Ideas Mon, 30 Oct 17 15:32:05 -0400 Ideas en-CA Idea: DataManager - Compare & other "Test" blocks) Mon, 05 Sep 2011 10:41:04 -0400 steve 969@/discussions
1. "Compare" - fails if the two input data sets don't match exactly (with exportable summary of differences)

For example, allowing you to run a well-known sample of data against your model, and verify the outputs are exactly right.

2. "Assert rule" - succeeds or fails according to the result of a user-specified formula

For example, you might define the rule "SUBSET_SUM(field1) - SUBSET_SUM(field2) = 0".
Enhanced Merge/Join Options Wed, 31 Aug 2011 11:25:59 -0400 jlwils11 963@/discussions More specifically - options that exceed value matching (ex: value comparison with static values or value comparisons between two tables that are not direct matches).

I spend a *lot* of horsepower trying to resolve the above and it typically ends with me appending the second table to the first, then creating a column which uses an unique_list / intersection / series of subsets.

Table 1
Employee Name | Extension| Job Role | Start Date | End Date
John Wilson | 1| agent | 1-may-2010 | 1-jan-2011
Jacob Harvell | 2| agent | 1-dec-2010 | 1-dec-2011
John Wilson | 1 | manager | 1-jan-2011 | 1-dec-2011
Billy Bones | 2 | agent | 1-may-2010 | 1-dec-2010

Table 2
Reported Date | ntlogin | handle time
1-Feb-2011 | 1| 120
1-Feb-2011 | 2| 7

If I only want to import handle times of agent data and bind their names I would need join conditions similar to
Tbl_1.ntlogin = Tbl_2.ntlogin AND Tbl_1.Job_Role = 'agent' AND Tbl_1.Start_Date <= Tbl_2.Reported_Date AND Tbl_1.End_Date > Tbl_2.Reported_Date

This is one example of many that I run into.
Currently, with only a match value join,I have to append the data and do the above by creating a column and performing a unique list / intersection / subsets to get the Employee name populated and then filter those that null.

Idea: DataManager - Multi block copy? Wed, 31 Aug 2011 09:31:23 -0400 TomW 962@/discussions
Thanks - Tom]]>
Prevent copy paste from Details and Table view Tue, 23 Aug 2011 06:11:14 -0400 Mees 950@/discussions
I would be nice to have an option to prevent users from doing this.]]>
Total value in pie chart Thu, 25 Aug 2011 14:43:31 -0400 Mees 958@/discussions Especially valuable in case of a Pane split and you have multiple pies. ]]> Is it possible to include a feature on pivot tables which allow creating formula based on the result Mon, 22 Aug 2011 12:35:45 -0400 OmarKhan 947@/discussions Pivot Operation needs "case sensitive" option Thu, 18 Aug 2011 15:12:25 -0400 pgarces 943@/discussions

I am having an issue in DataManager, where I am using the De-pivot operation to make some changes to the dataset. Once done with the changes, I connect it to the Pivot operation and now have less records than before. No records were removed and technically there are no duplicate records. After further investigating, I found that the Pivot operation is de-duplicating a record that it shouldn't. The records are similar, but since the first character is capitalized in one record and the other is not, (ex. "Paul" & "paul"), technically they are not duplicates.

Any suggestions on how to work around this or if this is a know issue?


Copy-Paste: Global "Copy selection" option? Mon, 15 Aug 2011 06:13:36 -0400 steve 935@/discussions
Probably using all fields, or fields currently configured to show in the details popup.]]>
Idea: Table View - "Go to" shortcut? Mon, 15 Aug 2011 07:16:57 -0400 steve 937@/discussions
Ctrl+G shortcut.

Might also be useful to include a "next matching value" option. You enter some search text, and the table view selects the next matching cell in a left-to-right-then-down direction.

Useful when you're editing and don't want to filter?]]>
Idea: Universal 'Add' button Mon, 15 Aug 2011 05:16:24 -0400 steve 933@/discussions "+" (add tab)
"Add view"

Idea: combine these into a universal "Add" button for adding views and tabs. In the drop-down you would have two sections: a matrix of view icons, and a list of tab types.]]>
Expand values: Add columns, rather than overwrite? Mon, 15 Aug 2011 05:06:02 -0400 steve 932@/discussions Idea: Date/Time - Duration format? Mon, 15 Aug 2011 05:02:09 -0400 steve 931@/discussions
Examples of different formats:

27 hours 15 minutes
1 day 3:15

Currently you have to use a date field which only works for values that represent points in time (so durations beyond 23:59 are not supported) or a decimal field representing, for example, 27.25 hours.

This could either be an option for date fields, allowing currently 'illegal' date/time elements such as 400 days or 27 hours.

