General Mon, 30 Oct 17 17:55:23 -0400 General en-CA Bar/Line View: Y Axis bucketing? Mon, 12 Mar 2012 10:43:07 -0400 davedunckley 1384@/discussions
But is it possible to change the bucket - so that we can fix the maximum value of the axis? As so that we can change the intitial axis, so make it go up in 2, or 25s of what every we pick?

Look forward to reply - Dave
Formulae: UPPER function usage to change text case? Wed, 25 Apr 2012 10:08:41 -0400 aknotts 1499@/discussions
UPPER(IF([Norm Vendor]=NULL,[Supplier Name],[Norm Vendor]))

However, this is not upper-casing the result of the IF statement.
Is there a way round this? Using 2.6b237

Thanks, Andy]]>
Basket Analysis: finding category overlaps Fri, 21 Dec 2012 07:12:12 -0500 tgcrouch 1960@/discussions I have data at transactional level, where several transactions can form a single invoice. Assuming one invoice has 3 transactions with a different 'product group' (out of perhaps 10 available product groups), I would like to understand how many invoices contain which combinations of product groups. e.g.

invoice 1
trx1 - 3 apples = FRUIT product group
trx2 - 2 twix bars = SNACK product group

invoice 2
trx1 - 1 orange = FRUIT product group
trx2 - 1 newspaper = NEWSPAPER product group

invoice 3
trx1 - 1 apple = FRUIT product group
trx 2 - 3 mars bars = SNACK product group
trx 3 - 2 oranges = FRUIT product group

I would like to count how many invoices have both FRUIT and SNACK product groups, in this case the overlap should equal 2 (because invoices 1 and 3 have this combination). So far, I have managed to get the number of invoices for each of the product groups separately, but with no overlap between any of them (just 0 values).

Aggregation at invoice level doesn't seem to change anything.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!]]>
Keyboard shortcuts: skip re-calculate all (2.8+) Fri, 21 Dec 2012 11:39:06 -0500 Alfonso 1962@/discussions
In these models, the user has to interact frequently with the User Interface, changing variables and inserting values on grids or dataView. As the performance sometimes isn't enough fast to drive it with automatic calculi he has to disable and enable re-calculation of the formulas and refresh the calculi. However, currently access to this functionality from the menu is not 'user friendly':

Data>Formula>Calulate automatically. (enable/disable automatic calculi).
Data>Formula>Recalculate all (CTRL+SHIFT + R) (force all calculi).

My suggestion is to give this enable/disable or 'skip' functionality a Keyboard shortcut combination such as as (CRTL+ SHIFT +S ) for saving a file, for example.

This way, the user can select between two modes, either act and wait for all the calculi process with the time involved, using shortcut like (CTRL+SHIFT+R) , or wait only a few time to see the results of his action. We need it but I think is will also be useful for other people and projects.]]>
Outputs: Embedding Omniscope output in web portals/pages? Fri, 09 Nov 2012 16:45:39 -0500 lindseylanier 1890@/discussions Formulae: Evaluated references to field names in a formula? Tue, 18 Dec 2012 08:30:26 -0500 bfromson1 1955@/discussions
for instance:

I have fields X1, X2, X3, X4 and another field with an integer value, say Y
Is there an easy way to reference field XY in a formula?

Thanks, Bernard
Licensing: Desktop vs ServerPlus Edition - commercial publishing? Mon, 17 Dec 2012 03:48:35 -0500 misakch 1952@/discussions
Did I understood the situation correctly or not? Are somewhere clearly stated the permitted ways of commercial usage according to the Edition (Desktop/Server/...)?

Thanks a lot for the answer - Michal]]>
Connectors: Facebook and Google Analytics feeds Sun, 11 Nov 2012 15:37:27 -0500 rborobia 1893@/discussions
How I can get the "unique visitors" on Google Analytics Feed and the "number of shares" on a post on Facebook feed sorted by date?

Sources: Batch importing text files ignoring characters like "? Fri, 14 Dec 2012 04:29:44 -0500 Alexander 1950@/discussions
In our workflow we use a batch import. We import numerous .txt files. These files only have 1 field and thousands of rows. We would like that Omniscope ignores all the rows with only the character " in the files? I hope this option can be added to the batch import files block?

