General Mon, 30 Oct 17 11:56:10 -0400 General en-CA Table View: Aggregated fields - decimal place display? Wed, 10 Sep 2014 06:35:45 -0400 triptiagarwal 2709@/discussions In a Table view if I aggregate it to one column and for all other columns I am calculating the mean, can I restrict the result to only two decimal places? As of now it is showing mean value up to 6 decimal places.]]> Formulae: Calculating the average of a 'top-N' subset? Mon, 01 Sep 2014 04:04:47 -0400 tagarw 2702@/discussions I have a Table view in which data is changing according to the filters. For some selection suppose it has n number of records and 3 columns.

For one column I want to calculate average of top 20% values of it. How to write the formula for the same?]]>
Sources: FTP with changing file names? Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:01:21 -0500 ChristianGroupM 2483@/discussions
I would like to use the FTP Data Source block to import my reports to Omniscope, but what to do when the target data file name is post-pended every day with a changing date?

For example:

How can I parameterise the source connection block so that I import only the newest version of the report into Omniscope automatically?

Best Regards, Christian]]>
Formulae: Calculating 12-month Moving Average from daily data? Mon, 18 Aug 2014 04:16:06 -0400 nitiwan 2688@/discussions
Thanks so much...Tai]]>
Batch Output: delivering only specified tabs to certain recipients? Tue, 23 Oct 2012 20:33:56 -0400 shaji_o 1859@/discussions Filtering: Single click for collections of values? Wed, 13 Aug 2014 03:12:27 -0400 tagarw 2681@/discussions I need to create a filter in such a way that I can select two values like 2014-Q2 and 2014- Q1 with a single click and data should filter based on that. Please see attachment for more details.

Date/Time: Calculating and comparing durations? Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:27:44 -0400 chrisamott 2673@/discussions
I have used the DateDiff function to calculate the difference between Start and End but it produces a decimal number. I have tried many different formulae and reformatting measures to compare the Time Period with my calcualtion but they all fail.

Either Omniscope cannot parse the decimal or it doesn't recognise the time to convert it to text. I can easily paste the Time Period into Excel and reformat as a general number and it produces a decimal that compares favourably with my DateDiff but I need to do this in Omniscope.]]>
Connectors: Google logins "Invalid grant" error Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:18:33 -0400 chris 2661@/discussions
"error" : "invalid_grant"

This error effects the following connectors:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Drive
  • Google Spreadsheets
  • Google BigQuery
  • DoubleClick

This error is generated by the Google server and not Omniscope.

The following link outlines why this error occurs:

As described in the link above, the cause of this error is either due to your server clock or the refresh limit being reached. In most cases it is because the refresh limit is being reached.

The refresh limit is controlled by Google and is beyond our control. Here is a summary of how it works:

Every time you enter your client ID/secret and click on the "connect" button in a Google block a refresh-token is generated behind the scenes. This refresh token is saved and used to download data from the Google server. Google have hard-coded a limit of 25 refresh tokens per client ID/secret. What this means is that if you have 26 Google blocks and you connect on each one in order, once you connect on the 26th block the first block's refresh token becomes invalid. If you attempt to refresh the data the "invalid grant" error will be shown.

If you are using the same client ID/client token and are regularly creating and configuring Google blocks you are likely to run into this issue.

We have spoken to Google about this issue and there is no way to change this limit or to get notification when a refresh token becomes invalid.

We will be improving the error message shown when this error occurs. We will also investigate ways that we can get around this issue, perhaps by storing refresh tokens on the server.

In the short term here are a few tips for getting around this issue:

  • If you regularly use the Google connectors, create several client ID's/secrets. Maybe create one client ID/secret for production and one for testing.
  • If you are using Google connectors in a production system, avoid using the client ID/secret elsewhere
  • Keep track of the client ID/secret that you are using and the associated Omniscope files.

We apologise to all our users affected by issue, it appears that Google have recently introduced this restriction and we understand it has caused a great deal of frustration. We will endevour to create a better solution, but in the meantime if you have any further questions please get in touch.]]>
Bar/Line View: Truncated bar labels? Fri, 11 Jul 2014 00:05:14 -0400 aalias 2648@/discussions I've tried increasing the font size and maximising the pane/split label size limit but there is no difference (that i can see). It's very hard to read the labels when they are so small.]]> Pivot View - Date Order Mon, 07 Jul 2014 03:38:20 -0400 nitiwan 2633@/discussions
I found this forum that Omniscope 2.8 can make the date in thr right order for Pivot view However, it is still not working for me. I have attached file as example, please advise do I have to select any menu/function?

Thank you very much.
Printing: PDF output layout differs when running as Scheduler task? Tue, 01 Jul 2014 10:27:06 -0400 enrico68 2625@/discussions
We opened the .iok file on the same Omniscope server where the scheduled process runs (Omniscope Server version 2.8 b1216 is installed) and looks like that trying different online page settings (xga, svga, ..) does not have an impact on the Scheduled process behaviour.