Or as a "show as duration in [days/hours/minutes...]" option for decimal fields, allowing a fractional value such as 27.25 to be formatted as a time.]]>
Idea: Table View - Field Picker should not hide field names? Thu, 11 Aug 2011 12:19:56 -0400 tjbate 923@/discussions Idea: Colour-code empty, uniform and unique values or read-only fields? Thu, 11 Aug 2011 12:31:07 -0400 steve 924@/discussions
(externally submitted via an error report)]]>
Autosave Thu, 11 Aug 2011 12:38:34 -0400 steve 926@/discussions
(externally submitted via an error report)]]>
Named query cycling Thu, 11 Aug 2011 12:36:45 -0400 steve 925@/discussions
(externally submitted via an error report)]]>
Stacked area charts Wed, 10 Aug 2011 06:13:07 -0400 Alk 921@/discussions Zoom function on Content Views Fri, 05 Aug 2011 15:56:22 -0400 stilley 912@/discussions
Bar Charts Mon, 25 Jul 2011 10:09:33 -0400 OmarKhan 878@/discussions Column filter on Field Organiser block Wed, 03 Aug 2011 04:59:22 -0400 aknotts 905@/discussions
Get an overview of the Scheduler tasks Sun, 31 Jul 2011 16:50:16 -0400 Mees 899@/discussions Works fine, but it would be very helpful to have an overview of the various tasks configured.
Screens are quite small and you must edit a task to get the details.

A table with all the tasks and values set (ie Parameter values), would be helpful]]>
Textbox feature in the visualisations Wed, 27 Jul 2011 03:52:42 -0400 shamong 895@/discussions
Is there any way where a textbox can be inputted into the charts itself to record any observations and comments?

Idea: Import - Bloomberg bulk data via BDS/BDH? Tue, 26 Jul 2011 04:51:33 -0400 steve 893@/discussions
Idea: allow use of BDS (Bloomberg Data Set) and BDH (Bloomberg Data History) to pull in multiple rows for each record (such as historical prices).]]>
Field Organiser: Defining value colours, shapes? Tue, 26 Jul 2011 03:51:53 -0400 steve 888@/discussions
Currently you can only do this after loading data into the DataExplorer side of Omniscope and accessing:

Data > Manage Fields > Options]]>
Idea: Table View - "Freeze panes" ? Tue, 26 Jul 2011 03:31:41 -0400 steve 885@/discussions Ideas: Layout - Zero view spacing (touching views)? Tue, 26 Jul 2011 03:30:29 -0400 steve 884@/discussions Automatically Update Stale if Omniscope runs out of memory when updating block in DM Mon, 18 Jul 2011 05:58:40 -0400 Alk 864@/discussions
To resolve this, I have to select "Update Stale" and the blocks will update, often resulting in a block further down the workflow to become stale, where I have to click "Update Stale" again and repeat this process 4-5 times to update the whole workflow.

It would be very convenient if Omniscope waits 5 seconds and runs the "Update Stale" automatically if there is a out of memory error when updating a block in DM - and to prevent an endless loop of this, stop and report an error after 3-5 attempts of updating stale blocks if Omniscope is still on the same block.]]>
Specify formulas at the end of the column Tue, 05 Jul 2011 04:56:25 -0400 pkanther 853@/discussions
I have a created a numeric column using the formula field. I need to specify a formula at the end of the column. We can use a lot of formulas using the grouping value functionality (like mode, number of records etc) but I need to insert a specific formula. When I construct bars and pie diagrams etc, I need that calculated value calculated to come as a representative value for that particular column.

I have contacted a person from your company before who said that this functionality is yet to be developed in Omniscope.

Would that be possible?

Colours in Data, Manage Fields - enhancement request Mon, 04 Jul 2011 08:18:10 -0400 aknotts 852@/discussions

Selected In Data in Tile View Mon, 27 Jun 2011 05:03:28 -0400 benjamin 845@/discussions
I think it would be best to start with my aim and then say what problems i have in omniscope

Suppose i have a database which list every supermarket and location (E.g Tesco,Sainsburys ,Morrison Etc)

I want my first graph1 to be a tile representation which groups by Tesco /Sainsvurys/Morrisions .

I then want a seperate graph2 which uses "selected data" from graph1 and then this is a tile graph which groups by region (Say Scotland/Wales/England )

I then want a seperate graph3 which uses selected data from graph2 and then this is a tile graph which groups by say sub region.


The problem is that i can use "Selected data" on graph2 but when i select data from graph2 the data record pops up and hence does select the data.Beleive this is becasue data in graph1 is already selected.

Any help would be much appreciated

