General Mon, 30 Oct 17 14:47:28 -0400 General en-CA Default Lats and Longs with Yahoo! Disconnected Thu, 29 Sep 2011 13:23:09 -0400 Wayne 1021@/discussions Removal of 'no value' from Devices Mon, 08 Aug 2011 11:26:11 -0400 TomW 916@/discussions
Is there a way of removing the 'no value' option from devices whereby there is no value attributed within the data?

Many Thanks

Multiple Databases Wed, 03 Aug 2011 11:21:47 -0400 OmarKhan 907@/discussions Refreshing Images in Tile View Tue, 20 Sep 2011 12:47:24 -0400 cedricb 999@/discussions If I save the images on my local c drive and point the omniscope to that it works fine but we need it to work from the central online folder otherwise clients won't be able to see them. Is the fact that it is beind a security wall a problem?
Is there anything else I can try? It used to work fine.]]>
Containers Wed, 21 Sep 2011 05:27:24 -0400 davedunckley 1000@/discussions
A quick question. In data Explorer, I have noticed it puts all YES/NO feilds into one container. This is really handy as it keeps all my options toggether. is it possible to create my own. So I could have one called Weights and Messuares for exapmle? ]]>
Substitute empty cells with the value"0" Wed, 21 Sep 2011 08:58:13 -0400 Maty 1003@/discussions Layout: Reordering file tabs Fri, 16 Sep 2011 10:20:12 -0400 kmatrix999 995@/discussions Error in Time Fields Mon, 12 Sep 2011 06:03:22 -0400 Wayne 983@/discussions Time formatting Error Mon, 12 Sep 2011 10:32:57 -0400 TomW 984@/discussions
I am currently trying to use the time format option within a Field Organiser with the format Hmm. However, I am using a 24 hour format at this is only picking up on any time prior to 10.00 or if it is 10.00 or 20.00 hours then it is converting to 1.00 and 2.00. When I use the HHmm format, it reads on everything above 10.00 but not below and I am missing a lot of times because of this.

How am I able to get a format that allows me to have all of my cells filled correctly so I can have the correctly formatted dates for time series analysis?

Batch Output: Excel document with formatting applied Wed, 07 Sep 2011 11:07:42 -0400 adam_varney 976@/discussions
Is it possible to batch output the file and filter it per market to the template excel file and then have it save as a different name so in the end i have a file for each market that has been filtered accordingly and the excel file has the conditional formatting in it?

I hope this makes sense and if any further clarification is required i can provide this. ]]>
Data manager 2.6 Wed, 07 Sep 2011 03:15:17 -0400 davy 974@/discussions
My colleague has data manager (2.6 beta b745) and she's found that some data she has merged from another file doesn't correctly transfer across. More specifically she's noticed that zeros are dropped off (eg $206.15 shows as $26.15).

Does anyone else experiencing this problem?

Is this issue specific only to data manager licence or does it impact on someone like myself with professional licence (2.6 Okavango)?


Y-axis scale references Fri, 26 Aug 2011 13:16:31 -0400 davidluria 959@/discussions Bar Chart - measurement, value naming Thu, 25 Aug 2011 14:07:38 -0400 dartymarty 957@/discussions For instance, if I were charting the sum of Clicks per website on the bar graph on the graph it will appear "Clicks (sum)". I would like the option to remove the word "(sum)" from the viewer.]]> Filter Like Excel Fri, 19 Aug 2011 06:09:35 -0400 OmarKhan 944@/discussions
For example: If I would like to see only Male's answer to question Q2 I need to sum the weights of all male respondents (lets call it X) and divide the sum of weights of male respondents who answered this question per X (not per 512 cause I filtered out all the female respondents and my overall number of respondents is less now), so that I get the right percentage. Is it doable at all?

I enclose the screen shots of sample calculation in Excel and Omniscope and the Omniscope file I created.
In total, the weights in Excel and Omniscope are the same: After filtering I get different results due to the fact that in Omniscope I cant divide the weights by only the filtered sum of weights whereas it is really easy in Excel.
Linking Views Wed, 17 Aug 2011 06:19:52 -0400 davidluria 941@/discussions Bar - Pane View sizing Wed, 17 Aug 2011 05:12:27 -0400 neilmerchant 940@/discussions I am sure this has been asked before but I cannot find the answer to it.

I have a Bar chart and I have a pane up the Y axis to pane the data by Primary/Secondary Country and then by country. What I am finding is that I can have 3 countries in primary and 10 in secondary. However the primary part of the pane still takes up half the screen meaning there is a huge white gap below the last country before the first country in secondary starts.

How can I get this to space equally on country rather than on primary/secondary?

Manage Fields - Duplicate fields (2.7+) Mon, 15 Aug 2011 04:50:29 -0400 steve 930@/discussions
This has been implemented.]]>
Fix Fields Mon, 08 Aug 2011 11:39:41 -0400 OmarKhan 917@/discussions Omniscope 2.7 Alpha now available for private testing Mon, 08 Aug 2011 08:25:53 -0400 steve 914@/discussions
This allows us to stabilise 2.6 in a short and guaranteed time-frame, without affecting the availability to alpha partners of new feature development now in 2.7.