Thanks in advance]]>
Outputs: Automatic daily PDF export using Server Edition? Wed, 12 Dec 2012 07:16:08 -0500 enrico68 1946@/discussions
We would like to know if using Server Edition it is possible to automate the production of a PDF using a batch procedure?

If it is the case, is it also possible to set the values of filters, variables and parameters in the same automatic batch procedure for PDF production?

For example, if we have to produce a PDF with daily information, is it possible to change automatically the filtering reference date?

Outputs: Static PDF output Omniscope screen size? Tue, 11 Dec 2012 06:25:28 -0500 Alexander 1942@/discussions Formulae: Concatenating text values? Thu, 06 Dec 2012 06:57:35 -0500 Phillipa 1939@/discussions
I have 2 fields which contain text (product names). I would like to combine these 2 fields into one with comma separation so that I can show a pie chart of all the product names and how often they occur.

I think I would then have to tokenise the fields............but am not quite sure of the easiest way around this.

Please could someone help!!

Thanks, Phillipa]]>
Editions: License key for the Omniscope Server with Scheduler? Wed, 05 Dec 2012 05:05:03 -0500 fstaayen 1937@/discussions
Thanks for answer]]>
Formulae: No. days in a month given start/end date? Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:24:09 -0500 ALC 1923@/discussions
So inputs are
spend= £10,000
start date: 30/10/2012
end date: 03/11/2012

Output I need
spend in Oct: £4,000 [obtained from £10,000/5 (total number of days)*2 (number of days in Oct)]
spend in Nov: £6,000 [obtained from £10,000/5 (total number of days)*3 (number of days in Nov)]

Security: personalised & role-based file security and distribution? Tue, 20 Nov 2012 08:46:06 -0500 ZhouNan 1907@/discussions
Currently, we are trying to figure out a security plan for our new project; and it involves the version selection. We already got desktop license; but it doesn't seem to be enough to provide solid security.
I have gone across the Feature Matrix against versions; and there are two points which I want to dig more on.

1. Includes Scheduler to automate file actions e.g. updates from source data, refresh of server-side Source IOK 'datamarts', and personalised file distribution.

2. Advanced file security options including HTTP web server authentication, domain-locking of files, 'walled gardens' based on license keys issued, etc.

I will just ask questions around those two points:
1. Is personalised distribution based on user's domain username(windows username)?
2. Can role based/group based security be implemented in either Server or Server Plus version or both?
3. In terms of server side source IOK, is it possible to wipe the data loaded from Source IOK at the user end after when file is closed? Is it related to the concept of Domain Locking?
4. What does domain locking can produce specifically?

Overall, what we are trying to achieve is to prevent every single distributed file holding the data; and ideally user shouldn't be able to export the data. Please give us some suggestions based on the requirements, so we can purchase the license and get started quickly!

Many thanks!]]>
Selection: More than one measure at a time? Fri, 23 Nov 2012 10:30:27 -0500 robwl 1915@/discussions
Thanks, Rob]]>
Free Viewer: Users able to Reconfigure Views? Mon, 26 Nov 2012 22:22:26 -0500 shaji_o 1921@/discussions
I also know the person that generates the dashboards can limit access to some functionality.

Is there a comprehensive list of things that can and can't be done in Omniscope viewer?]]>
Content View: Background colour? Mon, 26 Nov 2012 03:43:39 -0500 Phillipa 1919@/discussions
Thanks, Phillipa]]>
Bar/Line: Dynamic Y axis min & max? Wed, 21 Nov 2012 04:27:02 -0500 Chris_Fisher 1910@/discussions
Is there a work around or are there moves afoot to address the problem?]]>
Bar/Line View: Single Y axis? Mon, 19 Nov 2012 09:50:30 -0500 davedunckley 1904@/discussions
When using the measures, how do I ensure just one Y axis for the whole bar graph?

Merge/Join: Sequencing multiple merge operations? Mon, 12 Nov 2012 04:27:18 -0500 kattasureshkumar 1894@/discussions
Suppose we have employee , department & salary data. Initially we had prepared individual IOK Files and were running in the desired sequence Department --> Employee --> Salary . But now, we want to combine them to a single IOK File. Are we be able to control the sequencing in the Omniscope DataManager?

