this feature really helpfull in lots of cases. For example, you need to show amount of sales in several product categories in certain period, but in one of these categories were no sales in this period and therefore in view would not appear at all. I can elaborate this idea further and bring more examples, if needed.

Thanks for consideration,
Michal ]]>
Removing items from View Toolbar Tue, 20 Mar 2012 14:11:24 -0400 Phillipa 1409@/discussions
I want to simplify the view toolbar so that our client can only see certain items on the bar view toolbar.

For example I would like them to be able to flip the graphs, use the 100% bars and order bars tools but not see the cascade, tile or stack tools.

How can I achieve this?

Idea: Bar/Line View -Trend lines for line graphs? Fri, 02 Mar 2012 03:12:24 -0500 rajeshbalu29 1351@/discussions Bar View: Configure colour of "include total/summary value "All" Wed, 28 Mar 2012 11:38:50 -0400 Phillipa 1433@/discussions Configurable colouring of the "ALL" bar when using Splits in the bar view Thu, 29 Mar 2012 04:27:45 -0400 Phillipa 1435@/discussions
I have just created a bar graph split by "institution" and clicked on the "include total/summary value "All" " in the split menu to give me an extra bar for the total of my institutions. THe only problem is that my bar is coloured white and therefore not visible.

Apparently, if colouring by a field, and one bar represents "All" or a mix of field values, you get white, which is not currently configurable.

It would be great if this could be changed.


Idea: Bar/Line View - adjustable axis ranges/scales? Mon, 27 Feb 2012 09:59:08 -0500 anna 1339@/discussions I've attached an example. - Thanks - Anna]]> Label styling when "no align/hide empty..." Mon, 23 Jul 2012 08:16:10 -0400 misakch 1666@/discussions
If I choose "No align/Hide empty buckets" option (for independent intra-pane ordering), I cannot hide split labels or set split labels orientation. In addition split labels are somehow colored. When other alignment/empty data bucket option is chosen, everything is ok. Am I doing sth wrong? Thanks for answers.

Keeping axis on bar graph at same height Tue, 25 Jan 2011 10:07:08 -0500 WKeith 620@/discussions
Is that possible? I attach a file showing example of what happens just now, that is, the x-axis moves up and down, depending on the size of the largest negative and positive values.

Many thanks

Keith Guthrie]]>
Show value labels on top of bars Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:59:51 -0400 pgarces 1432@/discussions
Is it possible to only show values on top of the bars and not inside the stack?


Connector: BrandWatch update? Wed, 07 Mar 2012 15:53:33 -0500 fyfey 1369@/discussions web search extension Wed, 04 Jul 2012 08:00:51 -0400 andy_white 1637@/discussions Idea: Web Feeds - Paid Bing search? Mon, 16 Jul 2012 07:05:43 -0400 chris 1654@/discussions
We could continue to provide access to the Bing web/image/video search, but you would need to subscribe to Bing and pay for your searches. Prices start at approximately $40 for up to 20,000 queries per month. Alternatively we could provide access to another search service (Google, Yahoo etc). Unfortunately all of these search services are no longer free, so you would still have to pay to use them.

Let us know if you have any preference here. Do you use any of the online search feeds in Omniscope? Would you continue to use it once it switches to a paid model? Would you prefer a service other than Microsoft BING?
Idea: Value set segmentation: by percentiles? Fri, 13 Jul 2012 10:52:38 -0400 acohen 1649@/discussions Thank you, Ariel]]> Table View: Improve table view grouping Tue, 26 Jul 2011 03:26:56 -0400 steve 883@/discussions 1. formula calculation precedence options should mirror aggregation (formula result per field, rather than view-wide precedence setting)
2. wysiwyg, i.e. you have to show fields for them to work in formulas precedence setting (because otherwise you can't configure the mean/sum function for hidden fields)
3. you can currently only group by category fields
4. you can't show summaries in blank collapsed grouping columns
5. memory-inefficient

Ideas: improve the options so it is identical to aggregation, except the aggregation fields are in a chosen order, and you can expand/collapse them, and sort the resulting data.

Or, consider merging aggregation with grouping, by making aggregation have the collapse/expand capabilities currently only available with grouping.]]>
Connectors: Baidu Search API Tue, 10 Jul 2012 12:25:47 -0400 OmarKhan 1642@/discussions Idea: Scheduler -Opening Passworded IOK Source files? Mon, 22 Aug 2011 09:40:46 -0400 neilmerchant 945@/discussions
Thanks, Neil