In the attached file, it is possible to see an example of the different layout observed: when produced manually from the .iok file, the table reported is completely visible; when produced by the scheduled output process the table is not completely visible.

It seems to me that scheduled process uses different page dimensions and configuration settings to produce the PDF file?

The desired result is obviously to have the same PDF output in both production methods: manual and by scheduled process.]]>
Forum: Finding Updates and Details of What's New? Fri, 27 Jun 2014 07:35:26 -0400 dpawley 2616@/discussions
I am new to all this discussion pages and thought I would try a few. When Omniscope is updated and you are prompted to download the file from the website, is it me or is there no details of what has been updated?

I would be good to have a similar to an Apple App Update that just briefly explains what is new so you can try it out.

If this is detailed then can someone point me in the right direction?

Cheers, Danny]]>
Aggregation: Why are some fields not editable? Fri, 20 Jun 2014 06:40:24 -0400 Mees 2606@/discussions Screenshot attached.

Why is this? And what can we do to disable this? We need to change the Aggregate setting for a field but are not able to due to this thing

Text Processing: Is Question Mark character a wildcard? Thu, 19 Jun 2014 06:13:43 -0400 mattyh 2605@/discussions
I'm currently using the following formula =LEFT([LandingPageURL],SEARCH("?",[LandingPageURL]))

The idea is this just takes all the characters in LandingPageURL up to the question mark, however the result of the search is always 1, so I'm assuming question mark is a wildcard here. If it is, is there a way to not use it as a wildcard? I've tried to 'escape'/'literal' the ? character with backslash within the quotation marks and outside, but it still doesn't work. Any ideas?

Thank you in advance, Matt]]>
Webserver : LDAP / AD access Fri, 13 Jun 2014 05:02:17 -0400 bfromson1 2599@/discussions
We have set up dedicate user and an appropriate security group on the LDAP server. Unfortunately when I try to login I get a failure to match a username to the specified group with the error message;

2014-06-13T09:53:18.144+0100 WARN [omniscope.service.mobilewebserver.server] - User bfromson successfully logged in active directory, however it cannot be found in this group: CN=Security Omniscope Users,OU=Security,OU=Global Groups,OU=London - 2 Gresham Street,OU=[Root],DC=uk,DC=corp,DC=investec,DC=com

while this looked at least partially promising as it appears that communication is occuring with the lDAP server I then tried another non existent userid and got the same message:

2014-06-13T09:53:31.832+0100 WARN [omniscope.service.mobilewebserver.server] - User invaliduser successfully logged in active directory, however it cannot be found in this group: CN=Security Omniscope Users,OU=Security,OU=Global Groups,OU=London - 2 Gresham Street,OU=[Root],DC=uk,DC=corp,DC=investec,DC=com

which suggests that the "successfully logged in active directory" part of the message may not mean the userid has been validated.

I can send you the folder.xml file separately if that would help.

Formulae: Adding Time to Dates? Wed, 18 Jun 2014 03:49:57 -0400 Valentina 2603@/discussions
I have a Date column and a column showing the number of days ahead. Eventually I would like to get the Date ahead i.e. if the Date today is 10/06/2014 then in two days it will be 12/06/2014. Please see the example below.

[Date]           [ DaystoAdd]       [Date ahead]
10/06/2014           2               12/06/2014
04/06/2014           5               09/06/2014
30/05/2014           6               05/06/2014

Any ideas how to achieve this?

Thanks in advance​]]>
Date/Time Format - Convert month name to number? Wed, 11 Jun 2014 16:08:33 -0400 Valentina 2593@/discussions
I have a Date column which returns the dates in the following format: Mon May 26, 2014.
I want to convert this which is a text format to a date format. What makes it difficult is the month which is represented as text.

Is it possible to do this using a formula?

Thanks in advance]]>
Subset functions: identify earliest Date(s) in a field? Tue, 10 Jun 2014 09:47:02 -0400 Valentina 2587@/discussions
Assume I have 2 columns: column 1 is Date & column 2 is ID. Note that each ID might have more than one date.

I want to create a third column showing the oldest date for each id. See example below

[ID]     [Date ]         [Result]
4     3/5/2014       3/5/2014
4     4/5/2014       3/5/2014
7     16/5/2014     16/5/2014
8     7/5/2014       7/5/2014
8     15/5/2014     7/5/2014

Is this possible for this to be done using Subset_min function?]]>
Formulae: Counting records by month? Tue, 10 Jun 2014 04:41:49 -0400 MattBoxall 2586@/discussions
I'm currently trying to put together a formulae field that will calculate the number of new cases opened (using a field with various dates noted) within the previous calander month. the difference is the core Excel data will be updated monthly and I want to have this automated rather than having to change the formulae field every month to reference a specific date.