Also attached the sample IOK File into which we are importing Emp, Dept & Salary Data and at the last all the info from tables is joined and Excel output is generated from the custom SQL. Can we control sequencing here, so that the custom SQL runs last, after all the data from the flat files has been uploaded to the Oracle tables?

Thanks, Suresh.]]>
Performance: Custom SQL - Data retrieval time? Wed, 14 Nov 2012 07:50:37 -0500 kattasureshkumar 1897@/discussions
System used to check this performance : 16 GB RAM, i3 3.3 GHz Processor, 64 Bit.

Thanks, Suresh.]]>
Bar/Line View: Sorting bucketed numeric data? Tue, 13 Nov 2012 11:24:10 -0500 earheart 1896@/discussions Connector: Facebook 28 Days Page Level Data Tue, 30 Oct 2012 10:36:47 -0400 StephanN 1873@/discussions
We`re using Omniscope with the Facebook connector to retrieve page level data. We can access the daily and weekly data like impressions and reach but unfortunately we cannot access the monthly/28 days data via the Facebook connector with Omniscope. Do you think you can provide these metrics in the tool?

Thanks a lot!]]>
Security: Restricting access for certain users? Thu, 01 Nov 2012 00:55:34 -0400 shaji_o 1877@/discussions
When setting up logins to Omniscope Webstart, is there a way to apply universal filters for certain users so that the other agency can only access the data they are allowed to? or is the safest way to do this is to set up 2 separate Omniscope files? I'd prefer the first option as it requires less work from my end]]>
Merge/Join: Multi-joins for three flat files? Tue, 06 Nov 2012 05:30:22 -0500 kattasureshkumar 1884@/discussions Omniscope Version : 2.8-alpha b329 (Oct 5, 2012 11:08:02 PM) r72129
Licensed Version : Till Mar 9, 2013 2:02:41 PM IST

We have two flat files and need to join these two flat files to generate the data.
Listed below the tables and their corresponding columns.
SITES - Siteid, Sitename
TRANSPORT - Sourceid, Destinationid, Quantity , Weight

So the requirement is if we join sites.siteid with transport.sourceid, then we get the Source Name
Then if we join sites.siteid with transport.destinationid , then we get the Destination Name.

Please help me in creating the same in Omniscope file by using the 'Merge/Join' Operation.

If we had considering these flat files as tables and written the join condition, the query looks as mentioned below.
SELECT so.siteid sourceid
, so.sitename sourcename
, de.siteid descid
, de.sitename descname, t.qty, t.weight
FROM temp_sites so
, temp_transport t
, temp_sites de
WHERE de.siteid = t.descid
AND so.siteid = t.sourceid

So now we need to create an iok file based on this query.

Please let me know how to create this step.]]>
File Mgt: Automatic Back-up? Mon, 05 Nov 2012 10:46:11 -0500 Alexander 1883@/discussions When saving a .iok file, Omniscope seems to create a back-up file in the same directory. After the original file has been saved completely, I expected the back-up to be deleted. This is not the case. Now our folders are filled with back-up files (see screenshot). Is this a setting in Omniscope? ]]> Workflow: Navigating by Tab Links? Tue, 23 Oct 2012 21:23:33 -0400 shaji_o 1860@/discussions Outputs: Publishing IOK to Microsoft Reporting Services? Thu, 01 Nov 2012 06:56:20 -0400 s_daffern 1879@/discussions
We currently have a host of MS Reporting Services reports sitting on the MS Report Server and it would be nice if we could also publish our IOK files here as well. Thanks]]>
Performance: ETL - Is Bulk Insert Possible? Thu, 25 Oct 2012 10:56:13 -0400 kattasureshkumar 1865@/discussions
While importing and validating the records we had not faced any performance issues, but while inserting these records to Oracle Database tables, we are facing performance issues. It is taking around 8 Hrs to insert 2 Million records on 64 Bit, 4 GB RAM system when we use the "DATABASE OUTPUT" block.

I suppose the tool is using manual/one by one insertion commands. Please let us know if we can do bulk inserts using this tool so that the performance when inserting large numbers of records can be improved.]]>