General Mon, 30 Oct 17 18:01:54 -0400 General en-CA Scheduler: Performance issue? Mon, 16 Jul 2012 10:41:41 -0400 Alexander 1655@/discussions Is this a setting somewhere? I adapted the installconfig to use more then 75% of the RAM. - Thanks]]> Formula: Referencing same-field cells Thu, 29 Sep 2011 16:16:57 -0400 alexhoward 1022@/discussions
Also, thank you for the SCRIPT idea. Could you please post an example formula with a script that could help get me started writing one?

SUMIF Excel equivalent in Omniscope Mon, 16 Jul 2012 06:38:22 -0400 JfJf 1652@/discussions Manage Fields:Changing Field Names? Wed, 11 Jul 2012 10:58:41 -0400 Phillipa 1645@/discussions
I am creating a portfolio view in the Graph View and can't find where I can change the varible names on the X and Y axes. In the Bar charts it is easy to rename the variables.

Is there something I am overlooking or is it possible to change the field name in "Manage Fields" under "data" without all the other views being thrown out of whack.

What I really want to know is if I change the name in "Manage Fields", will it automatically update in the other views?

Thanks in advance. Phillipa
Exclusions and how they work Mon, 09 Jul 2012 10:44:45 -0400 Phillipa 1641@/discussions
I have a couple of charts where I have frozen the filters. THen I chose hide all frozen filters as it is not necessary for our clients to see them.

When I save the file and open it in Omniscope viewer, I keep on getting the message that "This query could not be restored as it was saved - perhaps participating query devices have since been hidden or reconfigured" and that my frozen filter has been converted to an exclusion.

Firstly, what exactly does does it mean when something is converted to an exclusion?

And secondly, is it possible to keep the frozen filter hidden without getting this message in the viewer?


Deployment: Web Start vs Custom JAR - Opening a local file? Tue, 10 Jul 2012 13:08:56 -0400 aknotts 1644@/discussions
Thanks in advance for your help.]]>
Date/Time formats: Aggregate/split Date/Time fields by quarters? Fri, 06 Jul 2012 01:04:15 -0400 naruemon 1639@/discussions Connectors: Google Analytics Goals Tue, 02 Feb 2010 14:10:16 -0500 Mees 216@/discussions
Thanks, Arjan]]>
Experimental and legacy features Thu, 05 Jul 2012 06:52:23 -0400 kmatrix999 1638@/discussions
Discussions about a replacement for the legacy Data Player also seem to have gone quiet.

Lots of different references in different threads as to what we can look forward to in 2.8 alpha, but is there a single source for what features are likely to be continued or new in 2.8?]]>
Merge/Join: nulls on BOTH sides Fri, 29 Jun 2012 09:12:45 -0400 davedunckley 1631@/discussions
Looks like when I merge two numbers in 2.7-rc b369 it turns the output to null. Any one else seeing this?

Map view: missing tile? Fri, 29 Jun 2012 07:35:04 -0400 Alexander 1629@/discussions Limitation on moving license? Tue, 26 Jun 2012 14:05:28 -0400 jhon 1621@/discussions
We work in teams in time (development vs visualisation) so swap the key, to each work on our own machines. And work in different times, so we can keep up the speed. Please help!]]>
Scheduler: configure output blocks from Scheduler Wed, 27 Jun 2012 06:00:06 -0400 rborobia 1623@/discussions From Scheduler I can configure source blocks of DataManager (block name, source, ....), but
¿Could I configure output blocks (output file, template, ...) ?
Thanks, Raúl]]>
Potential revenue field Wed, 27 Jun 2012 06:57:42 -0400 Attiyyah 1624@/discussions Full Text Index Searching Mon, 18 Jun 2012 18:23:34 -0400 aknotts 1607@/discussions
I want to query a SQL Server database using a full text search and a parameter from Omniscope. The query I want to run is:

select * from tblMY_TABLE where contains((Col1, Col2, Col3), {{MyParam}})

which may equate

select * from tblOrders where contains((SupplierName, InvoiceDescription, PO_Description), 'generator')

I can type my SQL into the database table block on the datamanager pallette but when I try and use a paramater it doesn't work. Any ideas?


Date/Time: Cross-time zone publishing fix (2.8+) Thu, 21 Jun 2012 11:53:40 -0400 steve 1617@/discussions

2.7 and earlier

Dates in Omniscope are modelled as absolute points in time (known as "unix" or "epoch" time) and are displayed in the local time zone in whatever format is configured for the field - e.g. "month-year", stored as the instant at the beginning of the month in question.

Additionally, different regions have different "first day of week" settings, leading to different week number calculations.

Typically this can lead to dates appearing offset by a day, or week histograms starting on the wrong day of the week (Sunday vs. Monday), when an IOK file from 2.7 is opened on a PC in a different region.

Until your publishing and end-user installations have been updated to Omniscope 2.8, you will need to either author the IOK file in the recipient's time zone, or will need to store dates as hidden text fields with a TEXTTODATE formula field configured to recalculate on open.

2.8 and later

As with 2.7, dates continue to be modelled as absolute points in time. But now, IOK files carry the originator's timezone and calendar week settings with them.

Time zone handling

Omniscope 2.8 now captures a fixed time zone when you create a file, which is the system time zone at that point. It also captures the current time zone when you first save a legacy file (from 2.7 or earlier) using 2.8+, although that setting will be lost if you subsequently save in 2.7.

When a time zone-aware file (saved in 2.8+) is subsequently opened, it continues to work in the same originating time zone. It doesn't matter whether you view or edit it on another PC the other side of the world, the time zone is still fixed to the originating time zone.

All date fields are recorded internally, manipulated, and displayed, in that time zone. This means that you'll always see the same date calculations regardless of local system time zone.