I've tried using DATEADD and then an IF but I can't get recommended fomulae to work as GETDATE is not recognised. Any ideas how I can achieve this in Omniscope?


Scripting: Incorporating Google Charts Gallery? Thu, 17 Apr 2014 06:12:26 -0400 daniel 2522@/discussions

Would it be possible to get these graphs into Omniscope's Content view? I'm mainly interested in the Timeline and the Candlestick charts which Omniscope views do not currently provide.

I've been able to get the code examples to work but I don't know how to write the JavaScript to actually get the graphs to use the data within Omniscope files.


The code example here has a section which define var data and the array of data, how do I write it so that var data becomes a reference to columns of data in the Omniscope file?

var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Mon', 20, 28, 38, 45],
['Tue', 31, 38, 55, 66],
['Wed', 50, 55, 77, 80],
['Thu', 77, 77, 66, 50],
['Fri', 68, 66, 22, 15]
// Treat first row as data as well.
], true);]]>
Scaling: Text character/string length limit per cell? Thu, 05 Jun 2014 05:23:47 -0400 mattyh 2580@/discussions
Thank you, Matt]]>
Pivot View : Colouring column or row headers and Total row in 2.8 Wed, 04 Jun 2014 06:56:35 -0400 benjamin 2578@/discussions
Is it possible to colour in pivot view the column/row headers and the total row/column if total selected).I.e the first row or column (the headers) and the last row or column (the totals)



Pivot View: Remove Row/Coloumn Labels version 2.8? Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:43:55 -0400 benjamin 2577@/discussions
Please can you advise if it is possible to remove the column and row labels from pivot view tables.


Sorting: Mondays first in Table View? Thu, 29 May 2014 08:01:07 -0400 Panos 2574@/discussions
Thanks, Panos]]>
Formulae: Linear or Euclidean distance between two geographic points? Thu, 15 May 2014 08:45:16 -0400 SimonaP 2559@/discussions I need your support... I would like to know if it is possible to calculate with Omniscope the Euclidean distance.

I will try to explain myself better exposing the client specification request:

“Analysis of the coverage of the service on the territory: through a spatial representation directly on the map should be possible to analyze how the assisted away (distance Euclidean) from the shelters according to their concentration in a geographic area.”

Thanks, Simona
Connectors: GoogleAnalytics updates/changes Fri, 23 May 2014 12:21:08 -0400 chris 2568@/discussions
In the next release of Omniscope 2.8 (b1248) and Omniscope 2.9 (1271) we have updated the GoogleAnalytics connector.

The following is a summary of the changes we have made:

  • We have changed the section order/names, for example "Visitor" has now become "User".
  • We have removed some deprecated metrics/dimensions, for example "Visitor type".
  • We have added several new metrics/dimensions, for example "Goal conversions", "App Tracking", "Audience" etc.
  • We have changed the names of some of the metrics/dimensions, for example "Search keyword" has been changed to "Search time". These changes have been made so that the names used inside the connector are now inline with the names used in the GoogleAnalytics website.

This has been a fairly substantial overhaul, and it may impact any pre-configured reports that use GoogleAnalytics as a source, particularly if you have specified any dimensions/metrics that have been removed/replaced.

Once the version listed above is available on the Visokio website please download and check your report output and if necessary re-configure any downstream blocks in your DataManager workflow to accommodate the changes.

If you have any questions or encounter any problems please let us know.

Network View: Node colouring? Wed, 21 May 2014 11:04:20 -0400 mattyh 2563@/discussions
I have a Network view, where the nodes are coloured by Node field. I can't see any way to edit those colours (per node field) or even add a colour key?

Does anyone know if this is possible at all?

Thank you in advance for any help

Scheduler: command line Omniscope? Fri, 02 May 2014 07:46:23 -0400 ncoders 2546@/discussions
I can create a report manually, but now I want to automate the process with scripting. Any ideas on where to start?

Many thanks]]>
Search/Replace: Replacing patterns of letters within text strings? Thu, 08 May 2014 18:02:50 -0400 Valentina 2554@/discussions
I have a column with Codes like example below.


What I would like to achieve is to replace the P and L letters with M and O respectively.Is thereany formula available in 2.9 that can do this? Eventually I would like to have the following table:


Text Mining: Wildcard operation + list of functions Fri, 02 May 2014 07:34:24 -0400 tobasko 2545@/discussions
I was testing the Text Mine Operation and think that the extraction of custom entities is a very nice feature. However, is it possible to extract regular expression (RegEx) or 'wildcard' patterns, like for example: "Host * has failed"? This would extract all matching phrases/tuples like "Host A has failed", "Host B has failed", and so on?

I haven't been able to get this to work yet unfortunately. If it is not possible, is there any other way to achieve something like this?

Many thanks in advance.