2.6 has already become "Beta" and will transition to "Release Candidate" and then "Stable" by end September. It now has only non-experimental functionality included. To continue using experimental and in-development features, you must upgrade to 2.7 Alpha.

The alpha partner download page for 2.7 is at

Please be aware that all experimental and in-development features in 2.7 Alpha are subject to change and may not work correctly. Files created with these features may not retain their configuration in future versions.]]>
DataManager: API feeds and SQL servers Tue, 02 Aug 2011 23:12:49 -0400 shamong 904@/discussions
Meaning to say, the data is extracted from the feeds and linked to the SQL Server stored locally for some minor processing to be done straight from the server?

Scheduler: Copy tasks? Mon, 01 Aug 2011 07:25:32 -0400 Mees 900@/discussions Date/Time: Formulae for measuring staff performance? Thu, 07 Jul 2011 14:26:36 -0400 Kefsid 856@/discussions
In attached document there is a sample you can see..

Question is What the avarage waiting time for each part is (client, staff, partner)?

Is there any way to measure them in Omniscope? In this example there is only 2 unique tickets with several replies but in my database there is a few hundred thousands of unique tickets with tons of replies!! And i must find a way to show the performance of our staff and our partners...

FTP Task Mon, 18 Jul 2011 06:36:18 -0400 Jon 865@/discussions
I know this might have been covered in the past but I was hoping one of you guys will maybe help me find a better way of doing it. I've got an IOK file which is just for publishing Source information to a template file and then saves it locally... now what i want to know is can I then add an FTP task or something to transfer them up to our live box?]]>
Versions: Free trial of version 2.6? Thu, 14 Jul 2011 14:07:10 -0400 xwang 863@/discussions Split Pie by Columns Thu, 14 Jul 2011 02:16:07 -0400 guptaankitcse 860@/discussions
Is there any way I can split the pie on the basis of columns. For example, my column names are X, Y, Z etc. and the values under these columns are figures for various heads (rows). I want to show the total figures split by these columns. Is this possible? If yes, how? Any clues are appreciated.

Content View Formulae Stylised Indicator Tue, 21 Jun 2011 07:01:56 -0400 benjamin 835@/discussions
I am in contents view and have constructed a specific table with defined formulaes in each cell.

I am trying to do a red /amber /green colouring scheme to highlight numbers when they are greater than a specified level.

When i go to stylised text , then custom rules and add my own custom rules i have a few problems :

1.By default the formula in edit for which i apply this styled text rule to always is converted into text even if i leave it as a number.I have to delete the added "Text" operator in the edit formula when this is automatically added by default.How do i stop this ?
2.When i put a custom rule in styled text it works well initially when clicking off of Content view to view result .But then when i click back on content view and the formulae it says there is a error ( i.e a + operator was expected ..)
3.To overcome this i have edited the content view in html code and found a way around this (using < tdclass,... )


which colours the whole cell in the table (which is the preferred option instead of just colouring the text).However when i convert back to formulae mode in the content view the formatting of the table is not maintained and cells are added and deleted .If i leave the content view in html mode it work fine.Why is this, this should not occur ?
4.As a idea , could you add a coloured cell operator under the display value along with fixing the styled text function.

Other problems/Request :

1.In field operator in data manager could i have a search box added at the top much like what is availiable in the other data manager blocks as else i have to search by eye to find coloumns i want added/deleted from omniscope in data manager.

2.In bar graph is it possible to plot two fields in one coloumn so for instance if i have a field which is expected sales and actual sales i can have one bar which shows total sales and a proportion of the bar coloured which represents expected sales

3.Change coloumn names in table view .I.e when i aggregate and apply either mean/sum/formulae result accross coloumns i would like to change the name of that coloumn for that table view only to reflect whether it is sum/mean/formulae etc .
Otherwise when presenting this information in the table it gives a misleading names for the coloumn

4.Add graphs across tabs .I.e for instance say i have a content view or bar graph which i have formatted specifically in one tab i would like to add the same graph to another tab but without having to add it individually to every tab.I would like to either drop and drag view into tabs on the rhs of the main tab.Or copy and paste into views.

5.I would like to define formulae on specified views without having to create a coloumn .(I.e similar function as to measure in power pivot ) in effect to define a formulae on teh fly (Much similar to define a coloumn then using aggregate and formulae results ..)

Any help would be much appreciated



Visokio 2.6 Thu, 16 Jun 2011 20:38:12 -0400 Mai 829@/discussions Just got Visokio 2.6. Where can I find the option to show just top 20 in a bar graph? Such as in 2.5 version, under "Options"-> "break down" ->"fit to screen".

Dials Sun, 12 Jun 2011 07:05:31 -0400 kmatrix999 813@/discussions
I could just force the range value, using the current edit screen, but I want to use this file as a template for 300 others for which that forced range would no longer be appropriate and I would end up having to edit each one individually.

I must be missing the best way to do this. Is there a function that I should be applying that will automtically calibrate a dial to the highest and lowest values in the range?]]>
Pie chart total vs filtered rows conflict Thu, 09 Jun 2011 06:46:50 -0400 Louise_Peers 810@/discussions I've got a filter on a pie chart and although I have excluded all rows (correctly) I'm still getting a total. Please can you help?
Summing Unique Values Fri, 10 Jun 2011 11:03:33 -0400 stilley 812@/discussions