Unfortunately this will have no effect for clients still using 2.7 or earlier until they upgrade to 2.8. See workarounds above, meanwhile.

Regional settings dialog

You can use Settings > Advanced file settings > Regional settings to:
  • Review all regional settings and related.
  • Change the calendar week settings according to the target audience, if needed.
  • Change the setting and convert any date fields. Typically you wouldn't normally need to do this; the conversion isn't exhaustive. However, if your file has the wrong setting and has "hidden date offsets" due to being created in a "pre-June-2.8" version of Omniscope, you can correct it.
  • Diagnose "hidden offsets" (symptoms of a legacy file with the wrong time zone setting).

Calendar week settings

In the same dialog, Omniscope also captures some calendar week settings. This is for a similar reason to time zone. Calendar week settings vary by locale (Saturday/Sunday/Monday as first-day-of-week), yet your formulas must be able to perform week-of-year settings without the local PC settings affecting the result.

As per time zone, these settings are captured and frozen when you create a file, according to the typical regional settings for your PC's locale. The dialog also explains what are normal settings for different locales.

Language and data locale

The pre-existing settings "Language" and "Data locale" still work as before. They are installation settings, which aren't saved as properties of a file. But they no longer have any impact on most date calculations / manipulations / storage. Previously they affected calculations in rare situations.

"Language" means the interface language, and has no effect on data manipulation or display.

"Data locale" means that (by default) if you're in France, you'll see comma for decimal point and French textual month/day names.

Please be aware that if you are using formulae to process numbers or dates inside text values, you should provide an explicit locale ID in the formula function arguments. Without this, textual month/day names, and decimal point / thousand separator characters, will follow the rules of the local installation's "data locale" setting.]]>
Output: PDF output file size? Fri, 15 Jun 2012 05:52:30 -0400 ygulla 1600@/discussions
I created a new iok file "PDF size test" (attached) and output PDF from that in vector format, as high quality image and as low quality image using 1280x1024 resolution setting. Then I used GhostScript to reduce size of all three files with the following command:
"C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.05\bin\gswin64.exe" -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=ReducedVector.pdf "Size test Vector.pdf"

[Unfortunately vector and high quality image take 10MB each, so I can't attach them, but the rest of the files are here.]

Now, "Size test Q1.pdf" (1.1MB, Omniscope's low quality image output) distorts the colour in the report. However I would expect it to be more like "ReducedQ10.pdf" (300KB, Omniscope's high quality image output processed by GhostScript). The latter looks perfect on the screen and takes less space.

Omniscope version used: 2.7 b356

Many thanks,
How to get the last search string in text field? Tue, 19 Jun 2012 06:19:10 -0400 naruemon 1611@/discussions SEARCH() function always return the first position.
Please kindly suggest. Thanks ^^

"apple egg apple egg apple egg apple good"
..................................................^..... How to get this position (last "apple")?]]>
Issue with merge Tue, 19 Jun 2012 05:18:09 -0400 mokirk 1609@/discussions Custom JAR: JAR is an unsigned application? Fri, 15 Jun 2012 07:30:03 -0400 Alexander 1602@/discussions What I understand from the error is that the local system sees the JAR file as an unsigned application.

Do you have any idea what the problem (and solution) might be? Thanks. ]]>
Connector: for event streaming visualization? Fri, 15 Jun 2012 11:20:23 -0400 baulier 1604@/discussions Table View: Allow hiding fields even with "group result" formula setting Fri, 15 Jun 2012 11:30:47 -0400 andy_white 1605@/discussions Data Orientation: Month On Month changes - how to automate calculation? Tue, 12 Jun 2012 05:05:15 -0400 dszl136154 1593@/discussions Is there a way to create a function which works on columns order numbers instead of columns names? I can add a function field but it will be working only for the months specified. I would like the function to work on the last two month always.
Is it possible?
How to protect and time-limit IOK files? Wed, 14 Sep 2011 12:14:14 -0400 filippobe 992@/discussions I have seen that there a lot of file security options in Omniscope, but, as I am not an IT expert, I was wondering if someone of the support can help me with this. I have seen that there is also the possibility to set an expiration date. That would be great as our client is supposed to keep the file only for 2 months as trial. Please let me know Many thanks, Filippo
Java 7 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 13:36:10 -0400 Alexander 1599@/discussions
I just updated my Java installation. It is now Java 7. When I open an Omniscope file, it shows a message that this Java edition is unkown to Omniscope. When can we expect that Omniscope recognises Java 7?


Display: Hiding elements/devices-view toolbars & sidebar? Tue, 12 Jun 2012 11:24:38 -0400 Phillipa 1596@/discussions
We would also like to hide all devices that the client should not use as a filter i.e. the queries and source devices - the only problem is that these are active filters and whenever I try to hide them I get the message "convert to an exclusion". I have done this and then hidden the exclusions device - it seems to work but I don't really understand what converting to an exclusion does.

Any info greatly appreciated, Cheers...Phillipa]]>
Command line options to open template with new data Mon, 11 Jun 2012 14:05:15 -0400 wconroy 1592@/discussions Displaying only top x bars on a bar chart? Fri, 08 Jun 2012 07:02:25 -0400 revlin 1585@/discussions Regards,
Free Viewer: Verifying IOK file display in free Viewer Thu, 10 May 2012 04:17:16 -0400 enrico68 1544@/discussions Formatting Questions Wed, 15 Jun 2011 13:16:35 -0400 hgross 824@/discussions
Is there a way to have the records/values/percentage of a pie chart show on the label instead of on the pie slices? Also, is there a way to show values in the pie for larger percentages and pull them out for smaller wedges?

And finally, is there a way to hide rows of a table so it only shows a specific # of rows?
